Actually, I think out of all the groups you've had JP, this group was the most balanced. Everyone contributed strategically w/o the exact same opinion, everyone was pretty funny (with inc taking the cake), and no single person did 50% of the talking. I enjoyed this one a lot.
On October 13 2010 13:51 mcneebs wrote: Incontrol. PLEASE learn how to properly use the word literally. You must say that 130 times an episode, and it's never used correctly.
"[Blizzard] is literally going about their patch ass backwards."
No they're not. They are not putting their ass first and charging in reverse towards a patch.
"You have to practice like, literally 5 or more hours a day."
Okay this is closer to an example of the correct way to use the word, except for one thing. There is no figurative way to say this though. Of course it's literally, there's no other way to take it. Now it's just redundant.
Another good episode imo. Incontrol was hilarious as always and Artosis is a great addition to the show whenever he is on. My only complaint was that the map discussion didn't sound very informed (incontrol was funny though) - particularly the segment on the iccup maps which spread some blatant misinformation (i.e. huk saying they are all bw ports - when in reality most of their pool is made up of very good original maps). Aside from that and the lack of Day9 (get well soon!), I thought it was a lot of fun to listen to. Can't wait until next week!
This podcast's ability to be amazingly entertaining while also having significant discussions week in and week out is absolutely unbelievable. It's more than just bringing a group of awesome people together every week, it's something special, not sure what it is exactly but it doesn't matter, keep up the great work =)
On October 13 2010 15:38 aznagent wrote: Man I love Incontrol and his type of humour he brings to the podcast... but I think I kinda lost to some respect for him
That is crazy odd cause I was just thinking "I think I lost respect for aznagent" like 5 minutes after that cast roflfll
I love how after every podcast there's the additional side entertainment of Incontrol responding in the thread to all the people who don't get his humor.
On October 13 2010 15:38 aznagent wrote: Man I love Incontrol and his type of humour he brings to the podcast... but I think I kinda lost to some respect for him
That is crazy odd cause I was just thinking "I think I lost respect for aznagent" like 5 minutes after that cast roflfll
Lol. you sir, are the man.
Btw... your voice imitations are the shit. Don't let a bunch of sensitive whiners on this forum stop you from doing those awesome voice impressions! I missed them =(
Just want to throw in my vote against those who are saying day9 and tyler are weak/uninteresting parts of the show. I love the chemistry and interplay among the four regulars. Their personality types balance each other well.
I think its ridiculous that ANYONE doesn't like the cast as a whole. Everyone is smart and a quality player that knows what they are talking about. Plus they are all entertaining to listen too as well! :D
As someone who has listened to all the Starcraft 2 Podcasts, State of the Game is the best podcast out there. It has evolved from a good show, too the best show out there!
Keep up the great work JP, INcontroL, Day[9], and Tyler
Love this cast. Love incontrol, and JP is a champ for doing all this. I don't really even care who the other guests are as long as JP and Incontrol are there. Can't go wrong imo.
On October 13 2010 16:10 Hashbaz wrote: Just want to throw in my vote against those who are saying day9 and tyler are weak/uninteresting parts of the show. I love the chemistry and interplay among the four regulars. Their personality types balance each other well.
Its not enough to say that day9 is good, you have to prove that he is better than the others. But we can have the best of both worlds. When something funny happens play a day9 laugh track. When we talk about game balance just remember that it took like 8 years to balance starcraft 1. When you guys talk about strategies just remember that day9 doesn't play that much and its a top level player. When you talk about scene news, i think som1 from korea (Artosis, TLO) would be far more useful than day9. Plus we always hear from day9 (daily, casts interviews) while we rarely get idra in a laidback environment. But then again maybe i should just chillax and enjoy~~
On October 13 2010 15:38 aznagent wrote: Man I love Incontrol and his type of humour he brings to the podcast... but I think I kinda lost to some respect for him
That is crazy odd cause I was just thinking "I think I lost respect for aznagent" like 5 minutes after that cast roflfll
Nothing is crazy odd in a world where German accents sound British.
You guys do an entertaining round table though - I like the format, great job by JP putting this together and keeping it going and I enjoy all of the regulars.
Though for some reason my favorite moment is still when JP asked TLO about his match against oGsTOP.
"You're match...against oGsTOP!" "Now I know it's hard for you to talk about because it never happened.."