The first 2:55 is silent, although that might be because its uncut?
On October 29 2010 05:41 Arch00 wrote: The first 2:55 is silent, although that might be because its uncut? Yeah. I'm super swamped right now. I'll have to edit and re-post it at a later date.
On October 29 2010 05:44 itmeJP wrote:Show nested quote +On October 29 2010 05:41 Arch00 wrote: The first 2:55 is silent, although that might be because its uncut? Yeah. I'm super swamped right now. I'll have to edit and re-post it at a later date. Luv the name :D
On October 29 2010 04:23 stk01001 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 29 2010 00:28 john0507 wrote:On October 29 2010 00:13 vrok wrote:On October 28 2010 23:51 john0507 wrote:On October 28 2010 23:21 Tachion wrote:On October 28 2010 23:12 Liquid`Tyler wrote:On October 28 2010 12:45 Kazang wrote:On October 28 2010 10:20 Liquid`Tyler wrote:At the end of the day the numbers say the marauder is not unbalanced, that's all blizzard were saying. It's just your opinion as a protoss player that it is too strong, and you are biased as a professional protoss player. Making them sound wrong to support your own opinion is pretty poor form. You've already voiced the sentiment that I have: "no matter what they say people bitch and twist it into something negative" because really I haven't done anything to make Blizzard sound wrong about this case. You're twisting my words into something negative. That's all I did was agree with a guy who explained how kiting Stalkers is useful and then I added the facts that increased move speed increases damage and the increased movement from stim makes marauders cross the threshold of movement speed necessary for retreating. These are facts just like the things I've written earlier in this post. I'm not judging stimmed marauders. I didn't say anything about what you said, I was talking about what iNcontrol said in the podcast. My statement about negative attitudes towards developers wasn't directed at anyone, it was a general statement of what happens when any developer makes a change and generally interacts with community, it wasn't even specific to Blizzard. Which should have been fairly obvious from the wording, sorry if you got the wrong idea but that wasn't the intention. It's not "oh tyler is negative and twisting words", nothing like that, it's not especially not about the balance of marauders which I definitely would not argue with you about, for that I was just reiterating what the panel actually said, and tried to give some context. It's about iNcontrol either deliberately or by mistake unfairly criticizing what the devs on the panel said. People who didn't see the panel but listen to cast which is going to be quite a lot are going to think iNcontrol is right, as he usually is. This in turn lead can lead to negativity towards Blizzard and them being even less forthcoming information and interaction with the community for fear of negative backlash. It's like when Fruit Dealer went on a little rant about how he loses all his practice games and how zerg suck etc before he won the GSL. Suddenly you have a horde of people claiming it to be gospel and that was irrefutable evidence that Zerg is terrible and needs major buffs, becasue he said it. You think someone reading my post may get the wrong idea becasue it simply seemed to have some thought put into it? Incontrols words or yours are going to have 100 time more weight, not about balance in this situation but about Blizzard being wrong or stupid in regard to the marauder statements. It's about not biting the hand that feeds, to put it somewhat melodramatically. I'm not like "INCONTROL MUST RETRACT THESE INFLAMMATORY STATEMENTS IMMEDIATELY!!" either. I'm just pointing out that it's really not a good idea to say stuff like when you have the ear of so many people. I'm not trying to argue about I just find it frustrating to see, as a developer myself it's something I find really disheartening. Sorry but when FruitDealer whined, he got a patch that won him $85,000 and then Blizzard paid him to come to Blizzcon and do a showmatch with the most legendary progamer ever and then they presented him with original artwork to honor his accomplishments. It sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me and if I'm ever in that situation I don't think I'll be able to act for the best of the community... I'll take the huge sum of money, the free trip, the unexpected honor, the burst of fame and the respect that whining "earned" me I'm probably getting whooshed but there was never any patch that helped FD win GSL(unless you count the ultralisk bug in the match vs TOP) You're joking right? Almost ALL early game aggresion options vs zerg were nerfed in 1.1 (excluding protoss cannon). ZvT turned into Hatch first without any worries at that point in time. Tbh 1.1 helped zerg even more than 1.2 did. Anyways, waiting for the next podcast ^_^ Man, you can't even get the version numbering right and then you claim 1.1 helped zerg more? Not to mention the claim that 1.1 turned ZvT into free hatch first, LOL. How can you possibly be this clueless? Let me guess, you play terran? Because you don't know shit about zerg that's for sure. If zerg players got free hatch first vs you in ZvT because of patch 1.1 that only means you suck. Nothing else. 1.2 didn't even do much to TvZ , other than beating a dead horse. Post 1.1 Reapers Bunker were already not really good, and the best option was always gonna be hellions,and most zergs would more or less expect hellions. And yes it was a free hatch first for Z (on most maps anyways), the only thing u could do is force him into more units/defense. 1.2 just further beat Reapers into the ground that it's not even usable, and the Roach upgrade further made Hellions not effective. So ya , I would say 1.1 did more. 1.2 just further grinded it down. I don't see how anyone with even an ounce of intelligence and SC2 knowledge could say patch 1.0.1 did more for zerg than patch 1.0.2. Your saying 5 second more of reaper build time was better for Z than +1 roach range, depot before rax AND factory for reaper speed?? Yea ok.. you obviously have no idea what your talking about..
I don't know if u do play Terran , in 1.1.2 depot before rax AND factory for reaper speed , BOTH serve a redundant purpose. Which is absolutely killing Reaper Rush off. While in 1.1 , the reaper nerf AND the bunker nerf already was a pretty big hit to reaper rush overall. While 1.1 didnt' totally kill the reaper rush , it did make it "not really good". 1.1.2 just went on and "beat a dead horse" totally taking it out.
While I totally understand why zergs would say 1.2 helped zerg more since it actually buffed zerg. But I do stand by 1.1 changing the TvZ matchup much much more. Terran lost it's best vZ opening and had it's options limited (more predictable) in 1.1. Even without the +1 range Roaches would be good defending hellion openings (which was the trend post 1.1)
On October 29 2010 06:00 john0507 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 29 2010 04:23 stk01001 wrote:On October 29 2010 00:28 john0507 wrote:On October 29 2010 00:13 vrok wrote:On October 28 2010 23:51 john0507 wrote:On October 28 2010 23:21 Tachion wrote:On October 28 2010 23:12 Liquid`Tyler wrote:On October 28 2010 12:45 Kazang wrote:On October 28 2010 10:20 Liquid`Tyler wrote:At the end of the day the numbers say the marauder is not unbalanced, that's all blizzard were saying. It's just your opinion as a protoss player that it is too strong, and you are biased as a professional protoss player. Making them sound wrong to support your own opinion is pretty poor form. You've already voiced the sentiment that I have: "no matter what they say people bitch and twist it into something negative" because really I haven't done anything to make Blizzard sound wrong about this case. You're twisting my words into something negative. That's all I did was agree with a guy who explained how kiting Stalkers is useful and then I added the facts that increased move speed increases damage and the increased movement from stim makes marauders cross the threshold of movement speed necessary for retreating. These are facts just like the things I've written earlier in this post. I'm not judging stimmed marauders. I didn't say anything about what you said, I was talking about what iNcontrol said in the podcast. My statement about negative attitudes towards developers wasn't directed at anyone, it was a general statement of what happens when any developer makes a change and generally interacts with community, it wasn't even specific to Blizzard. Which should have been fairly obvious from the wording, sorry if you got the wrong idea but that wasn't the intention. It's not "oh tyler is negative and twisting words", nothing like that, it's not especially not about the balance of marauders which I definitely would not argue with you about, for that I was just reiterating what the panel actually said, and tried to give some context. It's about iNcontrol either deliberately or by mistake unfairly criticizing what the devs on the panel said. People who didn't see the panel but listen to cast which is going to be quite a lot are going to think iNcontrol is right, as he usually is. This in turn lead can lead to negativity towards Blizzard and them being even less forthcoming information and interaction with the community for fear of negative backlash. It's like when Fruit Dealer went on a little rant about how he loses all his practice games and how zerg suck etc before he won the GSL. Suddenly you have a horde of people claiming it to be gospel and that was irrefutable evidence that Zerg is terrible and needs major buffs, becasue he said it. You think someone reading my post may get the wrong idea becasue it simply seemed to have some thought put into it? Incontrols words or yours are going to have 100 time more weight, not about balance in this situation but about Blizzard being wrong or stupid in regard to the marauder statements. It's about not biting the hand that feeds, to put it somewhat melodramatically. I'm not like "INCONTROL MUST RETRACT THESE INFLAMMATORY STATEMENTS IMMEDIATELY!!" either. I'm just pointing out that it's really not a good idea to say stuff like when you have the ear of so many people. I'm not trying to argue about I just find it frustrating to see, as a developer myself it's something I find really disheartening. Sorry but when FruitDealer whined, he got a patch that won him $85,000 and then Blizzard paid him to come to Blizzcon and do a showmatch with the most legendary progamer ever and then they presented him with original artwork to honor his accomplishments. It sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me and if I'm ever in that situation I don't think I'll be able to act for the best of the community... I'll take the huge sum of money, the free trip, the unexpected honor, the burst of fame and the respect that whining "earned" me I'm probably getting whooshed but there was never any patch that helped FD win GSL(unless you count the ultralisk bug in the match vs TOP) You're joking right? Almost ALL early game aggresion options vs zerg were nerfed in 1.1 (excluding protoss cannon). ZvT turned into Hatch first without any worries at that point in time. Tbh 1.1 helped zerg even more than 1.2 did. Anyways, waiting for the next podcast ^_^ Man, you can't even get the version numbering right and then you claim 1.1 helped zerg more? Not to mention the claim that 1.1 turned ZvT into free hatch first, LOL. How can you possibly be this clueless? Let me guess, you play terran? Because you don't know shit about zerg that's for sure. If zerg players got free hatch first vs you in ZvT because of patch 1.1 that only means you suck. Nothing else. 1.2 didn't even do much to TvZ , other than beating a dead horse. Post 1.1 Reapers Bunker were already not really good, and the best option was always gonna be hellions,and most zergs would more or less expect hellions. And yes it was a free hatch first for Z (on most maps anyways), the only thing u could do is force him into more units/defense. 1.2 just further beat Reapers into the ground that it's not even usable, and the Roach upgrade further made Hellions not effective. So ya , I would say 1.1 did more. 1.2 just further grinded it down. I don't see how anyone with even an ounce of intelligence and SC2 knowledge could say patch 1.0.1 did more for zerg than patch 1.0.2. Your saying 5 second more of reaper build time was better for Z than +1 roach range, depot before rax AND factory for reaper speed?? Yea ok.. you obviously have no idea what your talking about.. I don't know if u do play Terran , in 1.1.2 depot before rax AND factory for reaper speed , BOTH serve a redundant purpose. Which is absolutely killing Reaper Rush off. While in 1.1 , the reaper nerf AND the bunker nerf already was a pretty big hit to reaper rush overall. While 1.1 didnt' totally kill the reaper rush , it did make it "not really good". 1.1.2 just went on and "beat a dead horse" totally taking it out. While I totally understand why zergs would say 1.2 helped zerg more since it actually buffed zerg. But I do stand by 1.1 changing the TvZ matchup much much more. Terran lost it's best vZ opening and had it's options limited (more predictable) in 1.1. Even without the +1 range Roaches would be good defending hellion openings (which was the trend post 1.1) Roaches were hardly good at defending vs hellions prior to 1.1.2 because they could just get kited infinitely by them. Reapers/bunkers were still very effective openings for stopping hatch first. See FD vs Liveforever on cross position metalopolis. Roaches now 'hard counter' reapers & hellions even without speed post 1.1.2. Please stop arguing about this. Please. It's embarrassing :/
I really enjoy listening to SotG. Thank you for frequently posting these.
When inc was saying how he would be spending all this money if he won sc2 tournies unlike idra who has like 30k just sitting in the bank. That is the difference in skill or whatever you wanna call it right there. Idra knows that his best chance at sc2 is right in the start of the game, before korean mechanics dominate him. So he will practice his ass off and make as much off the game as he can until he sucks and then he will think what to use the money on.
If Inc actually won something, he would waste all his time spending the money and not practicing and be corrupted by the wealth.
If Inc actually won something, he would waste all his time spending the money and not practicing and be corrupted by the wealth. Incontrol's gonna have a field day with this.
people need to switch from first taking incontrol seriously and then thinking about whether he's joking to assuming he's joking in every instance, then wondering whether he might be being serious
Watching all the high level icons vs the scvs, drones and probes (in general) is quite LMAO. New guys: Just chill.
Seriously, why dont soem people get it? Not sure whos gonna flame me for this, but Gizzard is doing a very very poor job of balancing SC2 in general. Not to mention that Dustin Browder is from C&C, which is obviously a plot by Westwood Studios to destroy a superior RTS game
On October 29 2010 08:49 DyEnasTy wrote:Watching all the high level icons vs the scvs, drones and probes (in general) is quite LMAO. New guys: Just chill. Seriously, why dont soem people get it? Not sure whos gonna flame me for this, but Gizzard is doing a very very poor job of balancing SC2 in general. Not to mention that Dustin Browder is from C&C, which is obviously a plot by Westwood Studios to destroy a superior RTS game  You start by criticizing newer posters and then go on to write a fairly incendiary post without any evidence or reasoning behind it. Nice.
On October 29 2010 09:21 Kishkumen wrote:Show nested quote +On October 29 2010 08:49 DyEnasTy wrote:Watching all the high level icons vs the scvs, drones and probes (in general) is quite LMAO. New guys: Just chill. Seriously, why dont soem people get it? Not sure whos gonna flame me for this, but Gizzard is doing a very very poor job of balancing SC2 in general. Not to mention that Dustin Browder is from C&C, which is obviously a plot by Westwood Studios to destroy a superior RTS game  You start by criticizing newer posters and then go on to write a fairly incendiary post without any evidence or reasoning behind it. Nice.
Relax dude, I was just trying to have fun. But yes I will criticize "in general" newer posters just like I got criticized. Its a rough cycle. But I liked it.
Edit: and Dustin is from C&C. But wether or not what is said is true isnt the point. Didnt my little smily point that out?
In the next SotG, can you specifically tell all the Australians to rate the podcast on iTunes? Seeing SotG and Weapon of Choice sit on the second page of podcasts when searching for Starcraft is disappointing. Its even getting beaten by unrelated podcasts like Blue plz and unboxing porn. I'm one of the EIGHT people that have rated it on the Australian iTunes store. I know we are a small country but we are not that small.(Though I could be wrong about the algorithm iTunes uses to sort searches, and it could be that SotG is picked up as not very relevant to Starcraft, if that's the case, then maybe namedrop Starcraft in the description a bit more, or change the name of the podcast to State of the Game - Starcraft or something)
Anyways, thanks for posting State of the choice on three :D
USA29055 Posts
there are actually a TON of australian SC2 fans. I will absolutely make that shoutout ty sir <3
On October 29 2010 10:34 {88}iNcontroL wrote: there are actually a TON of australian SC2 fans. I will absolutely make that shoutout ty sir <3 You gotta do an Australian accent next cast
Where do I go to rate the podcast? Got a link?
On October 29 2010 10:42 KevinIX wrote: Where do I go to rate the podcast? Got a link?
I just did it via iTunes (only 9 ratings in germany ), no idea if you can do it online somewhere...
Was there a stream of StateOfTheChoiceOnThree?
On October 29 2010 08:13 CharlieMurphy wrote: When inc was saying how he would be spending all this money if he won sc2 tournies unlike idra who has like 30k just sitting in the bank.
Artosis advised IdrA to hoard his gold.