If someone could please watch this game and explain to me what's going on here.
Keep in mind when watching the chat he's a #2 rank diamond player (T).. did he give me a free win? I watched it and how he played, what he said.. and what his actual league/rank is doesn't add up. I tried to message him after the game to ask why he lied but he put me on ignore.. o_O
I'm not sure what you are asking, but I have some general advice for you. The first and foremost way you will get better is to focus on macro and your economy. I watched the replay, and you only had about half the workers you should have had on minerals. You want about 2.5 scv's for each patch. This will help every other aspect of your game as you will have much more to work with.
Also, about the guy being diamond, I cannot verify that, but he did play quite a bit better, so I'm not sure why you were matched up.
First up ZvT You should see the wall he makes (hint: he does in fact wall one of the entrances to his main on Delta Quadrant)
Second: ZvZ, hes the first diamond I played, he made a spire...but still only sent out lings. I know I sort of wrecked his econ, but still humorous to see him just keep making lings.
If anyone has the time to do so, please point out my flaws. Here is a replay showing me vs Very Hard Terran AI (sorry, replay sites won't let me upload a game vs AI). Whenever I go quick match 1v1, I get destroyed.
[url blocked]
Also on Youtube: (all of the other parts on on my channel or related videos)
PS: Also, I'm looking for a clan. Not one of those huge, multiplatform clans with over 100 members. I'm looking for a relatively small clan with medium-skill members where every voice matters.
I downloaded and watched your replay. I will type in things here as I watch it.
-First mistake is putting on two extractors at the same time. Don't do this. It is worse for Zerg since you will lose a drone for that extra extractor. Saturate the first gas before you make the second gas.
-You waited way too long to use your gas. Your first 100 gas should either go to zergling speed or to upgrade lair (or for roaches).
-You made zerglings but forgot zergling speed (you had the gas). Zerglings are worthless until they get the speed upgrade.
-You make all these spine crawlers, but when enemy comes, you send your zerglings to the enemy out of range of the spine crawlers. Keep your zerglings near your spine crawlers if you are playing defensively. (Your zerglings died very easily also because they had no speed upgrade.)
-You expanded strangely. You had three drones expand at once (two drones made extractors). Don't do that with the extractors during early game. Only make extractors when you are ready to put in three drones. The reason why is because each extractor made is like someone killing a drone.
-It is OK with your first queen to do spawn larva. Just be sure that once the queen has enough energy to make a creep tumor so you can connect your expansion and main base.
-You let your money get very high as you were focusing on microing the mutalisks. You had 1000 minerals at one point. You got supply blocked at 52/52. You could just make a ton of overlords and keep making zerglings to save on gas (once you get your expo up, try to saturate it ASAP with drones since your mutas were keeping the computer busy).
-With mass mutalisks, consider upgrading their weapon damage. It is well worth it in the long run.
-You hotkeyed your mass mutalisks to '1'. That is fine and good. But you should hotkey your hatcheries and maybe your queens (although I don't). This way you can pump out drones or zerglings while you micro your mutas.
-The reason why you won was because of the AI's poor pathing (AI gets confused when its mineral line is attacked).
Here is my advice concerning your replay:
-Do not make two extractors at once. Only make one at once and be ready to put drones in it when it finishes. An extractor just sitting there, which is what happens when you make two at the same time, is a drone that could have been harvesting all this time.
-Get zergling speed ASAP. Then upgrade to lair ASAP once you have the next 100 gas. If you make an extractor when the spawning pool is being made, you should be ready to upgrade zergling speed when the spawning pool is done or soon after.
-If you have spine crawlers, let the enemy attack them and keep your zerglings in the back. Use your zerglings once your spine crawlers are engaged. Zerglings will move very fast on the creep and when they have speed. (In the game, the zerglings auto attacked because you left them in the front. The spine crawlers you made never attacked once.)
-The zergling to mutalisk build is extremely vulnerable early in the game. I used to go roaches into mutalisks. Roaches do not take up much gas, reapers cannot easily kill them, they kill marines pretty fast, and they can stop a zealot rush. (Zealots are extremely good against spine crawlers and zerglings.)
-If you iron out your early build order, you'll be set. You did great with the mutalisks.
Check out all the replays from Go4SC2 #30 here in the RTS-Sanctuary Tournament Replays Section. While you're there, make sure you download the latest replays from IEM!
ZvP. That was the first non-terran I played today (in 10 games) and obviously I was very happy to play a matchup that simply is more fun to play. The game was just very nice overall. Much action involved. Please watch and rate!
On August 18 2010 20:29 ea1thy wrote: z-atndarkforce-vs-t-ntt-lost-temple-08-18-2010 OMG! That is freaking amazing struggle between top players! Watch how it transits from one unit combo to another, having strong air mixes to the end! 00:31:31 - aTnDarKFoRcE to ALL: whats your supply :Dß 00:31:34 - NTT to ALL: 133
00:31:39 - aTnDarKFoRcE to ALL: mined out?
00:31:45 - NTT to ALL: i got money
00:32:13 - aTnDarKFoRcE to ALL: you really wanna play it out =/? 00:32:16 - NTT to ALL: yep
00:32:21 - NTT to ALL: cuz i think u can't win 00:32:23 - NTT to ALL: but i'd like to see u try 00:32:24 - aTnDarKFoRcE to ALL: k
00:32:52 - aTnDarKFoRcE to ALL: pretty sure
00:33:00 - aTnDarKFoRcE to ALL: that i can 00:33:04 - NTT to ALL: i hope so MUST SEE!
Fungal growth is completely broken and seeker missiles are useless. I guess that's the lesson from that game.
Seeker missiles are useless? I guess you didn't see when just a couple of them vaporized about 50 hydras in two seconds. And how is Fungal growth broken? If anything is broken it's how a 100 food Terran can delay the game for an hour... Anyway awesome replay.
I don't know if it was already shown here, but as for my ROTW it was definitely HasuObs vs Goody game 2 of Competo Cup. Sadly, there's only VODS on Youtube. But wooow, nice game!
There are more parts, 4 to be exact. You should really not miss this map. Remembered it just now as HasuObs played a quite good game vs DIMAGA!