Server: EU Server Team Name: Sanctuary Gaming Leaders/Managers TL ID: SGRavenlord Clan Channel: Sanctuary Gaming B.Net ID. IDENTIFIER: SGøRavenlord.737 General Team League Level: Bronze-Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Casual + Competitive Other: Sanctuary Gaming is a new Swedish clan. Atm we are only looking for Swedish players. Our goal is to have fun while we at the same time get better . You can find us at http://sanctuary-gaming.enjin.com.
Server: US Server Team Name: sYn Leader/Managers TL ID: Manacakes Clan Channel: Private for team members only. B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Roscoe.964 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Zerg, protoss, and terran. And a team manager. Goals of team: Semi-pro, sponsorships. Other: sYn is a practice team of 20 players consisting of three of each race. You're required to be practicing for 20 hours a week. you do not have to practice with everyone on the team, but we are your team and we're all here to help each other. There are scheduled practice times. You’ll be scheduling two hours with your team mates for a solid practice schedule you will follow each week. Missing scheduled times can result in you being dropped from the team .We need reliable players who can stick to there agreement. Once season 4 begins, the team will be an official team (for right now it’s just a practice team) and all players can decide whether or not they want to drop the team they’re on and join this one or not. Our goals and expectations are very high for this team. So please join with a lot of will and ambition.
Server: NA & SEA Server Team Name: MIC (Made In China) Leader/Managers TL ID: Cstar Clan Channel: Team MIC B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Cstar 281 NA Cstar 152 SEA General Team League Level: Bronze-Grand Master Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Casual + Competitive Other: http://www.teammic.enjin.com/ calling upon all chinese players in both SEA and NA servers to join together as a team to train and have fun. To join you must wear the MIC tag be active and willing to train together. This is a testing stage and if we get a good crowd i will be making our own website. We will also accept non chinese players and you will be wearing a different MIC tag (this is yet to be determined) What you will get: Regular training sessions, free coaching by me Zerg ( i am not pro but get you to masters is not a problem) Great community (asians always nice ppl :D) and have fun! to apply pls PM me or visit the website. I am also looking for admins and desgners for the site : D
Server: US Server Team Name: Team Epidemic Leader/Managers TL ID: Justin Alquist, epidGoaty/StaticVoid Clan Channel: Team Epidemic B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: epidGoaty.873 General Team League Level: High Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Protoss, Zerg Goals of team: Competitive, very competitive Other: Requirements, contact info, etc.:
We are looking for mid to high level masters/grandmasters players to fill the roster. If you don't have the mindset to compete in online tournaments or LAN's then please do not bother. We are very serious about our name and players. To apply please do NOT contact me in game, go to www.teamepidemic.net. Thank you.
Server: EU Server Team Name: SyntaX Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: Tarisuca Clan Channel: SyntaxGaming.net B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Tarisuca.701 General Team League Level: Gold, Plat, Master Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Protoss, Zerg Goals of team: having fun, practice, clanwar, cups Other: only german ppl!
Zur Zeit wird bei uns ein neuer SC2 Squad aufgebaut. Ziel ist es gemeinsam zu trainieren, um später an clanwars und cups teilzunehmen. Deshalb haben auch Gold, Platin und Diamand Spieler gute Chancen, bei uns aufgenommen zu werden. Wenn ihr Intersse habt, am besten auf unserer Seite (syntaxgaming.net) gehen und ein join us ausfüllen.
**update** we need +2/3 protoss, VERY BADLY!!! APPLY IMMEDIATELY! Server: US Server Team Name: zero Limits - zL Leader/Managers Gary 'GWaLK' Krohn (i am gwalk/redemption( B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: zLRedemption.720 MSN: redemption.919@live.com Email: gwalk@ptgl.us General Team League Level: Master League to Grandmasters ^^ (willing to talk w/ diamonders) Race(s) you are looking for: PROTOSS PROTOSS PROTOSS Goals of team: We are aiming to become a competitive gaming team that can play with the big boys! We also want to keep a very good attitude and grow as friends accepted/playing in... APL / VeSL / PTGL / PTGL:Solo Other: Requirements: must be willing to grow as a player/person. Wont tolerate BM. www.ptgl.us/team we idle in channel 24/7 --- Team zL @ USA Server pm me here @ www.ptgl.us/team or meet up w/ us @ team zL on bnet!
I'm looking for a clan.
I am a Master League player from the UK. I have a mic and I play Terran.
I am 25 years old, I only speak English no other languages. As of season 3 I am currently on 450 points master league. I finished last season at 1300 point master league.
Message me if you are interested.
User was warned for this post
Hey guys,
I've visited the thread about the clans recruiting atm, but it's hard to find one that is still active. I'm looking for a clan with a good amount of members, EU based and preferably and English speaking one that also has a website, since I see a lot of awesome German clans around.
I am currently gold but right on the brink of the promotion to Platinum, I have stopped laddering 1v1 for a short period of time to play Platinum/Diamonds in customs to get accustomed to the more complex builds/timings. I have a headset with a mike and am on-line a lot. Would help in the development of the clan if given the opportunity.
The reason why I'd want to join a clan is to train with good opponents that are on frequently and to be competitive
I'f this is the wrong section of the forums to post this, I apologise in advance.
Server: EU Server Team Name: Never-Ionix Leader/Managers TL ID: Deranging B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Deranging . 855 General Team League Level: Master Race(s) you are looking for: Any Goals of team: Competitive. Players willing to dedicate themselves and preform as well as they can. Other: Looking for Master or Grandmaster level players from the UK or Ireland.
Server: US Server Team Name: Team-DaNg Leader/Managers TL ID: DaNgGasSS Clan Channel: dang B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: GasSS.848 General Team League Level: Gold+ Race(s) you are looking for: Any Goals of team: Competitive. We need players to play as hard as they can for future clan wars. Other: our site is http://team-dang.webs.com/ Come visit us and make an account. We will be having clan wars once we reach a number of players. No minimal age! And also our chat channel is dang
Can you please remove Immortals from multiple leagues and put it in diamond and masters? Thanks! It may look like more than three sentences, but it isn't due to my ability to be able to use grammar.
Server: US Server Team Name: Immortals(iMo is our tag) http://starcraftnoobs.com/forum/misc.php?page=apply (link to apply) Leader/Managers: Immortality.944 TL: vgking13 General Team League Level: Diamond- High Masters(hoping for one to them to become GM) Race(s) you are looking for: Looking for mainly zerg and protoss although we will accept terran. Goals of team: To improve, have fun together, establish connections within the clan, become a pro team, to own many clans and noobs. Other: Immortals is a fun, active clan with ~80 members; http://sc2ranks.com/c/10249/immortals/ is a list of nearly all of our clan members. We have weekly tournaments, clan wars,live casters, and much more; we are signed up for the SCLNA. We have members that go to MLG(to try to compete), many practice partners, active chat channel(WeAreImmortal), and much more; To apply go to http://starcraftnoobs.com/forum/misc.php?page=apply
Server: US Server Team Name: aScension gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: aScPraiise cc: 411 Clan Channel: asctv General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Any Goals of team: Competitive.We compete in a variety of online tournaments, stream actively, practice very hard, partcipate in many clan wars, and are looking to fill our current roster of 10 people. Other: our site is http://www.clubasc.webs.com
Teams/Clan Info Server: EU Server Team Name: Solstice-Gaming A-Team Leader/Managers TL ID: doggy Clan Channel BNET (#solstice) B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: doggy.236 General Team League Level: Middle-High Masters Race(s) you are looking for: T, P and Z Goals of team: Competitive; play leagues and practice like crazy Other: Requirements, contact info, etc:
You should be at least a middle skilled Masterleague player, wanting to improve and to compete in Leagues. We're mostly german but we're looking for some fresh international wind in our Team. Just message me in Bnet if u have any questions!
Our Website: http://solstice-gaming.eu (mostly in german though)
Cya soon guys!
Server: US Server Team Name: Magnesium Gaming (MG) Leader/Managers TL ID: MGTofuRaideR Clan Channel: MGclan B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: MGTofuRaideR.234 General Team League Level: Diamond ( Recruiting masters for now) Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Casual. We also compete in clan wars and we host tourneys. We also strive to help our members improve with training sessions and koth matches. Generally speaking, it's also all for fun! Other: Being an active member, friendly, good mannered, willing to help forge our clan community.
http://themgclan.nextgenforum.com/ We also have a ventrilo server up and running! (We use skype too)
Server: US Server Team Name: Team Skynet Team Tag: SkyZ Leader/Managers TL ID: Beast B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: BeastSkynet.387 General Team League Level: 850+ Master or GM Race(s) you are looking for: Any race Goals of team: Competitive, Clan Leagues, Sponsorships Other:Competitive, Clan Leagues, Sponsorships Other: We are currently in a couple of team leauges like ESEA, VeSL, PTGL S2, and SCL:NA. Were looking to pick up another manager to help co-manage with me, we offer a Korean Account, Vent, and I'll pay for your ESEA 9 fee. Please only contact me if you are 850+ Masters terran or GM. We have a couple GMs, and a bunch of players in the 800+ range.
Server: US Server Team Name: sYn Leader/Managers TL ID: Manacakes Clan Channel: Private for team members only. B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Roscoe.964 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: A team manager (Future paid spot) Goals of team: Semi-pro, sponsorships. Other: sYn is a practice team of 20 players. You're required to be practicing for 18 hours a week. you do not have to practice with everyone on the team, but we are your team and we're all here to help each other. There are scheduled practice times. You’ll be scheduling two hours with your team mates for a solid practice schedule you will follow each week. Missing scheduled times can result in you being dropped from the team .We need reliable players who can stick to there agreement. Once season 4 begins, the team will be an official team (for right now it’s just a practice team) and all players can decide whether or not they want to drop the team they’re on and join this one or not. Our goals and expectations are very high for this team. So please join with a lot of will and ambition. There are lots more to discuss and I will need your consent on a few things before joining. Please contact me asap.
Update please
Server: US, EU Servers Team Name: eXe Recruitment Manager's TL ID: greedyFarmer B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: greedyFarmer.142 General Team League Level: All Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Large clan of over 400 with varying skill levels and attitudes (multiple teams in the clan). All are catered for. Competitive team frequently plays in clan wars, tournaments, and leagues. Other: Clan site is here: exe-clan.org PM me if you have any questions about the clan, if not then register on the site and all will be made more clear
Server: Americas Team Name: The Forsaken Recruitment Manager's TL ID: DEF.SINS B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: DEF ~ 135 General Team League Level: Diamond and up Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Zerg, and Protoss. Goals of team: We are a new team to sc2; however we have deep roots in Sc1 BW, and would like to extend our legacy into the sc2 scene. Eventually we plan to put a competitive team together. Our site is under construction, and should be up in the next few weeks. Send message via TL or hit me up on bnet. Mature gamers with good manners are a must. Site : http://www.clanfor.co.cc/ is our site. Our web designer should have the banner and everything else together anytime.
****Please Update**** Thanks! <3 <3 <3
Server: US Server Team Name: Greedy Gaming (GG) Leader/Managers: DisOriental, Tesomas (plat[+] Clan Wars), B.Net IDs: GGDisOrientL.508 / Tesomas.900 / General Team League Level: Masters (Currently seeking talented Masters+) Race(s) we are looking for: Any Goals of team: A highly competitive team, a friendly clan community, overall improvement. Participation in Clan Wars, tournaments, replay analysis and practice games. We also encourage intra-clan coaching. Other: We are looking for players aged 16+ in very high diamond to master league. We have an established clan community and are scaling back growth in order to focus on development. Contact us and/or check us out at our website: http://greedygaming.enjin.com/