Server: US Server Team Name: Severity Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: OceanMan B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: OceanMan.658 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Zerg/Protoss/Terran Goals of team: We intend to be a competitive team that enters tournaments and leagues, but also will not shy away from building up lower level players. We are not an elitist team, and will look at all skill levels. Other: Visit www.severitygaming.com for more information, the team is new and we are currently recruiting. We are a professional team, but laid back and relax. Work hard, Play hard !
****Please Update**** Thanks! <3
Server: US Server Team Name: Greedy Gaming (GG) Leader/Managers: DisOriental, Friction, Crimfall, Tesomas (plat[+] Clan Wars), Audacity (gold[-] Clan Wars) B.Net IDs: GGDisOrientL.508 / FrictionGG.770 / GGCrimfall.965 / Tesomas.900 / ggAudacity.699 General Team League Level: Gold - Masters Race(s) we are looking for: Any (*not actively recruiting, **but still taking applications) Goals of team: Competitive team looking for overall improvement. We participate in Clan Wars, tournaments, replay analysis and practice games. Looking for active players trying to improve and help each other out. GG also does team leagues. Other: We are looking for people aged 16+. Contact us through our website: http://greedygaming.enjin.com/
Server: US Server Team Name: ScK Leader/Managers TL ID: CDCramer B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Makaveli 551 General Team League Level: Diamond-masters Race(s) you are looking for: Toss/zerg but we arent to picky Goals of team: Competitive, but you dont have to be Other: http://sckgaming.enjin.com come to our website! contact me Makaveli.551 for more info, currently we have 20 members and are looking for more!
Server: EU (main) / US Server Team Name: NrS (Team Newrosoft) Leader/Managers TL ID: Egomancer B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: EU: NrSZeroSkill 578 General Team League Level: GrandMasters / High Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Terran but we are looking for talented players form any race Goals of team: PRO gaming team Other: http://newrosoft.com
Please remove NsG, Clan has disbanded
Server: US Server Team Name: Team Skynet Team Tag: SkyZ Leader/Managers TL ID: Beast B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: BeastSkynet.387 General Team League Level: Master Race(s) you are looking for: 3500+ masters protoss or Zerg from last season or 700 points this season Goals of team: Competitive
Other: We are in need of a Protoss or Zerg player for team leagues. We offer a small core team thats looking to build a set core of guys for team leagues and to acquire sponsorship. One of our players, WaZSkynet did well at MLG and we hope to get more guys to go to lans and represent us. We also have a vent, and a korean SC2 account that all teammates are allowed to us to practice on. We are only looking for 3500+ masters from last season and we will do tryouts to see if you fit in, we are very laid back but we want to finalize our roster. Please make sure you fit the criteria from above before applying thank you.
Contact: me here by PM, on bnet, or apply at http://teamskynet.net/.
Server: US Server Team Name: Team Let's Starcraft (TLS) Leader/Managers: Valette (980); Force (507) General Team League: Bronze - all Races: All Chat Channel: Team Let's Starcraft (TLS) Goals of Team: We want a team that is competitive. We want to get better as a team, and as individual players. For recruitment, we care more that a person is willing to learn and to better themselves than what their skill level is. Other: Will have requirements that players practice at least a set amount of hours per week and that players are laddering regularly. That said, nothing is set in stone, so contact us and we'll talk!
Could team Limited (or LTD tagged) be removed from the thread, we split up a while ago and ever since I get constant PM's asking about the clan even though I wasn't leader (he put my ID/name in thread.) US Diamond/masters is the section the team should be in.
Please remove "irA Gaming" from the thread please (NA Masters) The team has disbanded Thank you
update** Server: US Server Team Name: zero Limits - zL Leader/Managers Gary 'Redemption' Krohn B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: zLRedemption.720 MSN: redemption.919@live.com Email: redemption@ptgl.us General Team League Level: Master League to Grandmasters ^^ (willing to talk w/ diamonders) Race(s) you are looking for: 1-2 Zerg, and 1 Protoss (but we'll talk w/ anyone)
Goals of team: We are aiming to become a competitive gaming team that can play with the big boys! We also want to keep a very good attitude and grow as friends
Other: Requirements: must be willing to grow as a player/person. Wont tolerate BM. Looking for mature gamers who want to grow as a team,and contribute to the success of themselves as well as others. any questions PM me here, or stop by the website www.ptgl.us/team we idle in channel 24/7 --- Team zL @ USA Server
other: We will accept anyone to be a part of the team and community, but league roster is master+ or some form of tryout! Thanks! --- www.ptgl.us/team -----
Could you please amend Team Let's Starcraft's post to include the following e-mail address: valette_1565@hotmail.com Thanks
Update Teams/Clan Info Server: US Server Team Name: Team SC (Style/Sex Craft) Leader/Managers TL ID: SCFlavor B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: SCFlavor.385 General Team League Level: GM/800+ Race(s) you are looking for: All 3 Races (Looking Especially for Protoss atm) Goals of team: Be competitive in the SC2 scene. Creating a A, B, and C team for different leagues and tournaments. Get recognition and respect as a top clan in NA. Other: Requirements are top 400 masters - GM depending on team or can reach that level for new players. I am a dedicated manager; doing my best in making the clan rise to the top and we have made a lot of progress. Our channel is StyleCraft, join for tryout or practice games. Check our forums out @ StylesCraft.com and our roster @http://sc2ranks.com/c/6787/stylecraft/.
can u add us to the list?
Server: Eu server Team Name:Team Roasted Marines Leader/Managers TL ID: agahamsorr0w B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: agahamsorrow(278) General Team League Level: from platinum to master. Race(s) you are looking for: All (we need diamond-master protosses for practice purposes) Goals of team: Competitive and Casual Other: email at aga.luca@hotmail.com if u want to join. our clan site is darkjedi.org/club/TRM. go to the knowledge base to go to the forum
German Team!
Server: EU Server Team Name: Team-DieTrying Leader/Managers TL ID: DT.Damage B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: DTDamage.773 General Team League Level: Gold-Platin Race(s) you are looking for: Z/T/P Goals of team: Competitive Other: Atleast Gold 1v1 16years old functional Headset & TS3 , We have an 18 Slot Bestping Teamspeak 3 Server and our website is www.teamdietrying.de.vu. Contact me on Bnet or PM on TL!
Best Regards Damage
Server: NA Server Team Name: Team LTB Leader/Managers TL ID: Lion.965 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Lion (965) General Team League Level: Silver/Gold Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Competitive fun, improvement Other: http://teamltbsc2.blogspot.com/ Acceptance is not based on skill, but we are looking for people with good attitudes and are motivated to improve as part of a team. Not restricted to just Silver/Gold but that is the skill level of the other members.
Can you update the Team kryptonic one to the new one?
Server: NA Server Team Name: Flawless Gaming (fLg) Leader/Managers TL ID: iTzAnglory, MuffinFTW Battle.Net IDs: Anglory.885 MuffinFTW.203 General Team League Level: High Diamond ~ Masters Races: All (Mainly Zerg and Terran, but any is fine) Goals of Team: Competitive and Improvement Other: Channel will be Flawless Gaming. We aim to be a clan with about 8 active people, a small team where everyone knows each other and helps each other improve. Preferred time would be PST, but EST works as well. Looking forward to clan wars and future tournaments! Feel free to message us by PM or Battle.net http://sc2flawless-gaming.blogspot.com/ for info and registration
can you delete my other ones?
Server: US Server Team Name: Team IMBA ???( NOT sure YET its up to the members) Leader/Managers TL ID: Hippopotamus B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Hippopotamus.449 General Team League Level: Looking for top 300 in Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Mostly Terran but protoss and zerg will be accepted Goals of team: Casual for now until our team develops more then we will get into competetive Other: Requirements 600+ Masters and above. We are looking to become competitive in the near future. Contact Me or go to the site http://imbaclan.webs.com/
Fallacy has closed their recruiting, for now.
Have a small edit for Devious-Gaming:
Please have us looking for: Masters, Diamond
for level of players. Thanks!