On November 23 2012 07:55 Madkipz wrote:
Uh. That was my point. The maps used in regular ladder have been tested and we all know how bad most of those maps have been or still are. The downside might be that we`d actually have to experiment on new maps? And that is a downside?
It might take away from ranked ladder? As if ladder fear and map boredom already didn`t accomplish the same thing? The people who want to be competitive on the blizzard ladder will play on the blizzard ladder.
The others will just throw their hands up in the air and use their sc2 discs as a massive paperweight. At least a custom ladder system might forward an incentive to try out other alternative UMS ladders and if gated properly blizzard could profit on the userbase having fun.
Eventually you will get to a point in HOTS where blizzard balancing becomes stale, the maps used in the pro scene won`t ever be featured, and as such the whole aspect of a competitive game is trashed online while a quiet murmuring will linger, waiting for a second Destiny thread or simply moving on with their lives.
Uh. That was my point. The maps used in regular ladder have been tested and we all know how bad most of those maps have been or still are. The downside might be that we`d actually have to experiment on new maps? And that is a downside?
It might take away from ranked ladder? As if ladder fear and map boredom already didn`t accomplish the same thing? The people who want to be competitive on the blizzard ladder will play on the blizzard ladder.
The others will just throw their hands up in the air and use their sc2 discs as a massive paperweight. At least a custom ladder system might forward an incentive to try out other alternative UMS ladders and if gated properly blizzard could profit on the userbase having fun.
Eventually you will get to a point in HOTS where blizzard balancing becomes stale, the maps used in the pro scene won`t ever be featured, and as such the whole aspect of a competitive game is trashed online while a quiet murmuring will linger, waiting for a second Destiny thread or simply moving on with their lives.
Another downside for a custom ladders would be increased que times in the main ladder, the customs ladders would also have a long waiting time, you would basically be splitting up the community between differant ladders. With a smaller playerbase you will also get alot more uneven matchups. The ladder wouldn't be a the best place for pros to train even if the prominent maps were used since pros genereally need spcified training instead of ovearall to get better. Say your tvz is really good compared to the other 2 matchups it would be alot better to just focus on the matchups you are bad at until you get to the same level with them as your tvz which is not something you can do on ladder.
You prophesize what will happen during the HotS period, but I don't see why you or Destiny for that matter would actually know how things are going to turn out, neither of you work at blizzard nor know how they are going to do things moving forward. Even if they decide to not feature pro maps I'm not sure that is neccesarrily a bad thing. The ladder ins't made specifiacally for pros. What the pros want and what the average player wants in the map may very well differ and keep in mind that the pros are only a VERY VERY small percentage of the player base. If I remember correctly 40% of all ranked players are bronze league.
Destinys thread was in my opinion just stupid and filled no funktion. Blizzard most likely didn't change ANYTHING beacause of it except maybe posting those blog posts a bit ahead of schedule, all it did was throw up unneccesary controversy. Starcraft won't die aslong as there are people willing to play it. Nor do I think ums are as important now as they were in the past, there wasn't as much competition. For them to benefit the e-sport scene aswell they can't be to unlike the normal starcraft game an example of this would be fastest map possible. If it is something that is very differant from starcrafts core gameplay I don't see those players being involved in the starcraft scene because of it say legion td. I for one played alot of custom games in wc3 but i didn't give the slightest fuck about the e-sport scene but all the mods i played deviated ALOT from the core gameplay of wc3 such as tds, footmen etc. Back to the point I don't think ums games are as attractive now as they were back then since there are so many FREE alternatives that are just as good or better. Why would I play some sc2 ums instead of say LoL or something similair or legion td (Which i must say is really fun, it might be called squadron td in sc2). LoL for example doesn't really have an ums scene (with the exeption of all-random all mid)but it is doing great anyway and alot of people tune in to streams and e-sports and that is because people keep playing the main game which is very attractive since the game is constantly evolving, if they stopped introducing new heroes and patching the game every few weeks the games player base would take a nosedive, then you have sc2 it doens't change alot at all but people still tune in to play it and that just shows how great a game sc2 actually is.