Just played a normal, picked blitz and our ad went teemo
We ended up laning against Cait Leona, which is pretty shitty as far as blind countering goes. Their jungle udyr opens up 8-1, mid and top lose lane and we win bot barely although we get raped by udyr and roaming mid kat alot. Team score is 18-3.
Not a single person on our team spoke a single word during the entire game or called a single surrender vote, we all grouped up after our disastrous laning phase and repeatedly smashed them in teamfight after teamfight with excellent coordination and eventually roll over them like a truck.
not one word typed during the entire match or postgame, not one
On September 26 2012 13:59 sob3k wrote: Just played a normal, picked blitz and our ad went teemo
We ended up laning against Cait Leona, which is pretty shitty as far as blind countering goes. Their jungle udyr opens up 8-1, mid and top lose lane and we win bot barely although we get raped by udyr and roaming mid kat alot. Team score is 18-3.
Not a single person on our team spoke a single word during the entire game or called a single surrender vote, we all grouped up after our disastrous laning phase and repeatedly smashed them in teamfight after teamfight with excellent coordination and eventually roll over them like a truck.
not one word typed during the entire match or postgame, not one
Riot probably matched you with a 4 men queue of their newly and secretly developed advanced AI bots whose prime tactic is to intentionally feed during laning phase to turn the enemies into cocky morons and encourage them to build stupid shit such as phantom dancer first then proceed to steamroll them by using perfect teamfight tactics determined by complex and indecipherable algorithms.
On September 26 2012 13:59 sob3k wrote: Just played a normal, picked blitz and our ad went teemo
We ended up laning against Cait Leona, which is pretty shitty as far as blind countering goes. Their jungle udyr opens up 8-1, mid and top lose lane and we win bot barely although we get raped by udyr and roaming mid kat alot. Team score is 18-3.
Not a single person on our team spoke a single word during the entire game or called a single surrender vote, we all grouped up after our disastrous laning phase and repeatedly smashed them in teamfight after teamfight with excellent coordination and eventually roll over them like a truck.
not one word typed during the entire match or postgame, not one
Riot probably matched you with a 4 men queue of their newly and secretly developed advanced AI bots whose prime tactic is to intentionally feed during laning phase to turn the enemies into cocky morons and encourage them to build stupid shit such as phantom dancer first then proceed to steamroll them by using perfect teamfight tactics determined by complex and indecipherable algorithms.
True story.
that was my normal 5s tactic with my friends for a long time. we would pick 5 lategame pushing monsters and push all lanes constantly, getting a shitton of farm but feeding like hell. before they realized they had to push as 5 we would have an inhibitor and all inner turrets because at 30+ min you cannot stop jax/trynd/nidalee/singed splitpushing while cho/janna etc. help to defend turrets.
This corki was raging in all chat,(i was like 7-1 as graves to be fair) i told him "If you call me daddy ill go afk" he goes "okay daddy" whichi proceed to tell him "Unlucky for you im abusive lying father, and am now going to beat you" and we proceed to win.
On September 26 2012 12:07 TheSinisterRed wrote: Played a game as Lulu support with an Ez. The enemy started double golems but the Sona got really low doing it. Easy first blood into completely zoning the enemy AD. He never goes back to base to heal, so after a few minutes when the enemy jungler shows up we are able to turn it around into a double kill. 3-0 Ez at like 5 minutes.
It was practically GG from there, but the game went on for around 30 minutes. Just before the end, my ward spots them rushing Baron right when half my team was back healing. So I do what any good support would do. Run over and stand on the other side of the Baron wall, watch Baron health and wait for it to get low, then E onto the Vlad in the pit and use that to get a faster Q onto Baron for the steal.
Baron buff never felt so good.
Your timing must have been impeccable to get that right.
I'm more worried about the Junglers timing, ahaha. That always feels so good, wins games too.
It's just that doing it as Lulu is really fucking impressive-- no AP with a spell that does 260 dmg (Lulu fave support, I know these things) that's mitigated by Baron MR vs. a 800 dmg true damage nuke.
Yay, finally broken into 1800 after hovering around 1600-1700 for ages. Basically what happened was that I stopped caring about losing too much, and just played my best with jungler/support/AD.
I stopped trying to make ridiculous plays to make up for feeding teammates, and just try to make the best play for the role and then hope my team would follow up in the required manner. In the games they do not, I just tell them and then tell myself that I actually did the right play, over time this has gotten me from 1600-1800 in 2 weeks. And this is playing heros from mundo to amumu and tristana to ashe and ofcourse the almighty blitz.
I just saw a fed Vlad and a Corki attempt the drake after they triple killed the enemy team there. Blitzcrank walks in, grab right after they used their spells, and manage the steal since they had no smite between the two of them. I was only spectating that and I burst out laughing.
We had a much superior team comp compared to them, but we pulled through in the end. (Vayne Leona vs. Soraka Trist... I thought I was screwed) (But luckily vayne tanked 2 waves worth of minions in a lv2 fight and died despite leona keeping me pinned down half the fight)
Ok was firstpick in my last game. I picked ahri because she does well against most lanes and is generally useful. just a nice flexible fb. Then we went on picking etc. until lastpicker said "wtf I said I go mid" and proceeded to pick chogath. Since Support is probably my best role I decided I would support our vayne and let chogath go mid vs galio which should be a good matchup for him anyways (true damage counters mr stacking and sustain keeps up with poke).
So we went on having a really good game. I just built on ahri what I would have built when behind: 3 dorans, sorcs and deathcap (didn't finish dc in the end but was close to it) and ofc a fuckton of wards. I had a ratio of 4/5/13 in the end and vayne was a monster so we won the game. Also cho did very well in midlane.
This again proves that looking at the game from a team perspective and trying to make the best of every situation results in alot of fun.
Alright, I am not level 30 so this wasn't a ranked game, but I went 12-0-4 as Lee SIn xD I am laning against a warwick and I own him in lane. However, bottom lane isn't doing so well. I switch with my ADC and proceed to get 2 double kills against their ad-support team. Feeling pretty good about this.
My last 4 kills and 3 assists were from towerdives trying to take me down.