I'm playing this a lot, actually. In the meanwhile, this game has evolved to 5v5 (4 runners / 1 blocker per team) mode which I really prefer over 2v2.
It really is kinda fun as long as you use the official rules: click here.
Only thing I'd add to his is that Dr. Mundo should be banned, too. Permanent cleaver slow is too strong and will negate every lead one of your runners might have gotten.
Only complicated thing is to find 10 people that you can trust to not cheat (pit stop before lap 3, using forbidden ways while fog of war etc.) and that actually know the rules.
That does look really awesome, the only thing that confuses me about the official rules is that if you make a mistake (killing someone on the other team) you are rewarded rather than penalized. I understand the deal about sportsmanship of course but still seems weird.