Initial Matches: Friday, Mar 27 6:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
Winners, Losers and Final Matches: Saturday, Mar 28 10:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)
Main Stage | Challenger Stage | O'Gaming TV | EmSc2 TV
Host: James Banks
Khaldor | JoRoSaR | DeMusliM | Pughy | Ret | Petraeus | Nathanias
Initial matches are 1st vs 2nd and 3rd vs 4th
Group A
Snute TargA TRUE PartinG
Group B
Rogue MC Soulkey Sacsri
Group C
Bunny Hydra Rain FanTaSy
Group D
Heart Jaedong Terminator jjakji
+ Show Spoiler [FRIDAY] +
+ Show Spoiler [SATURDAY MAIN STAGE] +
+ Show Spoiler [Overall Results] +
Snute <Deadwing> TargA
Snute <Overgrowth> TargA
Snute <Vaani Research Station> TargA
Snute wins 2-1!
TRUE vs PartinG
TRUE <Deadwing> PartinG
TRUE <Overgrowth> PartinG
PartinG wins 2-0!
Winners Match
Snute <Deadwing> PartinG
Snute <Vaani Research Station> PartinG
PartinG wins 2-0!
Losers Match
TargA <Overgrowth> TRUE
TargA <Expedition Lost> TRUE
TRUE wins 2-0!
Final Match
Snute <Vaani Research Station> TRUE
Snute <Overgrowth> TRUE
TRUE wins 2-0!
PartinG and TRUE advance to the Ro8!
+ Show Spoiler [Group B] +
Rogue <Overgrowth> MC
Rogue <Deadwing> MC
Rogue wins 2-0!
Soulkey vs Sacsri
Soulkey <Overgrowth> Sacsri
Soulkey <Deadwing> Sacsri
Soulkey wins 2-0!
Winners Match
Rogue <Expedition Lost> Soulkey
Rogue <Overgrowth> Soulkey
Rogue <Deadwing> Soulkey
Rogue wins 2-1!
Losers Match
MC <Overgrowth> Sacsri
MC <Vaani Research Station> Sacsri
MC <Catallena> Sacsri
MC wins 2-1!
Final Match
Soulkey <Overgrowth> MC
Soulkey <Catallena>MC
Soulkey <Deadwing> MC
Soulkey wins 2-1!
Rogue and Soulkey advance to the Ro8!
+ Show Spoiler [Group C] +
Bunny <Deadwing> Hydra
Bunny <Secret Spring> Hydra
Bunny <Catallena> Hydra
Hydra wins 2-1!
Rain vs FanTaSy
Rain <Expedition Lost> FanTaSy
Rain <Secret Spring> FanTaSy
Rain <Catallena> FanTaSy
Rain wins 2-1!
Winners Match
Hydra <Overgrowth> Rain
Hydra <Deadwing> Rain
Hydra <Vaani Research Station> Rain
Rain wins 2-1!
Losers Match
Bunny <Vaani Research Station> FanTaSy
Bunny <Catallena> FanTaSy
FanTaSy wins 2-0!
Final Match
Hydra <Deadwing> FanTaSy
Hydra <Catallena> FanTaSy
Hydra wins 2-0!
Rain and Hydra advance to the Ro8!
+ Show Spoiler [Group D] +
Heart <Overgrowth> Jaedong
Heart <Vaani Research Station> Jaedong
Heart wins 2-0!
Terminator vs jjakji
Terminator <Expedition Lost> jjakji
Terminator <Catallena> jjakji
jjakji wins 2-0!
Winners Match
Heart <Overgrowth> jjakji
Heart <Catallena> jjakji
Heart <Vaani Research Station> jjakji
Heart wins 2-1!
Losers Match
Jaedong <Vaani Research Station> Terminator
Jaedong <Catallena> Terminator
Jaedong <Overgrowth> Terminator
Jaedong wins 2-1!
Final Match
jjakji <Deadwing> Jaedong
jjakji <Vaani Research Station> Jaedong
jjakji <Overgrowth> Jaedong
jjakji wins 2-1!
Heart and jjakji advance to the Ro8!
+ Show Spoiler [Group Stage] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Snute vs Targa Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Snute vs Targa Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (5)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Snute vs Targa Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [TRUE vs PartinG] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TRUE vs PartinG Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (5)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TRUE vs PartinG Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TRUE vs PartinG Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Winners Match] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (4)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group A Winners Match Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (2)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group A Winners Match Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group A Winners Match Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Losers Match] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group A Losers Match Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group A Losers Match Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group A Losers Match Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Final Match] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group A Final Match Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (3)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group A Final Match Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group A Final Match Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Group B] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (2)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Rogue vs MC Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Rogue vs MC Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Rogue vs MC Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Soulkey vs Sacsri] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Soulkey vs Sacsri Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
1 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Soulkey vs Sacsri Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Soulkey vs Sacsri Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Winners Match] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (3)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group B Winners Match Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (3)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group B Winners Match Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group B Winners Match Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Losers Match] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★- Good game (5)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
7 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group B Losers Match Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (3)
★★★- Good game (2)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
8 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group B Losers Match Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (4)
★★★- Good game (4)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
10 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group B Losers Match Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Final Match] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group B Final Match Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (6)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group B Final Match Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (4)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
7 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group B Final Match Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Group C] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (4)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs Hydra Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (6)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
11 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs Hydra Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★- Good game (5)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
8 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs Hydra Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Rain vs Fantasy] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
1 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Rain vs Fantasy Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Rain vs Fantasy Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (2)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Rain vs Fantasy Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Winners Match] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group C Winners Match Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group C Winners Match Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group C Winners Match Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Losers Match] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group C Losers Match Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (3)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (3)
7 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group C Losers Match Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★- Good game (4)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
7 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group C Losers Match Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Final Match] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group C Final Match Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group C Final Match Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group C Final Match Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Group D] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (4)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (4)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
11 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Heart vs Jaedong Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Heart vs Jaedong Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Heart vs Jaedong Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Terminator vs jjakji] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (6)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
8 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Terminator vs jjakji Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Terminator vs jjakji Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (4)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
5 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Terminator vs jjakji Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Winners Match] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (2)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (3)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group D Winners Match Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (2)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (5)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group D Winners Match Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (8)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (5)
13 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group D Winners Match Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Losers Match] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (4)
★★★- Good game (2)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
7 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group D Losers Match Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group D Losers Match Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group D Losers Match Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Final Match] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
8 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group D Final Match Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (9)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
11 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group D Final Match Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★- Good game (2)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (3)
13 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Group D Final Match Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season