On September 15 2013 00:40 IntoTheheart wrote: I went AFK and then I saw the scores.
Group F is all 1-1 and 2-2's. I think that the winner of Harstem/DIMA and the winner of Flash/WHITE will be the ones to advance. Are you serious? You basically just said the two guys that win their last match will advance because everyone is equal at this point. LOL.
Damn it, SjoW had this
On September 15 2013 00:40 Abominous wrote: How many tears were shed when DIMAGA beat Flash? Not too many. DIMA was the smarter player for the Bo3.
Dimaga > Flash Flash > Harstem Harstem > White White > Dimaga
Canada8157 Posts
GG taeja 2-1's Sjow, that was by far the series of the tournament so far
Taejas tvT too strong. gg
..will be decided by Hellspawn >:D
Does every Korean cheese in the 3rd game if it is tied up 1-1?
damn it Sjow, that was your game on a silver plate
On September 15 2013 00:41 [UoN]Sentinel wrote: Dimaga > Flash Flash > Harstem Harstem > White White > Dimaga
The real group of death
Dimaga lost to White 2-0? wtf is this Dreamhack xD
Russian Federation40186 Posts
On September 15 2013 00:41 [UoN]Sentinel wrote: Dimaga > Flash Flash > Harstem Harstem > White White > Dimaga
dafuq 4 way tie, whatever!
On September 15 2013 00:42 Heartland wrote: Does every Korean cheese in the 3rd game if it is tied up 1-1?
lol dimaga could still fail in group stage two, how did he lose to white >.<
Hurricane 1 - 0 Bly
game 2 starting now
Good job Life.