On July 28 2012 20:05 31415926535 wrote: That's what a SC2 game should look like. Blizzard has to look at this and find a way so more game end with this crazy back-and-forth-comeback awesomeness qtf
Make thors make thors make thors : ((((((((((
1st GSTL game is already better than whole GSL finals.
Two marines have stopped GuMi from expanding this entire game lol.
Come on MMA. Need more anti air! Thors! Vikings! ANYTHING. ><
No way MMA can kill that army of Gumi
Gumiho's got this. Look at that army.
how does MMA have more supply here? his army seems so small
Sand is running out of the hourglass for gumiho, he needs to establish another mining base soon. MMA is in a really hard spot though.
Seeing successful banshees makes my heart melt ♥
LOL, Gumiho taking bottom center!
Hahaha, this game is so fucking good!
On July 28 2012 20:05 31415926535 wrote: That's what a SC2 game should look like. Blizzard has to look at this and find a way so more game end with this crazy back-and-forth-comeback awesomeness
think HoTs mothership core will improve PvP a little
would need to remove colossus to make PvP a whole lot better though