![[image loading]](http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/3636/kslbanner.png) Welcome to the Korean StarCraft II League Daily! The KSL is sponsored by own3d.tv and can be viewed as an European event series that features the Korean Pro-Teams. The KSL is a series of daily matches between top Korean players from the teams Prime, NSHoSeo, MVP, ZeNEX, StarTale, Incredible Miracle, FXOpen and Fnatic. Today's Line-Up! Saturday, 18th February! 14:00 GMT (+00:00): http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Korean_StarCraft_II_League_Daily/2012/Team_League_-_Season_1 StarTale VS PrimeMatch 1:![[image loading]](http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/7324/sticonthin.png) ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/motbob/vs.png) ![[image loading]](http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/9630/primeiconthin.png) ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/players/686.jpg) ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/motbob/vs.png) ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/images/liquibet/players/noimage.jpg) STVirus < Antiga Shipyard > ClassicPrime+ Show Spoiler [Match 2 Players] ++ Show Spoiler [Match 3 Players] ++ Show Spoiler [Match 4 Players] ++ Show Spoiler [Match 5 Players] ++ Show Spoiler [Match 6 Players] ++ Show Spoiler [Match 7 Players] ++ Show Spoiler [Match 8 Players] ++ Show Spoiler [Match 9 Players] ++ Show Spoiler [Match 10 Players] ++ Show Spoiler [Match 11 Players] + http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Korean_StarCraft_II_League_Daily/2012/Team_League_-_January+ Show Spoiler [Today's Overall Results] +![[image loading]](http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2209631/tlwork/ksl/00/ksl_stream.jpg) ![[image loading]](http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/4555/own3dresize.png) Matches will be broadcast by a variety of commentators including KatuStarcraft (English), Khaldor (English), TaKeSeN (German), TheKSL (Korean), GoodGameRU (Russian) , sc2tv.ru (Russian) as well as a German commentator. Banners by shiroiusagi Template by VirgilSC2
KSL time again =) gogo Prime!
Australia54784 Posts
Awww, classic dropped out. Regame.
shuffle lookin' so handsome
Hoping for MKP to clean house for the second time today. :o
Australia54784 Posts
wow that was painful by classic
United Kingdom14464 Posts
I'll be watching in a bit, should be awesome!
I really want to see how much Byun improved to become the best player in Prime.
Maru looking pretty sick.
Yay Curious. I'm still clinging on to the hope he can regain the form he had when he crushed through code a...
Abit embarrassing that the casters have absolutely no idea what happens in GSL.
Australia54784 Posts
Why did Curious get such a fast hive to play infestor ling ? His upgrades were even very late. Curious had this won when maru was sitting back taking a third after fast tanks with no pressure. :/
LOL Curious was so far ahead...
United Kingdom38149 Posts
When did Curious get so bad =(
Who is the guy casting with Khaldor ?