Now Nestea's picks : "At the team house everyone wanted to pick Gumiho, but MVP wanted to pick him. - We have some statistics on who get picked the most, supernova 5 times, MKP 5 times *didn't heard the rest* - Nestea, are you still confident in ZvZ ? But there are only 2 zergs here, DRG and Curisou. *Nestea is trying to pick his words to not say rude things, Chae encourage him to speak anyway* - The overall level of protoss has improved a lot, I have made a lot of research to overcome this but so far there is no way to beat protoss *yes, he didn't answer* - I am confident in ZvZ, but as there is so much protoss players I will pick a protoss *camera shot on Oz who is disgusted* - Nestea, you said you want to pick Oz, did you change your mind ? - I want to say sorry to that player *Nestea picks DRG* - Why DRG ? - I really ment to pick Oz, but I had a lot of talk with DRG on bnet and he recommended Oz to me, so I was didn't knew who to pick" *Imo DRG will pick Oz*
I OFFICIALLY am an antifan of this.....bastard.... lol
On January 20 2012 18:27 Fionn wrote: Let's kill off the zergs.
Zerg will use Ro8 distribution as a balance whine even if all the remaining zerg kill themselves off =P
What the... I just tuned in and saw Nestea picking DongRaeGu...
On January 20 2012 18:26 klaxen wrote: Ahhh sad to see nestea balance whining.
Lol anytime anyone says anything even remotely regarding balance its considered whining. He got asked what he thought, and he said ZvP is hard because of how much better Protoss have become, and that he doesn't feel as confident in the matchup now as he did before.
haha so smart MVP. doesn't want to face DRG's ZvT :D
It would be hilarious if DRG picked Curious after this
Also, Happy also picked DRG last time
MVP picks terran, Nestea picks zerg - that's how you rule the scene.
They both fell into MVP's plan
On January 20 2012 18:28 bittman wrote:Zerg will use Ro8 distribution as a balance whine even if all the remaining zerg kill themselves off =P
Well Zergs picking each other when they know that fans dislike watching ZvZ is pretty telling of balance anyways.
MVP masterminding this ceremony.
DRG you need to pick Curisou to guarantee Zerg in next round haha
On January 20 2012 18:29 Itsmedudeman wrote: They both fell into MVP's plan MVP the ultimate mastermind.
Seems MVP has recommended DRG to Nestea. MVP : - DRG is really good in ZvT so it's a strategic pick so I can avoid him. DRG look like he's in shock : - I thought we were friend, but I'm disappointed now
Lol, Nestea wanting to beat DRG - looks like there is no zerg comradeship