On December 20 2011 22:18 Drazerk wrote:Game 13 on
Crossfire SEIn the top right is

While in the bottom left is

Barracks for both players
Gumioh has taken his gas
3:10Expansion on the way for Ryung
4:00Double gas from Ryung
Factory + reactor from Gumioh
5:00Expansion and starport on the way for Gumioh
Factor and reactor for Ryung
6:00Hellions moving around the middle of the map
Starport finishes for Ryung
7:10Drop from Gumioh gets around the wall off of Ryung
Ryung intercepts it however forcing the drop to retreat
9:00Siege tech for both players
Second factory for Gumioh
10:00Double factory from Ryung
11:00Blue flame for both players
12:00Armoury for both players
Expansion on the way for Gumiho
14:00Thors on the way for both players
Mech +1 on the way for Gumiho
15:20Both players have secured their third base
16:30Expansion on the way for Gumioh
Armies engaging
Ryung comes out ahead
17:10Expansion stopped from being made for Gumioh
Landed vikings of gumioh hit the third of ryung but then he tries attacking the tanks of ryung with them and loses most of them
19:00Fourth of gumioh is stopped from being created again
Ryung is expanding and both are getting +2 mech weapons
21:00Gumioh attacks the base of Ryung
Ryung traps his own scvs
Ryung attacks the base of gumioh
22:40Ryung's army is in two places while his hellions kill a lot of scvs
Gumioh trying to attack again
24:40Gumioh's army is trapped between ryung's armies