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On October 09 2011 21:36 Serashin wrote: k just seeing start of the hyped game of stephano vs kiwikaki and i must say this already had weirdness and luck early on.
Reasons: Stephano dont drone scout hell he dont even make more then 2 lings aswell as not scouting the natural to see FFE from kiwi for long time , also he had 2 drones in gas means delayed speed. another error was to check for cybercore timing as stephano saw nexus and cannons done he didnt go with ovi in base to scout. but with this 2 lings no drone scout no wonder he loses to 3 pylon block , he can even lose to some 2 gate agression. note kiwi did cybercore at 5:50 means roaches or banes can outright kill them. im not pleased about such a risky start from both sides. but well lets see how it evolves :>
You understand their decisions are way superior to yours, right ? You are only an armchair player and it sure don't bring you major recognition. And for your record, Stephano don't lose to 3 pylon block. I don't know where you heard that ...
On October 09 2011 21:45 ceaRshaf wrote: I really, really think that the winner between Thorzain and idrA should win the whole thing.
Ret is a idrA wannabe, but worse. I mean he is good, but idrA is better.
Stephano can't come to his big LAN and win it. This is not Hollywood.
PuMa/MMA can't beat foreign top zergs
Huk/Inori are toss.
The bolded part. I do not even know where to start. Both of them have not exactly failed to prove otherwise in the past.
Feels a little awkward to have Thorzain and Idra meet relatively early on, as along with Ret they have seemed like the players with the most potential to beat top Koreans at the moment. To be fair, I did not think that Idra had it in him until I saw him in the championship bracket at IEM, but if that form is retainable and he can stabilise around such a high level of play, it should be very interesting to see him both go on in IPL3 and the two last MLGs of the season. Thorzain seems to have had a lapse in motivation after his stay in Korea, but he always looks super strong and stable.
And Ret. I can kind of see how he could be characterised as an Idra wannabe by some people, but I cannot think of a single foreigner that would match his potential. If he is working as hard as it looks like and as what he has alluded to doing in regards to discovering exact timings of droning and defending, I could see him being pretty much the undisputed best foreigner.
At the moment, because of how the bracket is being played out and the remaining players, I find it hard to not hold Puma as a favourite to win. He was beaten in Guangzhou, but even to his teammates, that was a huge upset and he just seems dominant. With Ryung out of it, I do not see any T snipers left for him. And I am not sure such a thing as a P sniper even exists. Which leaves Zergs. Lucky could do it, though I doubt it if Puma prepares specifically for him. So I guess I would be looking to the other side of the bracket, where the foreigner hopes of Idra, Thorzain and Stephano hopefully will knock out some Koreans on the way to a final.
Super excited for the final day. The event has been nothing short of amazing for an online spectator. Good job IGN, incredibly happy to have you as an organisation really dedicate time, effort and money into making this happen.
On October 09 2011 21:36 Serashin wrote: k just seeing start of the hyped game of stephano vs kiwikaki and i must say this already had weirdness and luck early on.
Reasons: Stephano dont drone scout hell he dont even make more then 2 lings aswell as not scouting the natural to see FFE from kiwi for long time , also he had 2 drones in gas means delayed speed. another error was to check for cybercore timing as stephano saw nexus and cannons done he didnt go with ovi in base to scout. but with this 2 lings no drone scout no wonder he loses to 3 pylon block , he can even lose to some 2 gate agression. note kiwi did cybercore at 5:50 means roaches or banes can outright kill them. im not pleased about such a risky start from both sides. but well lets see how it evolves :>
E: crap and facepalm sauce :D 1 minute more and what i see is stephano 700 overmins and kiwi 800 after nexus cancel ( note : if you see with ovi such a late cyber nothing stops a zerg from taking fourth)
Why are you posting this? I seriously don't even understand
eating pasta + watching replay + sharing knowledge
its called multitasking + being evil and doing good thing at one time.
i can add some excuses on why i do it but i give you a unique answere it just doesnt make any sense that i post right now.
Ahhhh, okay. It just seemed to me that you were trying your very best to downplay the awesomeness of the game
On October 09 2011 18:12 Bulkers wrote: 1 protoss in quarterfinals only because we got pvp in round of 16, I hope blizzard is looking at all those tournaments instead of the statistics on ladder where pros train not play very serious like in tournaments.
It must be frustrating for professional protoss players, and the situation become frustrating for spectators like me too. Yesterday games show that people cheer/go mad for protoss players when they win, they want to see 3 races that are equally able to win games, look how crowd cheer for KiWi, WhiteRa, HerO, people are bored to see TvT and TvZ already.
Instead of QQing just look at the matches Ryung vs Socke - The better player won Puma vs Hero - extremely close serie against one of the best TvP player. Hero basically had won, but made a HUGE mistake (the useless nexus) White-Ra vs Slush - Protoss player won Puma vs White-Ra - The better player won. Sleep vs Minigun - The better player won. Stephano vs Kiwikaki - the better player won Huk vs KawaiRice - The protoss player won
It's perfectly normal. There are 4 korean protoss player (if we count Huk), one of them has been eliminated because he made a crucial mistake against one of the best TvP player in the world. 2 of them are or will be eliminated in PvP. So yeah, there is only 1 left.
If all the protoss players (but 1) were eliminated in PvP, there would be people complaining about balance and saying "there is only 1 protoss left and only because we got pvp"...
that's absolutely wrong. Just one thing... in what way if the better player won the game/balance is ok??????? So if MVP win every game with only scv all inn thegame is good cause the "better player have won"???? No sense
If Mvp did SCV all ins every game then he would not be the better player. Cheese doesn't really have anything to do with the balance between races anyway.
Oh God...if you do not even distinguish an example from reality i dunno what i can say... noob you're, noob you'll be ^^ it's not my fault!
On October 09 2011 21:45 ceaRshaf wrote: I really, really think that the winner between Thorzain and idrA should win the whole thing.
Ret is a idrA wannabe, but worse. I mean he is good, but idrA is better.
Stephano can't come to his big LAN and win it. This is not Hollywood.
PuMa/MMA can't beat foreign top zergs
Huk/Inori are toss.
The bolded part. I do not even know where to start. Both of them have not exactly failed to prove otherwise in the past.
Feels a little awkward to have Thorzain and Idra meet relatively early on, as along with Ret they have seemed like the players with the most potential to beat top Koreans at the moment. To be fair, I did not think that Idra had it in him until I saw him in the championship bracket at IEM, but if that form is retainable and he can stabilise around such a high level of play, it should be very interesting to see him both go on in IPL3 and the two last MLGs of the season. Thorzain seems to have had a lapse in motivation after his stay in Korea, but he always looks super strong and stable.
And Ret. I can kind of see how he could be characterised as an Idra wannabe by some people, but I cannot think of a single foreigner that would match his potential. If he is working as hard as it looks like and as what he has alluded to doing in regards to discovering exact timings of droning and defending, I could see him being pretty much the undisputed best foreigner.
At the moment, because of how the bracket is being played out and the remaining players, I find it hard to not hold Puma as a favourite to win. He was beaten in Guangzhou, but even to his teammates, that was a huge upset and he just seems dominant. With Ryung out of it, I do not see any T snipers left for him. And I am not sure such a thing as a P sniper even exists. Which leaves Zergs. Lucky could do it, though I doubt it if Puma prepares specifically for him. So I guess I would be looking to the other side of the bracket, where the foreigner hopes of Idra, Thorzain and Stephano hopefully will knock out some Koreans on the way to a final.
Super excited for the final day. The event has been nothing short of amazing for an online spectator. Good job IGN, incredibly happy to have you as an organisation really dedicate time, effort and money into making this happen.
While I agree on most things that you have put forward here, I do feel that MMA can prove to be quite a "obstacle" to overcome for Puma. MMA isn't exactly your average korean terran player, perhaps TvT ain't his best match-up (no idea on that actually), but surely I don't see it as a really weak match-up from his side either.
At least it's good enough to have a pretty good potentional of being capable in taking down Puma, though I do have to agree that Puma is most likely going in the match with a edge. Of course, there are more then enough people who will disagree with me on that, after all, it's just a opinion combined with some theorycrafting based on previous experiences with both players. Nothing of that makes the outcome of their match set in stone (good thing too. xD).
Furthermore, I do see Idra, Thorzain and, in this tournament certainly, Ret being the top3 foreigners that have the most potentional of being capable in taking down the Koreans. Though I say this while counting Huk as a Korean (which I really shouldn't), if I take him into account as well for the top 3 foreigners that have quite some potentional of taking down the Koreans in this tourney, then I think I will replace Ret for him. Perhaps that can be blamed a bit so that this way the top 3 I am forming here consists of every race, but main reason is as simple that I feel Ret (while playing amazing at this tourney) overall performance so far hasn't been as good as Idra, Thorzain or Huk. His skill can certainly get there along those three in my eyes (and for that matter, he already is showing that at this tourney), but my bias still goes to those 3 (Thorzain, Idra and Huk) simply when looking at the overall performance of them beyond the tourney.
Also I have nothing against Stephano (or any other player that is still in the game) winning the tourney, even if they are considered the underdogs or alike. That such a thing can happen is the beauty of the game and while I doubt that Stephano or Inori will win it (for example), it would be quite something if they did and certainly be remembered for a long time as a huge achievement for such a player, nothing wrong with that I do believe.
On October 09 2011 21:36 Serashin wrote: k just seeing start of the hyped game of stephano vs kiwikaki and i must say this already had weirdness and luck early on.
Reasons: Stephano dont drone scout hell he dont even make more then 2 lings aswell as not scouting the natural to see FFE from kiwi for long time , also he had 2 drones in gas means delayed speed. another error was to check for cybercore timing as stephano saw nexus and cannons done he didnt go with ovi in base to scout. but with this 2 lings no drone scout no wonder he loses to 3 pylon block , he can even lose to some 2 gate agression. note kiwi did cybercore at 5:50 means roaches or banes can outright kill them. im not pleased about such a risky start from both sides. but well lets see how it evolves :>
if you watch Stephano play he has one of the earliest scout timings of any zerg players, which means he is aware of Kiwi's playstyle and adjusts accordingly.
On October 09 2011 22:00 Porcelina wrote:Thorzain seems to have had a lapse in motivation after his stay in Korea, but he always looks super strong and stable.
On October 09 2011 22:00 Porcelina wrote:Thorzain seems to have had a lapse in motivation after his stay in Korea, but he always looks super strong and stable.
What are you basing that statement on?
The time he's spent watching thorzain every second of every day obviously