On October 07 2011 11:25 Tump wrote:Very common in Korea. Supposed to be a sign of respect, or something. Yes it is . Its not ''yo'' as in yoyo or yo wassup. its like yaw (rhymes with law sort of) and shows respect.
Is it just me or did that blonde girl look like she was about to have a panic attack? haha
So does Rachel work for IGN or is this a weekend job?
I have to say this event has been extremely smooth and well-run. Hats off to IPL.
wowowowo what was that...you can do that with ghosts ?:D
GG IPL, looking forward to tomorrow.
Feedback: - More HDuser! - PLEASE - More updates on the open bracket, let us know whats happening down in the trenches!!
I would be straight for them if those female hosts on stage were into me. :D
All in all, great experience watching today. Had some hiccups to start off but it was understandable. Shoutouts to the representatives keeping calm and working to get things resolved. They provided free streams, and people still have audacity to complain, sheesh.
Too bad I won't be able to watch the weekend due to a major live event in town. 
Hoping for non-korean to take home the 30K. Just nice to see underdogs win. Maybe Idra can score back to back wins!
Great event IGN, cant stress how entertaining this has been, great matches, great casting, hilarious intermissions between games, just pure gold entertainment well done.
Really great tournament once it got going! I'm really sad to see a lot of my favorite players losing (Boxer, Ret, HuK T.T) but it's still an amazing tournament. I have to wonder, though, do these tournaments use like the same people to be on stage and everything?
man this was the best SC2 stream ive seen. super high quality and so many options on how to view, LOVED it XD
man ign production is amazing will def be buying a ticket nasl watch and learn
didn't bother watching until they got some of the top players good stuff ign!!
Ryung switching off to infamous MMA-style TvZ in the last game. Amazing
great first day cant wait to see the second.
To win every zerg need: 2x more exp's 2x more workers 2x more supply 2x more units 2x more games played 2x more skill 2x more longer dick than other race players
User was temp banned for this post.
Idra on Live on Three on the other stream for those interested.
What did she mean with that comment about Anna? Have people not been satisfied with having Rachel as a host?
People are saying how great it is just it was effective as SHIT! Not that it was extremely difficult. I had just never seen ghosts with so much energy take out banelings like that.
Also I just realized how sick all these groups are... group D is pretty ridiculous, even with some newfound respect for idra after IEM I would be very surprised to see him get out of that group. Also I think whitera will be very hard pressed as well. Haven't seen MMA vp in a while though... and theSTC is just a brick wall.
On October 07 2011 11:32 Nillinch wrote: Cool.
To win every zerg need: 2x more exp's 2x more workers 2x more supply 2x more units 2x more games played 2x more skill 2x more longer dick than other race players You're telling me the race that is ideal for taking the most expansions, and has weak but cheap and massable units, requires more units and expansions than other races? WHAT?