Game gets paused and Huk and Stephano are having some small talk. A god of sign tells Stephano to forfeit the game.
The game started and then pauses again.
Commentators are having small talk and are annoucing there twitters account.
They are showing a video of Kevin Knockes but it doesn't go corretly so they restart it. Again it echo's altought it has been restarted. The sound is also really low.
Epix beard.
They are showing a commercial or video about coaching right now. An other coach is and now again an other coach(I do not get it?).
Now they go to the court(wtf?)
1 vs 3 it looks like.
Some sc2 comment beein used when they play basicball.
That is how he plays in MBE..
THe following program is a paid advertisement.
Randy Anderson with a weird accend about IPL about t-shirt.
It can clean:
1. blood
just blood...(wtf?)
Now they say the t-shirt is more observent with some hot chick that is working out.
It is made in americe...(okai good for you!)
1 payment of 89.95 no 79,95 no 59,95! HOLD IT 19.99.. 2 sleeves!!
With every t-shirt you buy you get something I do not know(i really do not know).
this is disturbing.
We are back at the commentators and they had no sound, after 15seconds they go sound again.
<3 IPL!
Stephano going for a spawning pool on 16/18 followed up by gas, sending his first overlord to the bottom left base.
HuK places his nexus before his forge.
HuK trys to denie Stephano from expanding, but Stephano was able to expand, hatch whent down at the natural at 3:30.
HuK building a cannon and is taking double gas at his main.
HuK hiding a probe at the bottom left position.
Stephano still droning, pulled his drones out of gas when he had 100gas.
Metaspeed finishes at 5:58.
Stephano taking a 3rd base.
Huk places a pylon at the bottom left position. he starts warp gate research after that.
twilight council goes down at 6:38.
Huk places a second pylon at the bottom right, at the top of the 3rd of Stephano.
Stephano getting an early evo chamber and a roach warren.
HuK getting +1 damage upgrade and Stephano +1 roach attack.
Dark Shrine goes down at the 7:40 minut.
HuK builded 6 gateways, making them gateways when they finish.
Stephano placing a spore crawler behind his 3rd, his lair is done tought so he is able to make an overseer.
HuK taking a 3rd himself that is on 50% at 9:25.
DT's been warped in going the the main and 3rd and natural of Stephano, Stephano taking down the 3rd of HuK before it finished.
Stephano makes an overseer and cleas up the dt's with the drones/queen.
Stephano going for a counter at the natural of HuK and HuK is able to let the roaches pull back.
HuK engages the roaches and kill them off.
blink is beeing researched for HuK and overlord speed for Stephano .
Huk replaces his 3rd at 11:00.
2 spines crawler and 1 more spore beeing made by Stephano.
Stephano 4rd base finished so he is on 4 bases right now vs huk 3 bases.
HuK scouts the 4rd base with a DT but the DT gets killed by Stephano.
HuK making a wall at the bottom ramp of his 3rd, Stephano attacking it but huk was into the throw down forceshields.
Stephano going for an attack at the natural, a few zerglings get into the main, roaches fightat the natural.
Huks army to big and holds it off and he warped zealots at his main to finish of the zerglings.
Stephano taking his 5th base at the same time of the attack and he is getting infestor energy upgrade and burrow. 14:23.
Tunneling claws upgrade incoming for Stephano and he is creating 4 infestors.
HuK getting +3 melee upgrade and is making his first void ray right now.
On October 07 2011 03:29 blade55555 wrote: Is it possible to watch the fpvod of the games or is that not till the actual event? Thanks for the answer in advance!
What you mean? You can watch them if you got prime ticket. But they are very laggy and just in game view without mouse.
doa surprised of stephano.... come on. starcraft is your job. that means you should invest ~8 hours a day into that. hat STEPHANO was under his radar? i am disappointed