On October 24 2011 00:46 Rowa wrote: How does Stephano do that ? He was under heavy harassment from the early to the mid game and is now on 6 bases again.. He lost some queens/lair, but Mana lost zealots and took a late expo. I don't know if he lost much in the way of actual econ.
What a great strategy by mana, who seemed to get infinitely ahead, but stephano is so good. I don't see how either player made a mistake.
fun series
mmm... i think mana should have won that.
stephano is the only zerg i see killing observers , he uses 2 oversieries and corruptors to pick up all obs, he killed like 10 in this series so far
Mana really takes his 3rd to late
Jesus crist Stephano is a bloddy monster i was 100% sure MaNa would win that game
They should just rename that new sc2 expansion 'Stephano' and be done with it lol!
On October 24 2011 00:47 s3183529 wrote: Man cannot play aggressive enough...He should learn PvZ from MC. MC Loses PvZ all the time these days.
United Kingdom14464 Posts
After the sniping the lair, he should have just expanded, not tried to attack the gold, but drop the zealots on the building bases.
My stream is dying. Anyone else have a prob? It's been fine all day.
Mana took his 3rd expo at 18min ... wtf is he thinking
you cant win at this level with a 18 min third
Slow down there buddy, or they'll nerf drones
On October 24 2011 00:48 zYwi3c wrote: Am i the only one that thinks this Tournament is favoring Stephano, and doing everything that he could win ?
I mean ... seriously, headphones ONLY without ear plugs, on stage with french commentatiors that are very loud ? And ofc Stephano is the only player that can understand this language, there are o more french players ...
You can't be serious.
On October 24 2011 00:48 zYwi3c wrote: Am i the only one that thinks this Tournament is favoring Stephano, and doing everything that he could win ?
I mean ... seriously, headphones ONLY without ear plugs, on stage with french commentatiors that are very loud ? And ofc Stephano is the only player that can understand this language, there are o more french players ...
wow you're an idiot. are you sad because someone from poland is getting thrashed? nationalism is sad bro.
his observer killing was superb
"Stephano is not very impressive, he needs to proof himself at LAN, online wins mean nothing" ...
Stephano wins IPL3 Stephano did tear through MLG Open bracket, losing only to Korean players (StC in open, BoxeR in championship) Stephano is about to win ESWC
... right.
The harass wasn't so good in the end. Only tech damage, no economic damage.
2 base for 16 minutes probably didn't help MaNa.
Can't kill shit fast enough with zealot drops... Stephano just takes more hatcheries