Keep enjoying the games. In advance, if you OP whine, see you in a while. If you post well, hopefully see a lot more of you :D <3 |
On October 04 2011 13:34 Veritask wrote: The fact that a terran can stay in the game with 16 scvs is a fundamental flaw in this game
the terran didn't exactly lose his army though.
I think Idra forgot entirely what a spine crawler is this game. Was laying a ton last game but he's falling victim to so many drops with no base defenses.
Idra's emotions definitely going to get the best of him here.
IdrA looks pretty dead now.
Idra might GG a winnable game
Has IdrA not been injecting for the past 10~ minutes? D:
IdrA getting frustrated I believe in yooh! You can do this.
WHY DOES HE KEEP EXPANDING TO THE SOUTH!!!! Puma hasn't even touched the northeast base...
Just make lings Idra
how many god damn scv's does puma have now? is it sub 20? this is fucking pathetic that he's still in this.
Wow that engagement was bad for idra really thought his army was way superior ;o
Puma botched this game by underestimating mutalisk harassment, if he had taken the time to secure his 4th he'd be fine all those minutes ago.
Puma looking very ehhhhhhhh. Idra getting back in form though.
Hero Infestor with 22 kills
Can't tell if PuMa suddenly gotten really bad, or IdrA's suddenly gotten really good. >_>
On October 04 2011 13:35 DoomsVille wrote: IdrA looks pretty dead now.
Yep. Puma just had so many marines and vikings.
this game would be 1000000x better without mr bitter extreme bias... imo...
am i the only one that is terrified idra is gonna GG out at any second?