On August 12 2011 11:21 Rasky wrote: lol see Collosus make Hydras What else would you do? Really. Please tell me. Because if you go corruptors in that situation you are equally fucked since they would need to be in huge numbers to effectively kill the collos before they get sniped by stalkers.
4base Roach/Hydra is just as bad, if not better, as Roach Corruptor on that old crappy map.
Idra please don't go on tilt. Just one more game and your in the semis again.
pretty bad maps Kinda werid for IPL to be useign these really old maps that people say are the I word.
Go go spinecrawler rush
I love the IPL production quality, but watching 1 or 2 month old gameplay is somewhat blank...
Better map for IdrA than Shakuras for ZvP, plenty of room to engage in the centre and drops are more effective.
Fast lair wow, this will be interesting.
ohhh he is trying the nestea build. that is soo sexy.
Spinecrawler rush, he did this build in the EG Master's cup a few months back!
On August 12 2011 11:24 Joshy.IGN wrote:Poll: Recommend IdrA vs. MaNa Game 3?No (13) 65% Yes (7) 35% If you have time (0) 0% 20 total votes Your vote: Recommend IdrA vs. MaNa Game 3? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
I havent watched but I guess Idra lost that one lol.
Ooooh this game will be interesting.
IdrA should get the cyber and gateway, be interesting to see how this goes.
He need cannons at the outside ;;
Don't think it is going to work, only worked for NesTea because anypro left his Nexus in range.
Wtf lol Idra - ragequiting again.
well looks like Idra's going to go from 2-0 to 3-2 yay (hope i'm wrong)