On August 07 2011 06:31 mprs wrote: The reason the PvP scene survived through BC and WotLK is because of the VERY large player base of the game who tune in to find out who will win. Lots of pride and shit talking, made it kinda interesting.
On August 07 2011 06:20 Jibba wrote: I'll be watching this, but it still boggles my mind that Blizzard doesn't promote RBG as their WoW ESPORT at all. It would be so much better from a spectator perspective.
Rated Battlegrounds aren't anywhere near competetive on the same level as arena
well of course they aren't because with the introduction of arenas in TBC nobody gave a FUCK about bgs anymore, it was only casuals who grinded some honor to get basic pvp gear
apart from that BGs have been a fucking joke since the pvp caps on the ranks in vanilla got loosened and every who jsut had enough time could get rank 14 doing random BGs :|
I remember, in the old school system, I had rank... some around 9/10/11
alliance rank was called sth with lieutenant-commander or whatever
can't believe I wasted 6years playing that game, while I could have gotten into SC:BW and into this wonderfull community soo much sooner <3
Dunno, the ingame community on your own server was always pretty fucking amazing tbh, I've met a lot of people, and now that those are coming to SC it's even better, but I wouldn't say it didn't have a good community ;p.
On August 07 2011 06:29 Lokj wrote: Zalmah commentanting a wow-game: "There's an ancient zimbabwean saying that says: If you can talk, you can sing and if you can talk you can dance. Well, if you have a computer you can play WoW, but not as well as these guys."
I have no idea what Zalmah does nowadays, but they should try and get him into SC2 casting <3
That basically sums up the relation between 2gd and Zalmah .
On August 07 2011 06:31 Eufouria wrote:If Blizzard supported it properly it could have still been great. There's a definite market for a balanced class basedmarena, or objective style, game with WoWs control system.
You should check out Bloodline Champions (BLC), it functions almost exactly like WoW arena. Also, 2GD is the e-Sports manager for BLC.
On August 07 2011 06:29 Fyzar wrote: Sad thing, for all the WoW newbs, is that both RMP's lost in the round prior to this (to the teams that we'll see now), RMP v RMP has always been exciting, and I think that would've been a better match.
well, the setups arent that bad.. DK/lock/pally vs DK/lock/shammy.. could be pretty intresting. no huge burst dmg and im curious which healing class has the advantage. pretty hard to say
On August 07 2011 06:31 mprs wrote: Arena was fun S2-3 and actually competitive 3v3 and 5v5. But the game has gone to hell.
From a player's perspective, it was imbalanced and painfully random at times
From a spectator's perspective, Blizzard added so many abilities and shit, that you will never understand what is totally going on, unless you've played the game at the highest level. There is no time to explain it either.
PvP isn't meant to be watched. The reason the PvP scene survived through BC and WotLK is because of the VERY large player base of the game who tune in to find out who will win. Lots of pride and shit talking, made it kinda interesting.
I find it funny how TBC was in a sense, terrible yet it's considered the best we've had.
On August 07 2011 06:29 Lokj wrote: Zalmah commentanting a wow-game: "There's an ancient zimbabwean saying that says: If you can talk, you can sing and if you can talk you can dance. Well, if you have a computer you can play WoW, but not as well as these guys."
I have no idea what Zalmah does nowadays, but they should try and get him into SC2 casting <3
SO funny! At the BLC prize ceremony at Dreamhack, 2GD said when giving the check that he would buy a bazooka with the money. Zalmah was on stage too for some reason. I laughed so much.
On August 07 2011 06:20 Jibba wrote: I'll be watching this, but it still boggles my mind that Blizzard doesn't promote RBG as their WoW ESPORT at all. It would be so much better from a spectator perspective.
Yea I agree
I think arena have 2 big problems that makes it not very viewerfriendly.
First off it lacks a focuspoint. 6 players running around doing all sorts of spells and shit in a very high pace makes it hard for the viewer to understand what is going on. The second problem is that a lot of abilities isnt visualized so you dont really know why someones hp dropped. It's really a mess for anyone who isnt a highrated arena player, which is very few.
RBG would move the focus away from the small fights and on to the bigger picture, the strategies and score of the battle. This is much more understandable from a viewer point and probally more entertaining as well. I do however think it is probally a bit too late to introduce RBG's after so many years of arena and I'm under the impression that RBG's havent really caught on in WoW.
On August 07 2011 06:14 Mikah wrote: koreans were so sick in wow too!
Orangemarmelade <3
I remember seeing that, it was pretty epic, but also shows the problem with Arena as a spectator sport. OrangeMarmalade (its nice that Korean WoW players go for the same type of names as SC players) does a lot of super amazing things, but its too complicated even for commentators to explain.
While SC also has these tricks that many of us will never know, you can at least get the idea of what's happening when a player shows some amazing skill. For example Strelok dropping everywhere against Naniwa.
If Blizzard supported it properly it could have still been great. There's a definite market for a balanced class basedmarena, or objective style, game with WoWs control system.
Do they really show WoW arena with the characters as tiny as this? I haven't played WoW since vanilla so I've never seen the game zoomed out like this. I suppose it's useful to have some sort of overview, but damn does it look ugly.
On August 07 2011 06:29 Lokj wrote: Zalmah commentanting a wow-game: "There's an ancient zimbabwean saying that says: If you can talk, you can sing and if you can talk you can dance. Well, if you have a computer you can play WoW, but not as well as these guys."
I have no idea what Zalmah does nowadays, but they should try and get him into SC2 casting <3
SO funny! At the BLC prize ceremony at Dreamhack, 2GD said when giving the check that he would buy a bazooka with the money. Zalmah was on stage too for some reason. I laughed so much.
But does anybody know what Zalmah does nowadays?
I'm guessing he works for BLC doing something, if he was on the stage during the prize giving :S
I still remember that, was so good, they stopped letting the viewers hear the players after Hydra shouted MOTHERFUCKERS to the Koreans on stream. Kalimist: "Dude, don't be rude.". Hydra: "I don't give a fuck."
On August 07 2011 06:20 Jibba wrote: I'll be watching this, but it still boggles my mind that Blizzard doesn't promote RBG as their WoW ESPORT at all. It would be so much better from a spectator perspective.
Rated Battlegrounds aren't anywhere near competetive on the same level as arena
well of course they aren't because with the introduction of arenas in TBC nobody gave a FUCK about bgs anymore, it was only casuals who grinded some honor to get basic pvp gear
apart from that BGs have been a fucking joke since the pvp caps on the ranks in vanilla got loosened and every who jsut had enough time could get rank 14 doing random BGs :|
the vanilla ranks have always been about time and communication, worst system ever.
well at least in the beginning the competition was high enough that you actually needed an effective group to make a push to the higher ranks, the drama on our unofficial server forums was just epic... but as soon as they loosened it and introduced realm pools (i think that came around the same time?) you we're pretty much able to just grind your way through random BGs getting up to a million honor a week no matter how bad you were and still got rank14