On August 07 2011 06:01 bankin wrote: I could imagine IdrA just swinging at the person asking him questions after a lost match.
I'd like to see that tbh
at the IEM finals in germany last year (iirc), the final match was morrow vs idra, which ended 4-1 for the no soul guy. take was the host and interviewer at that event, and after a quite long question from him to idra about the possible nerfs and patches on the game, idra's answer was like "could be" to which followed a moment of akward silence from take who was expecting a more indepth and thought argumentation.
Dennis's english was really quite poor at that event, and his usual direct questions didn't sit so well with some players :D
He kept trying to provoke them into saying statements of imbalance etc.
On August 07 2011 06:09 Meancookie wrote: I'll explain wow really briefly for all who's interested:
The Burning Crusade:
season 1-2 everything was new, people were having fun and didn't know what to do season 3-4 was really refined; there was imbalanced stuff but you could outplay the opponent and win. really fun although have to admit not many classes could compete. many people considering season 3 as the primetime of wow
notable classes: warrior, rogue, warlock, druid
Wrath of the Lich King:
it was decently fun, but completely imbalanced.
season 5 and 6 were the following 3 compositions: rogue/mage/priest, deathknight/warlock/healer and variations of paladin-deathknight-warrior-hunter season 7-8: double healer teams were really boring. also: SPELLCLEAVES (= a healer and 2 wizzards) meant we had to sit through 45 minutes of boredom till the game ended in draws
also: globalling: people would randomly die in a second or 2 for no apparent reason except RNG
I quit middle season 9 so don't have much info except this:
everything got very... bland; most classes look alike, there is little synergy or uniqueness
Thanks for the info,
What classes are in the finals that we're about to watch?
Can you explain globaling a bit more? People mentioned it a couple times on the Arena junkies thread but I still don't quite get it. (I played a decent amount of WoW before, druid and mage especially, though never arena stuff).
globaling is killing someone pretty fast, i.e. in few global cooldowns.
On August 07 2011 06:11 Telcontar wrote: So how imbalanced is the WoW Arena thing? Is it like glaringly obvious that one thing is way more powerful than another, or more like how BW is with OP vs OP?
Let me run you through it. There are 10 classes in WoW that can all have 3 different specialties.
There are 8 teams with 3 players on the tourney (3vs3 format) Out of these 8 teams there are 7 teams with a ''warlock'' and 5 teams with a ''shaman''. The other teams that don't have a ''shaman'' have a ''paladin'' in it's place. There is only 1 different team that doesn't play a team that looks a lot like the other 7. So out of the 30 specialties in the game there are maybe 10 specialties being used at this tournament.
On August 07 2011 06:13 TheDougler wrote: Thanks for the info,
What classes are in the finals that we're about to watch?
Can you explain globaling a bit more? People mentioned it a couple times on the Arena junkies thread but I still don't quite get it. (I played a decent amount of WoW before, druid and mage especially, though never arena stuff).
We're about to watch should be Death Knight / Warlock / Paladin versus Death Knight / Warlock / Shaman.
Don't expect any 'globaling'; which is where one person goes from 100% health to dead in about the span of a global (1.5 seconds).
That doesn't really happen anymore, and that definitely won't happen in this match.
On August 07 2011 06:09 Meancookie wrote: I'll explain wow really briefly for all who's interested:
The Burning Crusade:
season 1-2 everything was new, people were having fun and didn't know what to do season 3-4 was really refined; there was imbalanced stuff but you could outplay the opponent and win. really fun although have to admit not many classes could compete. many people considering season 3 as the primetime of wow
notable classes: warrior, rogue, warlock, druid
Wrath of the Lich King:
it was decently fun, but completely imbalanced.
season 5 and 6 were the following 3 compositions: rogue/mage/priest, deathknight/warlock/healer and variations of paladin-deathknight-warrior-hunter season 7-8: double healer teams were really boring. also: SPELLCLEAVES (= a healer and 2 wizzards) meant we had to sit through 45 minutes of boredom till the game ended in draws
also: globalling: people would randomly die in a second or 2 for no apparent reason except RNG
I quit middle season 9 so don't have much info except this:
everything got very... bland; most classes look alike, there is little synergy or uniqueness
Thanks for the info,
What classes are in the finals that we're about to watch?
Can you explain globaling a bit more? People mentioned it a couple times on the Arena junkies thread but I still don't quite get it. (I played a decent amount of WoW before, druid and mage especially, though never arena stuff).
basically, imagine a team setting up a nice kill by controlling the enemy healer with spells like polymorph so he can't do anything and burtsing down a target with beautifull finesse. that was the burning crusade
now imagine a team that basically uses random spells that have no really long cooldown or anything so this can happen every 10 seconds or whatever. suddenly: boom someone dies. completely out of nowhere
that's wrath of the lich king :p
idk how the situation currently is in cataclysm; when I quit wow, it was like this: in general, most things go a bit slower, except some GLARING imbalances (for example: a warrior can knock down a rogue and kill him in under 5 seconds while the rogue can't do ANYTHING about it)
On August 07 2011 06:10 Thorakh wrote: Plus there is too much RNG. Imagine if storms would have a 25% chance to do nothing but instead kill the templar himself, medivacs would have a 15% chance to randomly let units fall out and zerglings a 23% chance to grow larger wings and fly over ledges. That's WoW.
The thing about WoW as an e-sport is that for every cool RMP mirror you saw there were about 100 games of the equivalent of 6 pool OR both players sitting in their base and macroing for 45 minutes before someone finally dies instantly.
Love watching that, the live thing is better, the casters were calling GG and congratulating the other team on the tournament win and they just talked over it happening then were O.O
Oh yeah I forgot, the only thing worth watching is RMP vs RMP. That shit gets intense, Hydra's RMP, Buttonbashers and Reckful's RMP. RMP vs RMP really takes skill (because it is balanced obviously), the rest is shit.
On August 07 2011 06:14 Denzil wrote: Anyone know the 2 videos I'm looking for?
1 is of Woundman's team mentioning some shit about being in africa during a game
The other is Hydra's team v Number1's team where Kali does the exact opposite of what Hydra says and they win.
@Thesidu that's the second one!
RMP v RMP is the only balanced and decent match up in Arena.
''Woundman is in fucking Africa now, kill him'' Was Woundman's RMP vs the meleecleave of that really famous BC/LK guy, I fucking forgot his name fml ;S...
On August 07 2011 06:06 haffy wrote: What are the WOW commentators like? I've never played or watched WOW so will the commentators be able to tell me what I need to know?
if you don't play wow you won't understand much at all
Yeah thats true haha. And even if you play wow, its sometimes quite hard to follow imo. So much going on
Yeah, I tried to watch a little bit of the Raid TB was casting, but I didn't understand any of the terminology.