On August 07 2011 06:01 Fyzar wrote: DK/Shaman/Lock vs DK/Paladin/Lock for who's interested. I'm rooting for the LSD! Showtime is the team of Anotherx, old WoW fans should know him!
Since you seem knowledgeable, is Inflame playing with Hydra/Kali? as I seen a pic of the 3 lined up, O.o
Inflames with Hydra I think Kali dodged or something.
kali quit wow after getting banned for archy bot (rumor?), he does play on 2.4.3 a lot though (hydramist rmp won last tourny there)
To anyone wondering, they will show Wow arena games. 3v3 matches, and the view is mostly from third person of one of the characters. The thing is, 3v3 Wow arena is actually pretty complex and has some depths. Problem is, it really doesn't work as a viewing sport. The interesting and complex bits simply are too small and hard to notice for the game to be any fun to watch.
On August 07 2011 06:06 haffy wrote: What are the WOW commentators like? I've never played or watched WOW so will the commentators be able to tell me what I need to know?
It's Soe, so no ;p. There was one baller caster in the history of WoW I think, and that's Jared ''Vhell'' ..... He was the biggest baller there was, compareable to an Artosis or Day9 nowadays, but he isn't casting.
Also, it's probably not fun to watch if you've never played it at a reasonable level . I'm just checking it out now to see if the new expansion is any good ;p.
On August 07 2011 06:00 Thorakh wrote: "We're bringing you WoW."
"It will be the final game of tonight."
I feel for the WoW players , they have no tournaments at all.
Can't they actually set up tournaments themselves nowadays though?
I'm not that active in Cataclysm, but I'm pretty sure I've seen an interface option to organize games between two preset teams. Though I might have got the wrong idea as well, but that's how it looked like.
It seems like a nice feature to help fans kickstart the scene if they're dedicated enough.
Only if the players are on the same server, and the best players tend to be spread amongst several of the dozens of different servers, unlike SC2 which only has one for EU, one for NA, etc.
As far as I know, there's no facility outside of Blizzard endorsed tournaments to be able to play against players on different live servers.
On August 07 2011 06:07 sinii wrote: I don't watch WoW, but i do feel they could have easily put on a 2nd stream for WoW so that everyone could enjoy the tournament. It's not like its hard to set up a reliable stream these days...
I don't get why they didn't do that. As an old wow player myself, I would have like to atleast tune in for a game or two, just to see how the game has evolved.
On August 07 2011 06:06 haffy wrote: What are the WOW commentators like? I've never played or watched WOW so will the commentators be able to tell me what I need to know?
if you don't play wow you won't understand much at all
Yeah thats true haha. And even if you play wow, its sometimes quite hard to follow imo. So much going on
On August 07 2011 06:01 PartyBiscuit wrote: I'm not really knowledgable at all about the WoW scene and stuff, but what was Totalbiscuit casting earlier today? or was that not part of EU invitational?
TB was casting the Heroic Fireland's raid by paragon WoW's #1 PvE guild.
Hmm, didnt TB leave WoW cause he was so dissappointed with blizz etcetc?
He stopped doing WoW content like Azeroth Daily and that, but live streams of raids especially with the top guild are rare and far between, and since he was there and a known WoW person probably asked him to cast it.
He was doing this today, whatever it is
Totalbiscuit Totalbiscuit TotalBiscuit is live at #assembly casting Paragon raiding the latest content. twitch.tv/totalbiscuit
I'll explain wow really briefly for all who's interested:
The Burning Crusade:
season 1-2 everything was new, people were having fun and didn't know what to do season 3-4 was really refined; there was imbalanced stuff but you could outplay the opponent and win. really fun although have to admit not many classes could compete. many people considering season 3 as the primetime of wow
notable classes: warrior, rogue, warlock, druid
Wrath of the Lich King:
it was decently fun, but completely imbalanced.
season 5 and 6 were the following 3 compositions: rogue/mage/priest, deathknight/warlock/healer and variations of paladin-deathknight-warrior-hunter season 7-8: double healer teams were really boring. also: SPELLCLEAVES (= a healer and 2 wizzards) meant we had to sit through 45 minutes of boredom till the game ended in draws
also: globalling: people would randomly die in a second or 2 for no apparent reason except RNG
I quit middle season 9 so don't have much info except this:
everything got very... bland; most classes look alike, there is little synergy or uniqueness
On August 07 2011 06:06 haffy wrote: What are the WOW commentators like? I've never played or watched WOW so will the commentators be able to tell me what I need to know?
I'm not sure about the casters but the WoW matches are just PvP arena's. You dont need to know much other than one team basically has to kill the other. The classes they use themselves should easily tell you what each player's role in the group is.
On August 07 2011 06:03 Astro-Penguin wrote: Honestly as a previous WoW PvP fan I suggest you at least give watching it a shot, its actually pretty entertaining and in many cases alot of skill can be involved (assuming the games balanced during the current metagame) Competitive WoW actually has a really big community, only reason it was dropped from MLG and ESL was due to blizzards inability to provide a spectator client after the release of Cataclysm. The community although much less prominent with the release of SC2 still exists and a majority of them would love WoW to peak back to its former success.
The game has much bigger problems than no spectator client. The biggest problem is RNG and huge imbalances between different compositions. It's an RPG, it was never ment to be a competitive title so I think it's good that it's primarily confined to blizzards own tournaments.
On August 07 2011 06:00 Thorakh wrote: "We're bringing you WoW."
"It will be the final game of tonight."
I feel for the WoW players , they have no tournaments at all.
Can't they actually set up tournaments themselves nowadays though?
I'm not that active in Cataclysm, but I'm pretty sure I've seen an interface option to organize games between two preset teams. Though I might have got the wrong idea as well, but that's how it looked like.
It seems like a nice feature to help fans kickstart the scene if they're dedicated enough.
But it just doesn't happen, its like in BW, there where barely any tournies. Yeah in theory they could have just set up a load of tournaments but it just doesn't happen really.
Also in WoW I think you have to be on same realm and considering people are spread out over like 20 realms or so that have good players on em it just isn't viable.
On August 07 2011 06:03 Astro-Penguin wrote: Honestly as a previous WoW PvP fan I suggest you at least give watching it a shot, its actually pretty entertaining and in many cases alot of skill can be involved (assuming the games balanced during the current metagame) Competitive WoW actually has a really big community, only reason it was dropped from MLG and ESL was due to blizzards inability to provide a spectator client after the release of Cataclysm. The community although much less prominent with the release of SC2 still exists and a majority of them would love WoW to peak back to its former success.
Its not possible to understand whats happening unless you PvP yourself, which is a big problem. On the other hand, I brought Starcraft because I saw how exciting a competetive match was.
Well it depends on what kind of team are fighting. I'm not really up to date(and I've always loathed arena, the game is PvE, deal with it), but it's not really fun to watch mana drain teams, and you will not really know what you are watching. On the other hand, you can/could have good teams to watch, but back in the day, yer it was either just long drawn out mana wars or instant gibs.
But yer seeing as there are so many WoW players, needing to play WoW to understand what's going on isn't just as limiting as it would be for Star Craft.
On August 07 2011 06:06 haffy wrote: What are the WOW commentators like? I've never played or watched WOW so will the commentators be able to tell me what I need to know?
It's Soe, so no ;p. There was one baller caster in the history of WoW I think, and that's Jared ''Vhell'' ..... He was the biggest baller there was, compareable to an Artosis or Day9 nowadays, but he isn't casting.
Also, it's probably not fun to watch if you've never played it at a reasonable level . I'm just checking it out now to see if the new expansion is any good ;p.
i agree with Vhell being an awesome caster!!! He was amazing! Though i always LOVED the WoW stuff 2GD casted though, then again he could make any game fun.
On August 07 2011 06:01 bankin wrote: I could imagine IdrA just swinging at the person asking him questions after a lost match.
I'd like to see that tbh
at the IEM finals in germany last year (iirc), the final match was morrow vs idra, which ended 4-1 for the no soul guy. take was the host and interviewer at that event, and after a quite long question from him to idra about the possible nerfs and patches on the game, idra's answer was like "could be" to which followed a moment of akward silence from take who was expecting a more indepth and thought argumentation.
On August 07 2011 06:06 haffy wrote: What are the WOW commentators like? I've never played or watched WOW so will the commentators be able to tell me what I need to know?
It's Soe, so no ;p. There was one baller caster in the history of WoW I think, and that's Jared ''Vhell'' ..... He was the biggest baller there was, compareable to an Artosis or Day9 nowadays, but he isn't casting.
Also, it's probably not fun to watch if you've never played it at a reasonable level . I'm just checking it out now to see if the new expansion is any good ;p.