Khuna's supposed to be really good, wouldn't mind seeing a decent RMP play.
Khuna most definitely is the 2nd best Rogue in Europe. He's a beast.
since you are the WoW expert, in the player sheets it says Hydra is playing mage, that cant be correct, can it?
Wouldn't be surprised if he deleted his priest and started playing mage after missing a rank1 title for the first time. Wow is such a simple game that you can pick up a new class, play for a week and win blizzcon invitational
On August 06 2011 20:35 Beyonder wrote: Where can I see the wow teams' lineups?
you don't have to, every team is resto shaman/affliction lock/random third person; apart from 1 rogue/mage/priest team and maybe a warrior/(hunter or dk)/paladin - the last bit might've been from the US invitational though
On August 06 2011 20:35 Sawofhackness wrote: And casters do not have to be ultra high level to be good, total biscuit is a gold leaguer yet he has surprisingly good analysis
Anyway, as much as I enjoyed my time at WoW, the arena is a joke :/
Also, I kinda like Rotterdam. I'm not the biggest fan, but he's still a decent guy. And I'm high Masters if you're wondering.
On August 06 2011 20:30 Project Psycho wrote: 2pm now? is this a joke or what?
No its real. Right now behind the scenes players are being welcomed by president of POland, as tradition says, with salt+bread+vodka! Thats why there is delay tarson and white ra are already smashed.
Ahahah Although White-Ra looks like a dude who can hold his liquor.
On August 06 2011 20:27 Telcontar wrote: Holy shit, I just played another hour long TvZ on taldarim... That map
There's been a delay? So it starts in 30 minutes?
Did you win? Nothing more satisfying than winning one, and nothing more depressing than losing xD
As for the delay, saying it definitely starts in 30 minutes seems a bit optimistic given the delays already lol. Maybe tune back in in 30 and hope for the best xD
Yeah, I won 2 1-hour TvZs on taldarim this morning, and it's so exhausting. I manage to win by the skin of my teeth, and I guess the tension being released is what's draining me. Infestors are so very good, but ghosts are pretty nice themselves
On August 06 2011 20:35 Beyonder wrote: Where can I see the wow teams' lineups?
you don't have to, every team is resto shaman/affliction lock/random third person; apart from 1 rogue/mage/priest team and maybe a warrior/(hunter or dk)/paladin - the last bit might've been from the US invitational though
EU looks like it's got a reasonable spread of classes and comps, unlike NA which has a ton of casters + Reckful xD
Blizz delays are the worst TT
I'll never get Rotti hate, he's a really good player who's an experienced caster. Only things I can ever find offputting is race bias, but usually he keeps it lighthearted.
On August 06 2011 20:30 Project Psycho wrote: 2pm now? is this a joke or what?
No its real. Right now behind the scenes players are being welcomed by president of POland, as tradition says, with salt+bread+vodka! Thats why there is delay tarson and white ra are already smashed.
Getting Tarson drunk is like giving him performance enhancing drugs. When that hangover kicks in nobody will be able to beat him.