On July 19 2011 20:03 Witten wrote: x.x
A lot of people just died.
But now I cant' wait to see what Hongun has for Nestea.
I hope he proves me wrong but I feel Nestea is going to roll him.
Hahaha u mad Mc fans?
User was temp banned for this post.
Do the other side of the bracket matter?
On July 19 2011 20:03 duk3 wrote: Well, it's been nice knowing you all! GG HongUn, have fun getting stomped by the Code S July winner NesTea...
Everyone said the exact same thing about MC stomping Hongun so we'll see.
wait wut? did we just see results for games that haven't happened?
well now , what just left for me its Nestea vs Tester/trickster at the finals.
United States97275 Posts
On July 19 2011 14:18 Shellshock1122 wrote: double 3-0s tonight, unless nestea plays like he does on the ladder and loses a game to "feign weakness" What awful predictions. I'll give you the Nestea one, but MC 3-0ing LOL YOU ARE FAIL
oh my what the hell hong un mode.
nestea bomber finals?
On July 19 2011 20:01 Deshkar wrote: MC being greedy?
Absolutely. Down 2-1 in a Bo5, you're going to try a 4 wg vs 3wg hold, when the 4wg player has the initial unit advantage, and you scouted the 4wg REALLY late? There's no way to describe that, other than greedy and stupid.
I content myself only in knowing that almost no one picked hongun in liquibet, unlike when I misclicked tassadar for the code A finals, where I was basically the only one =/.
On July 19 2011 20:03 Arceus wrote: 99 PROBLEMS BUT AN WRIST AINT ONE HongtimusPrimeeeee
Hahahahaha, 10/10 would read joke again =D
Russian Federation676 Posts
I will be sad till the end of the day now
On July 19 2011 20:03 absinthfee wrote: Anyone got that result right? Yap, 2/2 today :D
On July 19 2011 20:02 snotboogie wrote: Nestea is laughing all the way to the bank.
Haha this. Hopefully Hongun does better than Inca did last season >_>
Bomber Nestea final!
Or Losira, that will be great.
Bomber and Losira better win tomorrow..
if hongun is going to play against nestea, he better not inca it up. seriously. I was really looking forward to mc vs nestea. please hongun, show good games.
On July 19 2011 20:02 Asha` wrote: HongUn causing nerd deaths everywhere!
Second semi-finals, officially the GSL's second best protoss in terms of achievements now.
You forget San?
four warp gate still lame as always.
Not taking anything away from hungon..........but come on.........