Up & Down Match Format Change - Code A Winner will automatically advance to Code S without going through Up & Down Match - MLG Winner will receive a GSL Code S seed for the following month. (Even if the winner is a Korean player, the seed will be provided). If the winner turns down the Code S seed or is already a Code S player then the runner-up will be given the seed. - Code S 4th Place Players (8) + Code A Top 7 = 15 players - Players will be divided into 3 groups of 5. - One group per day will be broadcasted. Each group’s 1st and 2nd Place will advance to Code S.
Ohh, qxc is casting!? That's good; I really enjoy him + wolf.
As for the matches, I'm hoping that Leenock and Puzzle advance, but I hope Tassadar has a good showing, too. Protoss has desperately needed some new up-and-coming talent for a while now, so hopefully Puzzle and Tassadar can help fill that void.
Puzzle vs Happy is going to be siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick I think the winner of that match will win code A this season.
On July 11 2011 16:46 pdd wrote: Leenock and Puzzle hwaiting!
Usually cheering for the Terrans... but <3 Puzzle - and Leenock does of course earn a spot in the finals after many times of really sick draws^^
Yeah, it's been awhile since we had a Protoss in the Code A finals (actually it's never happened before).
Hope we won't get 2 protoss tho :D One is enough please please. And seeing Leenock fail series against toss in the past, I'm not confident he'll win. He's a terran slayer, but I'm not sure about his vP.
I really like puzzle too, and Happy is very good, this serie should be good. Some new protoss blood would be very good for code S. Code S protoss are all here since the very beginning (except Alicia), we need some new faces.
Picked Leenock v Puzzle finals for a while now, make my dream come true =D?
P.S. Still not sold on the Happy hype. P.P.S. Actually worried about Leenock, his vT has been proven to be fantastic this tournament, but his vP has been shaky recently.
EDIT: Also, poll. Because polls.
Poll: Code A July Grand Final
Leenock v Puzzle (19)
Leenock v Happy (9)
Tassadar v Puzzle (9)
Tassadar v Happy (2)
39 total votes
Your vote: Code A July Grand Final
(Vote): Leenock v Puzzle (Vote): Leenock v Happy (Vote): Tassadar v Puzzle (Vote): Tassadar v Happy
I just can't get too excited for these match ups. Not too sure why as I've seen good play from all of them. Must be the influx of amazing players at every major tournament every other weekend.
On July 11 2011 17:27 jmbthirteen wrote: I just can't get too excited for these match ups. Not too sure why as I've seen good play from all of them. Must be the influx of amazing players at every major tournament every other weekend.
Hah, NASL has me a little burnt out, and probably a lot of others. LR might be quiet tonight =/
Fu, I wanted to do my liquidbet at the last minute as I was hesitating hard, but forgot the betting close 1 hour before TT. 6 points in the drain. Well, it's not like I had a chance anyway :D
Woo today should be awesome, didn't think I was going to be able to catch it, switching ISP's and the net's supposed to have already gone down for that. No doubt one of the matches will go 5 and I'll get cut off during the final engagement or something =p
Really curious to see how Leenock vs Tassadar goes since Leenock's ZvP has looked a bit shaky in the past, but we've not really seen how T-dizzle plays the match up.
Puzzle vs Happy should just be awesome if the GSTL match between Puzzle and his teammate is anything to go on =)
Huk met Leenock on ladder this morning on Scrap Station... Huk insta gg-ed... didn't like the map. Would have been good practice for Leenock otherwise!
I think all four are good enough to be in Code S. However, I'm hoping Leenock will get the Code A winner's guaranteed Code S spot. I don't wanna risk Leenock's luck with up and down match again T_T
On July 11 2011 18:15 Hunterai wrote: I think all four are good enough to be in Code S. However, I'm hoping Leenock will get the Code A winner's guaranteed Code S spot. I don't wanna risk Leenock's luck with up and down match again T_T
Yeah, with Leenock's luck he would get something like MKP, MVP and sC all in his group lmao.
On July 11 2011 18:15 Hunterai wrote: I think all four are good enough to be in Code S. However, I'm hoping Leenock will get the Code A winner's guaranteed Code S spot. I don't wanna risk Leenock's luck with up and down match again T_T
Yeah, with Leenock's luck he would get something like MKP, MVP and sC all in his group lmao.
TBH right now I'd still probably fancy his chances against any of them other than sC
I just remembered Tassadar talking about the way Sage plays PvZ, I wonder if he'll try to pull it off too :O
But I like Leenock, and New Star (I call them New Star, and F United is Fox United to me. Teams have cooler names in my head) have a lot of strong Protoss, so I'm looking at Tassadar more critically, now
On July 11 2011 18:18 BookII wrote: Just noticed they've only both played terrans to get to the semis.
Gonna be interesting.
That‘s what makes it so hard to predict. Tassadar is new and Leenock has only recently started training for real, and neither as played this matchup this season.
Tassadar going up to triple stargate (I wonder if he actually forgot he opened stargate at this point in time) in response to the broodlords but he's not got time to really get any out.
After a bit of poking around and Tassadar warding off broods with storm and blink stalkers, Leenock attacks anyway and pretty much steamrolls Tassadar :O
Finally a game with a zerg where I'm not blindly rooting for the zerg. I'm still rooting for Leenoch but I like Tassadars style and I would not mind him winning.
Tassadar lost because he just let Leenock do whatever he wanted to. He had so much money in the bank, but Zerg remaxes instantly and in the time Protoss gets one round of units out he's dead. Tassadar had no chance after the first 10 minutes without an attack.
I think what the casters missed was that Leenock was getting more and more broods while protoss was maxed already and couldnt really get a counter to the broods.. I would say leenock purposefuly didnt trade armies so that he couldn't use the stargates.
While the game itself was rather lame, Leenocks mid game was very intelligent: constant ability to ling runby the natural which frees up gas for faster infestor, that's my review of it.
On July 11 2011 18:38 Tobberoth wrote: Why would you add high templar? Storm does pretty pathetic damage against brood lords, no?
I think Tassadar just thought: "Hey, I've got no pressure being put on me at all - let's tech to everything!" The only thing he was missing was a fleet beacon. The storms would actually have been good for thinning out the hydras, so it was pretty dumb of Tassadar to waste storms on brood lords and then suicide the rest of his templars.
On July 11 2011 18:38 Tobberoth wrote: Why would you add high templar? Storm does pretty pathetic damage against brood lords, no?
it's mot all about killing the broods
Pretty sure the HT were for feedbacking the infestors.
Yeh he didnt really see the infestors to be able to feedback, however vs Hydra the storms do eat them up pretty nicely! So wasnt all a bad tech choice, think he lost because like you all saying is he pretty much lost due to no pressure play.
This build is pretty easy to spot, he only had like 2 sentries and 1 zealot when he moved to expand. He could be hiding the rest but at least to be safe you could make 1 spore.
On July 11 2011 18:47 bittman wrote: Hmm, feel like Tassadar could have won if he was more decisive there?
Thinking the same thing, he shud of had a 4th gate up by then and just flood with stalker/zealot and surely its all over :S
If he'd even kept warping in sentries and stood below ramp for longer he would be miles ahead unless I'm missing something Leenock could have done to break out?
What the hell, how can Tassadar be botching this so hard?
He had a chance when he took the hatchery out to 2-shot like 20 drones but he just lets them run away and remake the hatchery and spines, then attackes into spines and infesters without HT or colossus..
Why doesn't dark templar have a hold fire mode? I lose my DT's sometimes when i'm trying to keep them hidden and a zergling runs by and i hit one by accident, like what just happened there.
These baneling drop threats are great. An overlord and 4 banelings are nothing in terms of supply, while it keeps a bunch of protoss units sitting around plus probes running around when he threatens.
On July 11 2011 18:51 LastDance wrote: I cringe everytime they call Leenock "Leenocktopus". Seriously... i wish they would stop.
I think it's awesome. Leenocktopus will prob lead to some great photoshops.
Try page 7.
So, all the work Tassadar put into his opening is completely negated now and he's most likely going to lose to the better player. I guess that's how it should be but still, frustrating.
I enjoy qxc's casting quite a bit. It's incredibly informal, but he knows what he's talking about and he's funny without sounding forced. Leenocktopus xD
On July 11 2011 19:05 Bear4188 wrote: Dont base race as zerg.
bullshit, there are a lot situations, where it is a good move.
Basetrades 100% favour the more mobile/less cost effective army. Generally it's good to basetrade as zerg; with the 'zerg death ball', however, you really want a big engagement as your army is really cost effective.
On July 11 2011 19:05 Bear4188 wrote: Dont base race as zerg.
So he should of turned around to defend and try to catch the much faster army then his? He would of lost so much by the time he got back to his base...
On July 11 2011 19:05 Jehct wrote: That's why Idra says broodlords suck ZvP loloolol
He doesn't like infestors zvp either. Maybe that explains why he thinks P is so imba...
When has he ever said he doesn't like infestors ZvP? O_O He says he prefers ultralisks and the only time you can ever use ultralisks is with infestor support.
Leenock sacrificed too many drones and money when he tried to build 10+ spines when tassadar"s army was all over his hatchery...had he saved those drones , it would have been gg for tassadar.
On July 11 2011 19:05 Jehct wrote: That's why Idra says broodlords suck ZvP loloolol
He doesn't like infestors zvp either. Maybe that explains why he thinks P is so imba...
When has he ever said he doesn't like infestors ZvP? O_O He says he prefers ultralisks and the only time you can ever use ultralisks is with infestor support.
On July 11 2011 19:05 Jehct wrote: That's why Idra says broodlords suck ZvP loloolol
He doesn't like infestors zvp either. Maybe that explains why he thinks P is so imba...
When has he ever said he doesn't like infestors ZvP? O_O He says he prefers ultralisks and the only time you can ever use ultralisks is with infestor support.
I think it was the first SotG with him after the fungal buff that he said, "Fungal isn't as good against protoss as it should be."
On July 11 2011 19:05 Jehct wrote: That's why Idra says broodlords suck ZvP loloolol
He doesn't like infestors zvp either. Maybe that explains why he thinks P is so imba...
When has he ever said he doesn't like infestors ZvP? O_O He says he prefers ultralisks and the only time you can ever use ultralisks is with infestor support.
On July 11 2011 19:08 SeriouR wrote: That was nice, i guess that si the problem with broolords, that you give up all your mobility.
not only with Broods - also with banelings ; ) "So I threw all my banelings into buildings, so now I have no suplly left - doesn't work that good either.
On July 11 2011 19:05 Jehct wrote: That's why Idra says broodlords suck ZvP loloolol
He doesn't like infestors zvp either. Maybe that explains why he thinks P is so imba...
When has he ever said he doesn't like infestors ZvP? O_O He says he prefers ultralisks and the only time you can ever use ultralisks is with infestor support.
On July 11 2011 19:05 Jehct wrote: That's why Idra says broodlords suck ZvP loloolol
He doesn't like infestors zvp either. Maybe that explains why he thinks P is so imba...
When has he ever said he doesn't like infestors ZvP? O_O He says he prefers ultralisks and the only time you can ever use ultralisks is with infestor support.
On July 11 2011 19:11 frogurt wrote: Broods are great ZvP because of Toss' lack of strong late game anti-air, but that game was an example of how not to use broods.
Haha can you spell void-ray? That hardcounter both zergs tier3?
On July 11 2011 19:12 DigitalisDestructi wrote: Leenock's reaction time is pretty decent, gg-ing just before the extractor died. Pro-gaming is his future.
On July 11 2011 19:12 DigitalisDestructi wrote: Leenock's reaction time is pretty decent, gg-ing just before the extractor died. Pro-gaming is his future.
On July 11 2011 19:05 Jehct wrote: That's why Idra says broodlords suck ZvP loloolol that was sick.
Sorry, but that doenst make any sense
"That"? What in this game proved that Broodlords are bad in ZvP? The fact that they cant basetrade well? =S
The fact that there's no way to force an engagement. There are two good ways to deal with broodlords without air: totally avoid engaging them or use huge numbers of blink stalkers/colossi and focus the broodlords with spread groups of stalkers (to avoid dying to fungal) while colossi kill the broodlings so the stalker ball doesn't die (Huk style).
Either way works and neither is really 'controllable' by the zerg; it depends totally on the map/game position, of course, however.
On July 11 2011 19:11 frogurt wrote: Broods are great ZvP because of Toss' lack of strong late game anti-air, but that game was an example of how not to use broods.
Haha can you spell void-ray? That hardcounter both zergs tier3?
The funny thing about infestors is that is the recent metagame which involve a lot of blink stalkers, the old fungal growth would certainly be better. I think zergs are still playing with the old fungal in mind, they use it to pin stalkers, but the best use of fungal right now is (imo) to fungal 3 or 4 times the same units to just kill them. Reduce a stalkers ball by 4 or 5 stalkers each 3 casts is huge.
On July 11 2011 19:11 frogurt wrote: Broods are great ZvP because of Toss' lack of strong late game anti-air, but that game was an example of how not to use broods.
Haha can you spell void-ray? That hardcounter both zergs tier3?
Yeah but you gotta mass them up, that takes a while. You are also scared of big fungals on your voids. I guess it's whoever has the first jump on the tech.
MC did it vs Sen in NASL, but i haven't seen any other huge late game void ray tech switches.
On July 11 2011 19:11 frogurt wrote: Broods are great ZvP because of Toss' lack of strong late game anti-air, but that game was an example of how not to use broods.
Haha can you spell void-ray? That hardcounter both zergs tier3?
Why do people say things like this? You're not just supposed to reach tier 3 and stop using tier 1 and 2.
It's not there, if that's what you were referencing.
MLG: Some people believe Infestor/Broodlord is already the strongest late-game composition at the moment. Agree or disagree?
"Against Protoss the combination is too immobile, and is dealt with by Blink Stalkers with Collosus and Storm support. I feel even Ultras are better than Broodlords vs late-game Protoss. I think a late-game Blink Stalker-based army PvZ is by far the strongest thing in the game."
Read the interview before saying I'm wrong? Even control+f works. Maybe saying they suck is twisting his words, though; they just aren't the best decision in his opinion.
Witty by Tassadar but still leaves me with this feeling of really? just play a hole fucking game I'm sick of seeing these tempo based timing attacks every god damn game from you.
i forgot tassadar was on the same team, wow i wish I had the apm for that type of pressure its so sexy looking and destroys zerg. must be very scary to be on the other end of that pressure
On July 11 2011 19:22 rewired wrote: Witty by Tassadar but still leaves me with this feeling of really? just play a hole fucking game I'm sick of seeing these tempo based timing attacks every god damn game from you.
Yeah man, he should totally just sit back and let a Zerg macro undisturbed on Terminus. Great strategy.
On July 11 2011 19:22 rewired wrote: Witty by Tassadar but still leaves me with this feeling of really? just play a hole fucking game I'm sick of seeing these tempo based timing attacks every god damn game from you.
That wasn't even a timing attack
It was Leenock playing really poorly and defending badly against really standard stargate play that MC does every game.
He was put so far behind that Tassadar decided to go kill him.
There was no "magic timing", he could have attacked 2 minutes later and won just as easily.
On July 11 2011 19:24 openbox1 wrote: What is a "tempo based timing attack"? Is that a just a pompous way of saying constant harass to the win?
I think that the constant harass makes you lose focus and conc. on important stuff If you give up the attack, they can eventually claw their way back I think
On July 11 2011 19:19 blacktar wrote: it looks like tassadar watched nhso sage +_+
Reminds me of my GSTL Fantasy Fiasco; 'hey awesome I only have 1 point left for my anti-team, let's pick some unknown newbie who will be crushed. This Sage sounds like one of those.
> Sage all-kills fOu and appears to be the most awesome Protoss in Korea.
On July 11 2011 19:24 openbox1 wrote: What is a "tempo based timing attack"? Is that a just a pompous way of saying constant harass to the win?
Yeah, it means that you constantly apply pressure and if your opponent can't follow the tempo (= can't multitask well enough), a small advantage will carry over to a medium advantage, to a win. (as opposed to timing pushes) MKP vs Kyrix on Shakuras is a perfect example of a tempo based play.
On July 11 2011 19:22 rewired wrote: Witty by Tassadar but still leaves me with this feeling of really? just play a hole fucking game I'm sick of seeing these tempo based timing attacks every god damn game from you.
Yeah man, he should totally just sit back and let a Zerg macro undisturbed on Terminus. Great strategy.
On July 11 2011 19:24 openbox1 wrote: What is a "tempo based timing attack"? Is that a just a pompous way of saying constant harass to the win?
No, it's controlling what your opponent is doing by hitting on timings when they have to macro. Like hitting a zerg right when they need to inject, for instance.
On July 11 2011 19:24 openbox1 wrote: What is a "tempo based timing attack"? Is that a just a pompous way of saying constant harass to the win?
I think that the constant harass makes you lose focus and conc. on important stuff If you give up the attack, they can eventually claw their way back I think
so all the zerg bitc*ing is that Protoss should not keep the pressure on...? I'm a Terran player and a Leenock fan but don't know what the whining is about. Tassadar played great and that game was entertaining if one-sided.
On July 11 2011 19:24 openbox1 wrote: What is a "tempo based timing attack"? Is that a just a pompous way of saying constant harass to the win?
"Tempo based play" is play which revolves around hitting consecutive timings and building up an advantage through aggression. A "tempo based timing attack" is what a caster says when he messes up explaining something that he actually understands/mixes two different terms for no apparent reason. Silly Wolf, why you gotta make mistakes!
I really like QXC's commentary it's kinda crazy and hyperactive, but he also has a lot of solid insightful things to say about the games. Errr... as I type this he's making shitty jokes about over 9000s, still I <3 you QXC.
On July 11 2011 19:22 rewired wrote: Witty by Tassadar but still leaves me with this feeling of really? just play a hole fucking game I'm sick of seeing these tempo based timing attacks every god damn game from you.
Yeah man, he should totally just sit back and let a Zerg macro undisturbed on Terminus. Great strategy.
Ok let me rephrase then, I get bored of seeing 7-12 minute games
Its not bad that he did it from a player point of view you obviously play to win but as a spectator(I personally) kinda rolled my eyes.
This build, in theory, is amazing. Mass spine crawler into muta... only with the spines outside their base instead of yours! I love you Leenock (only you need more spines dood!)
On July 11 2011 19:31 Jehct wrote: This build, in theory, is amazing. Mass spine crawler into muta... only with the spines outside their base instead of yours! I love you Leenock.
NesTea used it a while ago, though he got the spines up earlier and followed with a 3-hatch(I think) hydra bust rather than mutas.
On July 11 2011 19:31 Jehct wrote: This build, in theory, is amazing. Mass spine crawler into muta... only with the spines outside their base instead of yours! I love you Leenock.
NesTea used it a while ago, though he got the spines up earlier and followed with a 3-hatch(I think) hydra bust rather than mutas.
I know; I was just poking fun at it since standard muta play typically uses a ton of defensive spines.
On July 11 2011 19:33 blacktar wrote: did one of the casters say tempo based first, is that where this guy on page 19 got it from? or do you think they read this thread!
On July 11 2011 19:31 Jehct wrote: This build, in theory, is amazing. Mass spine crawler into muta... only with the spines outside their base instead of yours! I love you Leenock.
NesTea used it a while ago, though he got the spines up earlier and followed with a 3-hatch(I think) hydra bust rather than mutas.
I know; I was just poking fun at it since standard muta play typically uses a ton of defensive spines.
This was quite failed in fact, if you go spine rush vP (Nexus first) on TAle you can kill the whole wall normally, as the spines finish at the same time as his first Zealot.
On July 11 2011 19:32 Hephaistas wrote: And now DT.. more cheese plz:D
...................................................... Someone makes a unit in the game and it's cheese?
Protoss building anything other than probes is cheese, duh.
You can also build 4 sentries and a 1:1 mixture of stalkers and zealots. No charge/blink though, that's super cheesy. Late game you can add in colossus.
On July 11 2011 19:36 DisaFear wrote: Wow, excellent hold
Excellent hold by whom though? Leenock completely butchered that and then just made a bunch of roaches
Debatable; he needed to start trading armies. Losing all the mutas was kinda stupid but at the same time they're really cost/supply inefficient against upgraded blink stalker armies. Questionable choice but definitely not an awful one.
Tassadar did well, Leenock seemed to get stuck after switching into Roach that game and that's never something you want to be maxed on vs Blink + storm.
On July 11 2011 19:41 invincibility wrote: ROFL you Leenock can't even pressure protoss when you are maxed and he is 120 supply, great balance poor play
Lets the entire Protoss army walk around without keeping track of its position. Forgets to burrow his fucking roaches after getting stormed to hell, could have easily regenerated their HP, instead focuses in dropping banelings which do shit-all damage. Engages when broodlords aren't ready
On July 11 2011 19:40 mr_tolkien wrote: Mass Stalkers (with 4 HTs) 20 minutes into the game, working perfectly, quite sad.
Please pay attention to what happens in the game rather than whining, Leenock got a large advantage and then played very poorly from there. Had absolutely nothing to do with the respective strengths of either race.
On July 11 2011 19:41 invincibility wrote: ROFL you Leenock can't even pressure protoss when you are maxed and he is 120 supply, great balance poor play
On July 11 2011 19:42 Sair wrote: Tassadar isn't good, Leenock just blows.
Lets the entire Protoss army walk around without keeping track of its position. Forgets to burrow his fucking roaches after getting stormed to hell, could have easily regenerated their HP, instead focuses in dropping banelings which do shit-all damage. Engages when broodlords aren't ready
Herpderp Leenock.
So I'm guessing you've never seen Leenock play before this series? Because he's actually really good. Herpderp MMA is terrible did you see what Polt did to him?
On July 11 2011 19:41 invincibility wrote: ROFL you Leenock can't even pressure protoss when you are maxed and he is 120 supply, great balance poor play
On July 11 2011 19:41 invincibility wrote: ROFL you Leenock can't even pressure protoss when you are maxed and he is 120 supply, great balance poor play
Fixed that for you
nope you didn't fix it at all
NesTea, Sen, Losira, Line, Coca, Min all don't have trouble.
Such a bad show from Leenock. Horrible harassment, not killing the third when he had a huge advantage, allowing DTs to harass his army at all times and control the towers, not burrowing his Roaches, and failing to even GET burrow when he needed it. Not to mention letting his tech get slaughtered at his third. Leenock just got worse after every game.
On July 11 2011 19:42 Sair wrote: Tassadar isn't good, Leenock just blows.
Lets the entire Protoss army walk around without keeping track of its position. Forgets to burrow his fucking roaches after getting stormed to hell, could have easily regenerated their HP, instead focuses in dropping banelings which do shit-all damage. Engages when broodlords aren't ready
Herpderp Leenock.
So I'm guessing you've never seen Leenock play before this series? Because he's actually really good. Herpderp MMA is terrible did you see what Polt did to him?
Leenock barely maintains 50% winrate, he is currently incredibly overrated, but does have potential
On July 11 2011 19:43 Pipeline wrote: I predict PvP finals! Protoss in general seem to have the best knowledge of the late meta game atm.
Terran knows the holes in our armor really well, though. Especially early-midgame. It should be a close series, but I expect Happy to win.
Its usually just abusing a protoss who tries to tech too much at once. Its not uncommon to see MC get double forge upgrades, blink or charge and adding templar tech at the same time. Thats just too much teching early game and other races get punished for being that greedy :p
I'd say that is pretty good unit use. Just when the part where the camels back break there is no other unit that is more convenient to resupply with than the Stalker. Tasssadar could have made anything at that point, he just made Stalkers to finish the game.
People need to stop focusing on the last 2mins of the game
I'd say that is pretty good unit use. Just when the part where the camels back break there is no other unit that is more convenient to resupply with than the Stalker. Tasssadar could have made anything at that point, he just made Stalkers to finish the game.
People need to stop focusing on the last 2mins of the game
Especially when it's more unit variety than there usually was in BW. It seems like people want every unit to be used every game, otherwise it's abusing the power of mass X.
On July 11 2011 19:42 Sair wrote: Tassadar isn't good, Leenock just blows.
Lets the entire Protoss army walk around without keeping track of its position. Forgets to burrow his fucking roaches after getting stormed to hell, could have easily regenerated their HP, instead focuses in dropping banelings which do shit-all damage. Engages when broodlords aren't ready
Herpderp Leenock.
So I'm guessing you've never seen Leenock play before this series? Because he's actually really good. Herpderp MMA is terrible did you see what Polt did to him?
Leenock barely maintains 50% winrate, he is currently incredibly overrated, but does have potential
Leenock's vT has been recently amazing. Unfortunately his vP is, on the other end of the scale, quite terrible. vZ he is creative, but average at.
I think his "overrating" comes from his potential though. That said, if he only had to ZvT he'd be Code S =P (Bit like saying if Inca only had to PvP he'd be a champion I guess =S )
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP can actually be pretty fun to watch if the players know what they're doing, at least if you know the matchup. Lots of tiny details that determine who wins and loses.
On July 11 2011 19:46 MrCon wrote: Haa Leenock, why you don't make any lings. Lings are the answers to everything ffs
Except against storm! But ye, Leenock should have made more infestors, researched burrow tech and movement (standard if you go heavy roach compositions) and he killed himself when he lead the super injured roaches to his morphing broodlords.
This game didnt show the Leenock we've seen earlier in this Code A season. I had a hard time to recognize his play !
Zerg continues to struggle against storm. I don't see why protoss don't always go for storm in PvZ. It's not like zerg has any way to zap the energy of the HT (with either feedback or EMP). Pretty much just have to keep them with your army and they should stay safe.
Fantastic play by Tassadar though. He definitely earns the advancement. That base race in game 2 was crazy fun as well.
On July 11 2011 19:42 Sair wrote: Tassadar isn't good, Leenock just blows.
Lets the entire Protoss army walk around without keeping track of its position. Forgets to burrow his fucking roaches after getting stormed to hell, could have easily regenerated their HP, instead focuses in dropping banelings which do shit-all damage. Engages when broodlords aren't ready
Herpderp Leenock.
So I'm guessing you've never seen Leenock play before this series? Because he's actually really good. Herpderp MMA is terrible did you see what Polt did to him?
Leenock barely maintains 50% winrate, he is currently incredibly overrated, but does have potential
He's very strong vs T but not very good vs P imo. Not having that overseer with his army allowed so much time for Tassadar to prepare and set up his 3rd while leenock does cute things like surrounding DTs with his army....no lings, a group of 20-30 lings sent in the 3rd while the armies are in the center is deadly and force your opponent to multitask hard.
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP can actually be pretty fun to watch if the players know what they're doing, at least if you know the matchup. Lots of tiny details that determine who wins and loses.
Yeah, they can be, the Homestory 3 cup had PvP finals, and it was amazing.
Although I wish him the best, let's face it: Leenock is never going to be a top SC2 player. And it has nothing to do with his age. His strategy and understanding of the game are really good. But his multi-tasking and mechanics are noticeably worse than the top players. Every time there's an engagement his macro suffers too much. And I really feel he's not going to get better over time.
On July 11 2011 19:49 Megiddosc wrote: Zerg continues to struggle against storm. I don't see why protoss don't always go for storm in PvZ. It's not like zerg has any way to zap the energy of the HT (with either feedback or EMP). Pretty much just have to keep them with your army and they should stay safe.
Fantastic play by Tassadar though. He definitely earns the advancement. That base race in game 2 was crazy fun as well.
It takes a long time to tech to, it's not uncommon for baneling bombs to kill all of our templar before our stalkers can shoot down the ovies, and speed roaches can tank/dodge it pretty well.
On July 11 2011 19:50 dookudooku wrote: Although I wish him the best, let's face it: Leenock is never going to be a top SC2 player. And it has nothing to do with his age. His strategy and understanding of the game are really good. But his multi-tasking and mechanics are noticeably worse than the top players. Every time there's an engagement his macro suffers too much. And I really feel he's not going to get better over time.
Well, like you said, he's young, so he has time to work on those aspects. Give him time, we may well see a better Leenock soon. Here's hoping
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP can actually be pretty fun to watch if the players know what they're doing, at least if you know the matchup. Lots of tiny details that determine who wins and loses.
Yeah, they can be, the Homestory 3 cup had PvP finals, and it was amazing.
Even on STOG JP said he started to like watching PvP. People need to get rid of the sterotype of PvP being terrible, a lot has changed in the last few months. It is a very enjoyable matchup to watch
Btw, in the current state of PvZ I don't understand why all zerg just don't open with a fast evo and spores. In every PvZ, you'll see either DTs or VR/phoenixes so it's never a wasted investment.
On July 11 2011 19:49 Megiddosc wrote: Zerg continues to struggle against storm. I don't see why protoss don't always go for storm in PvZ. It's not like zerg has any way to zap the energy of the HT (with either feedback or EMP). Pretty much just have to keep them with your army and they should stay safe.
Fantastic play by Tassadar though. He definitely earns the advancement. That base race in game 2 was crazy fun as well.
Arent HT's relatively slow though compared to the rest of the protoss armies? On liquidpedia it says 1.875 movement speeds for HTs. Even zealots move at 2.25. Imagine if part of the bulk of Tassadar's army was HTs he wouldnt be as mobile as he needed to be in game 2, not that it really matters cause broodlords are even slower
On July 11 2011 19:50 dookudooku wrote: Although I wish him the best, let's face it: Leenock is never going to be a top SC2 player. And it has nothing to do with his age. His strategy and understanding of the game are really good. But his multi-tasking and mechanics are noticeably worse than the top players. Every time there's an engagement his macro suffers too much. And I really feel he's not going to get better over time.
He has a lot of time to improve. Especially if he moves to a better team, like OGS for example.
On July 11 2011 19:49 Megiddosc wrote: Zerg continues to struggle against storm. I don't see why protoss don't always go for storm in PvZ. It's not like zerg has any way to zap the energy of the HT (with either feedback or EMP). Pretty much just have to keep them with your army and they should stay safe.
Fantastic play by Tassadar though. He definitely earns the advancement. That base race in game 2 was crazy fun as well.
Arent HT's relatively slow though compared to the rest of the protoss armies? On liquidpedia it says 1.875 movement speeds for HTs. Even zealots move at 2.25. Imagine if part of the bulk of Tassadar's army was HTs he wouldnt be as mobile as he needed to be in game 2, not that it really matters cause broodlords are even slower
Late game zerg armies have no anti-air, except infestors usually.
I really want to see speed warp prisms carrying around high templars.
Drop + storm + pick up, drop + storm + pick up
I have seen protoss doing it against terran players and they have 9 range vikings and fast marines
On July 11 2011 19:50 dookudooku wrote: Although I wish him the best, let's face it: Leenock is never going to be a top SC2 player. And it has nothing to do with his age. His strategy and understanding of the game are really good. But his multi-tasking and mechanics are noticeably worse than the top players. Every time there's an engagement his macro suffers too much. And I really feel he's not going to get better over time.
He has time to improve a lot. Especially if he moves to a better team, like OGS for example.
If Leenock joined IM, I think he'd be unstoppable. No offense to fOu, but a lot of their team is pretty bad.
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP can actually be pretty fun to watch if the players know what they're doing, at least if you know the matchup. Lots of tiny details that determine who wins and loses.
Yeah, they can be, the Homestory 3 cup had PvP finals, and it was amazing.
Even on STOG JP said he started to like watching PvP. People need to get rid of the sterotype of PvP being terrible, a lot has changed in the last few months. It is a very enjoyable matchup to watch
Its not terrible, and it can be good with 2 high level players playing, but I'd still rather watch a non-mirror matchup.
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP is amazing. All techs explorable off of one base, aggression immediately. Sick matchup.
I have never seen mother ship or carrier ever in a PvP and temps are super rare
It was a while ago...and I'm struggling to remember who was playing, but there was 1 game I saw which was basically colossus vs colossus/mothership. Was amazing
On July 11 2011 19:50 dookudooku wrote: Although I wish him the best, let's face it: Leenock is never going to be a top SC2 player. And it has nothing to do with his age. His strategy and understanding of the game are really good. But his multi-tasking and mechanics are noticeably worse than the top players. Every time there's an engagement his macro suffers too much. And I really feel he's not going to get better over time.
He has time to improve a lot. Especially if he moves to a better team, like OGS for example.
If Leenock joined IM, I think he'd be unstoppable. No offense to fOu, but a lot of their team is pretty bad.
I'd rather see him in a "younger" team (if this has any sense).
He could do wonders being the top zerg of NSHoSeo, or as an A teamer in MVP, SlayerS, even TSL.
Teams like IM, oGs, ST already have established top players and no real need for new stars it seems. Leenock would learn more than he does in fOu, but he'd be a B teamer.
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP is amazing. All techs explorable off of one base, aggression immediately. Sick matchup.
I have never seen mother ship or carrier ever in a PvP and temps are super rare
It was a while ago...and I'm struggling to remember who was playing, but there was 1 game I saw which was basically colossus vs colossus/mothership. Was amazing
I remember a PvP between iNcontroL and CrunCher that had maybe 6 motherships total.
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP can actually be pretty fun to watch if the players know what they're doing, at least if you know the matchup. Lots of tiny details that determine who wins and loses.
Yeah, they can be, the Homestory 3 cup had PvP finals, and it was amazing.
Even on STOG JP said he started to like watching PvP. People need to get rid of the sterotype of PvP being terrible, a lot has changed in the last few months. It is a very enjoyable matchup to watch
Its not terrible, and it can be good with 2 high level players playing, but I'd still rather watch a non-mirror matchup.
Yeah 2 high level players playing part is quite true. PvP is still bad when you are watching mediocre players :/
On July 11 2011 19:50 dookudooku wrote: Although I wish him the best, let's face it: Leenock is never going to be a top SC2 player. And it has nothing to do with his age. His strategy and understanding of the game are really good. But his multi-tasking and mechanics are noticeably worse than the top players. Every time there's an engagement his macro suffers too much. And I really feel he's not going to get better over time.
Well, like you said, he's young, so he has time to work on those aspects. Give him time, we may well see a better Leenock soon. Here's hoping
Well I actually said Leenock isn't going to improve. Yes, he's young, but he's been a pro-gamer long enough for us to see his potential. At his age, his mechanics should be better than a player like Nestea, but they aren't.
I just don't think he has the physical talents to make it to the top. It's just like in order to be a great athlete, hard work is not enough -- one need to be blessed with extraordinary hand-eye coordination.
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP is amazing. All techs explorable off of one base, aggression immediately. Sick matchup.
I have never seen mother ship or carrier ever in a PvP and temps are super rare
It was a while ago...and I'm struggling to remember who was playing, but there was 1 game I saw which was basically colossus vs colossus/mothership. Was amazing
I remember a similar game in one of those random ICCup events. Cruncher vs Dodro I think, Mothership, pheonixes, more then 3 bases for each I think.
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP is amazing. All techs explorable off of one base, aggression immediately. Sick matchup.
I have never seen mother ship or carrier ever in a PvP and temps are super rare
It was a while ago...and I'm struggling to remember who was playing, but there was 1 game I saw which was basically colossus vs colossus/mothership. Was amazing
Vortex is actually really good in pvp colossus wars since it gives you a really good positional advantage (your colossi are clumped coming out of the vortex, mine aren't); the 1.5 second immunity is actually not that big of a deal. Incontrol loves his lategame pvp mommyships Also plexa a looong time ago had an awesome thread about midgame motherships in pvp
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP is amazing. All techs explorable off of one base, aggression immediately. Sick matchup.
I have never seen mother ship or carrier ever in a PvP and temps are super rare
It was a while ago...and I'm struggling to remember who was playing, but there was 1 game I saw which was basically colossus vs colossus/mothership. Was amazing
I remember a PvP between iNcontroL and CrunCher that had maybe 6 motherships total.
yea, both opened with a fast expo and going this colossi/mothership army but now people really know how to play against that, I mean, pvp only get better when people discover something noboy counter correctly
I think pvp has a lot to change, idk, so much 1base play
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP is amazing. All techs explorable off of one base, aggression immediately. Sick matchup.
I have never seen mother ship or carrier ever in a PvP and temps are super rare
It was a while ago...and I'm struggling to remember who was playing, but there was 1 game I saw which was basically colossus vs colossus/mothership. Was amazing
I remember a similar game in one of those random ICCup events. Cruncher vs Dodro I think, Mothership, pheonixes, more then 3 bases for each I think.
Plexa made a mothership based PvP a while ago. Not sure how well it still works
On July 11 2011 19:50 dookudooku wrote: Although I wish him the best, let's face it: Leenock is never going to be a top SC2 player. And it has nothing to do with his age. His strategy and understanding of the game are really good. But his multi-tasking and mechanics are noticeably worse than the top players. Every time there's an engagement his macro suffers too much. And I really feel he's not going to get better over time.
He has time to improve a lot. Especially if he moves to a better team, like OGS for example.
If Leenock joined IM, I think he'd be unstoppable. No offense to fOu, but a lot of their team is pretty bad.
These comments are so ignorant. It's more than just teams that determines a player's growth and results.
Look at soccer teams like Real Madrid, plenty of stars, seldom has results relative to Barcelona.
Look at players like Hyperdub, former Code S, in one of the best team. By your logic he should be a lot better than he is now.
On July 11 2011 19:50 dookudooku wrote: Although I wish him the best, let's face it: Leenock is never going to be a top SC2 player. And it has nothing to do with his age. His strategy and understanding of the game are really good. But his multi-tasking and mechanics are noticeably worse than the top players. Every time there's an engagement his macro suffers too much. And I really feel he's not going to get better over time.
He has time to improve a lot. Especially if he moves to a better team, like OGS for example.
If Leenock joined IM, I think he'd be unstoppable. No offense to fOu, but a lot of their team is pretty bad.
I'd rather see him in a "younger" team (if this has any sense).
He could do wonders being the top zerg of NSHoSeo, or in MVP, SlayerS, even TSL.
Teams like IM, oGs, ST already have established top players and no real need for new stars it seems. Leenock would learn more than he does in fOu, but he'd be a B teamer.
I think the best way to improve is to play with better players.
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP is amazing. All techs explorable off of one base, aggression immediately. Sick matchup.
I have never seen mother ship or carrier ever in a PvP and temps are super rare
It was a while ago...and I'm struggling to remember who was playing, but there was 1 game I saw which was basically colossus vs colossus/mothership. Was amazing
I remember a similar game in one of those random ICCup events. Cruncher vs Dodro I think, Mothership, pheonixes, more then 3 bases for each I think.
Plexa made a mothership based PvP a while ago. Not sure how well it still works
(i think it was plexe correct me if im wrong)
iirc it was viable during the "who has the more colossi wins" era, and before the "4 gate or die" era.
On July 11 2011 19:50 dookudooku wrote: Although I wish him the best, let's face it: Leenock is never going to be a top SC2 player. And it has nothing to do with his age. His strategy and understanding of the game are really good. But his multi-tasking and mechanics are noticeably worse than the top players. Every time there's an engagement his macro suffers too much. And I really feel he's not going to get better over time.
He has time to improve a lot. Especially if he moves to a better team, like OGS for example.
If Leenock joined IM, I think he'd be unstoppable. No offense to fOu, but a lot of their team is pretty bad.
I'd rather see him in a "younger" team (if this has any sense).
He could do wonders being the top zerg of NSHoSeo, or as an A teamer in MVP, SlayerS, even TSL.
Teams like IM, oGs, ST already have established top players and no real need for new stars it seems. Leenock would learn more than he does in fOu, but he'd be a B teamer.
But thats the theory of farm teams like in other proffessional sports, you work with and can observe people much better than you and improve at a rapid pace. and obviously leenock has no shortage of in booth experience If leenock was in IM the chance to work with nestea and losira would lead him to improve really fast, even if he didn't get a lot of time in the team league he is still in the invidual leagues.
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP is amazing. All techs explorable off of one base, aggression immediately. Sick matchup.
I have never seen mother ship or carrier ever in a PvP and temps are super rare
It was a while ago...and I'm struggling to remember who was playing, but there was 1 game I saw which was basically colossus vs colossus/mothership. Was amazing
Vortex is actually really good in pvp colossus wars since it gives you a really good positional advantage (your colossi are clumped coming out of the vortex, mine aren't); the 1.5 second immunity is actually not that big of a deal. Incontrol loves his lategame pvp mommyships Also plexa a looong time ago had an awesome thread about midgame motherships in pvp
it was plexa, and this build rock :D You snipe observers with phoenixes or stalkers then you rule the sky and the ground
On July 11 2011 19:47 Tommylew wrote: good job Tassader, looking for Puzzle to bea Happy so guranteed Protoss winner!!!!
Why would you look for a PvP final?
PvP is amazing. All techs explorable off of one base, aggression immediately. Sick matchup.
I have never seen mother ship or carrier ever in a PvP and temps are super rare
It was a while ago...and I'm struggling to remember who was playing, but there was 1 game I saw which was basically colossus vs colossus/mothership. Was amazing
Vortex is actually really good in pvp colossus wars since it gives you a really good positional advantage (your colossi are clumped coming out of the vortex, mine aren't); the 1.5 second immunity is actually not that big of a deal. Incontrol loves his lategame pvp mommyships Also plexa a looong time ago had an awesome thread about midgame motherships in pvp
it was plexa, and this build rock :D You snipe observers with phoenixes or stalkers then you rule the sky and the ground
I've got to try this on the ladder. Been meaning to see if I can implement some warp prism/mothership play onto my general compositions
Happy is like Puma, he uses builds that don't make any sense. But the fact that they both do that tips me in the way that in fact their builds are making a lot of sense and they're, in fact, "ahead of the curve".
Looks like a mech build. I have found that the problem with TvP mech isn't with terran, but the fact that chargelots/blinkstalkers exist. There is no good way of stopping them from getting on top of your tank line.
On July 11 2011 20:05 MrCon wrote: Happy is like Puma, he uses builds that don't make any sense. But the fact that they both do that tips me in the way that in fact their builds are making a lot of sense and they're, in fact, "ahead of the curve".
Just like BW, builds that are really effective tend to make zero sense on paper.
On July 11 2011 20:05 MrCon wrote: Happy is like Puma, he uses builds that don't make any sense. But the fact that they both do that tips me in the way that in fact their builds are making a lot of sense and they're, in fact, "ahead of the curve".
Just like BW, builds that are really effective tend to make zero sense on paper.
On July 11 2011 20:05 MrCon wrote: Happy is like Puma, he uses builds that don't make any sense. But the fact that they both do that tips me in the way that in fact their builds are making a lot of sense and they're, in fact, "ahead of the curve".
Just like BW, builds that are really effective tend to make zero sense on paper.
On July 11 2011 20:08 pdd wrote: Hmm... can happy only Mech? I can't recall ever seeing him play a non-Mech style. Of course this may be his first TvP we've ever seen him play.
He has a great marine/tank in tvz....was displayed in an earlier round against SlayerS_Yugioh.
Seen him play a bunch of times on dual sight though and has gone mech every time
Happy's build would have done really well if Puzzle went zealot heavy. Unfortunately, Puzzle had an observer in Happy's base really early and knew exactly what to do.
No Protoss player builds that many immortals against a Terran unless they know exactly what Terran is doing.
On July 11 2011 20:08 Kinch wrote: I have no idea what Happy was shooting for in that game.
Whatever he was doing, probably would've worked if his opponent went blink stalkers or dt or anything but robo. Still was terrible, because when a Protoss doesn't know wtf you're doing they go robo to scout, AND Puzzle saw the fast gas which clues him for mech....and immmortal counters mech.
On July 11 2011 20:08 pdd wrote: Hmm... can happy only Mech? I can't recall ever seeing him play a non-Mech style. Of course this may be his first TvP we've ever seen him play.
He has a great marine/tank in tvz....was displayed in an earlier round against SlayerS_Yugioh.
Seen him play a bunch of times on dual sight though and has gone mech every time
Hmm I thought he went Mech both games against Yugioh.
On July 11 2011 20:08 pdd wrote: Hmm... can happy only Mech? I can't recall ever seeing him play a non-Mech style. Of course this may be his first TvP we've ever seen him play.
He has a great marine/tank in tvz....was displayed in an earlier round against SlayerS_Yugioh.
Seen him play a bunch of times on dual sight though and has gone mech every time
Hmm I thought he went Mech both games against Yugioh.
Nope, game 2 on Crevasse was awesome Marine/Tank. He also utterly outclassed ASDfOu on the same map in the GSTL in a marine/tank TvT.
1. Gas first gives two possibilities: reactor hellions or banshees. 2. This makes the protoss play in the dark for a while until he gets obs since he has to play defensive. 3. Shows banshee to protoss: this forces the protoss to play cautious, buying Happy more time. 4. Happy needs something to buy more time, he goes for blue flames, threatening to kill probes, to keep Protoss in his base. Now this allows him to get his tanks and mech up.
What went wrong? His hellions didn't keep the protoss in his base. I'm going to bet that when he practiced this, everyone he vsed just turtled due to the hellions.
Mech is extremely weak early game. This means that either you need to make some bio to defend, or do something weird, like what Happy did, to negate the weak early game. What Happy did also opened up the tech tree, which is technically better than making bio units which don't do anything later anyway.
On July 11 2011 20:15 WindCalibur wrote: If anyone was questioning what was Happy doing...
1. Gas first gives two possibilities: reactor hellions or banshees. 2. This makes the protoss play in the dark for a while until he gets obs since he has to play defensive. 3. Shows banshee to protoss: this forces the protoss to play cautious, buying Happy more time. 4. Happy needs something to buy more time, he goes for blue flames, threatening to kill probes, to keep Protoss in his base. Now this allows him to get his tanks and mech up.
What went wrong? His hellions didn't keep the protoss in his base. I'm going to bet that when he practiced this, everyone he vsed just turtled due to the hellions.
Mech is extremely weak early game. This means that either you need to make some bio to defend, or do something weird, like what Happy did, to negate the weak early game. What Happy did also opened up the tech tree, which is technically better than making bio units which don't do anything later anyway.
Way too much explanation. What actually went wrong was that Protoss built an observer.
Also, the hellions would have done a lot more damage if he split them into two groups and sent one into the main.
On July 11 2011 20:15 WindCalibur wrote: If anyone was questioning what was Happy doing...
1. Gas first gives two possibilities: reactor hellions or banshees. 2. This makes the protoss play in the dark for a while until he gets obs since he has to play defensive. 3. Shows banshee to protoss: this forces the protoss to play cautious, buying Happy more time. 4. Happy needs something to buy more time, he goes for blue flames, threatening to kill probes, to keep Protoss in his base. Now this allows him to get his tanks and mech up.
What went wrong? His hellions didn't keep the protoss in his base. I'm going to bet that when he practiced this, everyone he vsed just turtled due to the hellions.
Mech is extremely weak early game. This means that either you need to make some bio to defend, or do something weird, like what Happy did, to negate the weak early game. What Happy did also opened up the tech tree, which is technically better than making bio units which don't do anything later anyway.
Way too much explanation. What actually went wrong was that Protoss built an observer.
Also, the hellions would have done a lot more damage if he split them into two groups and sent one into the main.
I dunno if I saw all that I wouldnt know wtf was going on.
On July 11 2011 20:19 StyLeD wrote: IM doesn't have any top tier protoss.....it's showing -.-
Seed and YoungHwa are like wut is this StyLeD guy talking about.
They both have a non-standard toss style though. Perhaps not the best for practice. But they're close to top tier for sure, if not top tier for YH.
Younghwa has amazing PvP. Not exactly sure how his other Matchups fare though from what I've seen vT, his early game is pretty good, late game... eh, haven't seen much of.
On July 11 2011 20:15 WindCalibur wrote: If anyone was questioning what was Happy doing...
1. Gas first gives two possibilities: reactor hellions or banshees. 2. This makes the protoss play in the dark for a while until he gets obs since he has to play defensive. 3. Shows banshee to protoss: this forces the protoss to play cautious, buying Happy more time. 4. Happy needs something to buy more time, he goes for blue flames, threatening to kill probes, to keep Protoss in his base. Now this allows him to get his tanks and mech up.
What went wrong? His hellions didn't keep the protoss in his base. I'm going to bet that when he practiced this, everyone he vsed just turtled due to the hellions.
Mech is extremely weak early game. This means that either you need to make some bio to defend, or do something weird, like what Happy did, to negate the weak early game. What Happy did also opened up the tech tree, which is technically better than making bio units which don't do anything later anyway.
Way too much explanation. What actually went wrong was that Protoss built an observer.
No i think he is correct. Protoss can scout the gas first because there is no marine to stop the probe, therefore he can assume either reactor helions or banshee. Getting observer from there is pretty much a necessity, otherwise you just lose to cloaked banshees. Protoss getting the observer is definitely part of the plan, thats why he didnt research cloak.
The build was supposed to keep the protoss in the base because of the danger of banshees flying in and killing probes, and then transition into blue flame helions to keep the protoss in the base even longer... everything to buy time for tanks to come out. Protoss just moved out without the terran noticing and then it was pretty much over.
On July 11 2011 20:15 WindCalibur wrote: If anyone was questioning what was Happy doing...
1. Gas first gives two possibilities: reactor hellions or banshees. 2. This makes the protoss play in the dark for a while until he gets obs since he has to play defensive. 3. Shows banshee to protoss: this forces the protoss to play cautious, buying Happy more time. 4. Happy needs something to buy more time, he goes for blue flames, threatening to kill probes, to keep Protoss in his base. Now this allows him to get his tanks and mech up.
What went wrong? His hellions didn't keep the protoss in his base. I'm going to bet that when he practiced this, everyone he vsed just turtled due to the hellions.
Mech is extremely weak early game. This means that either you need to make some bio to defend, or do something weird, like what Happy did, to negate the weak early game. What Happy did also opened up the tech tree, which is technically better than making bio units which don't do anything later anyway.
Way too much explanation. What actually went wrong was that Protoss built an observer.
Also, the hellions would have done a lot more damage if he split them into two groups and sent one into the main.
You always go robo tech if you see gas before barracks. It is the safest and most logical thing to do. Making an observer wasn't what went wrong at all, since he did anticipate the ob and made a raven. He might have thought the ob would stay at the protoss base for a bit longer by faking cloak, but apparently, the ob got too much info for too long.
On July 11 2011 20:18 L3g3nd_ wrote: how do they leave that quick? the gg comes right as the game over screen pops up...
F10 + N
maybe one macro key does it all "GG"+F10+N. Keyboards capable of macros are awesome, they almost seem like hacks. I can clock 900+ APM on my Razer Marauder.
On July 11 2011 20:15 WindCalibur wrote: If anyone was questioning what was Happy doing...
1. Gas first gives two possibilities: reactor hellions or banshees. 2. This makes the protoss play in the dark for a while until he gets obs since he has to play defensive. 3. Shows banshee to protoss: this forces the protoss to play cautious, buying Happy more time. 4. Happy needs something to buy more time, he goes for blue flames, threatening to kill probes, to keep Protoss in his base. Now this allows him to get his tanks and mech up.
What went wrong? His hellions didn't keep the protoss in his base. I'm going to bet that when he practiced this, everyone he vsed just turtled due to the hellions.
Mech is extremely weak early game. This means that either you need to make some bio to defend, or do something weird, like what Happy did, to negate the weak early game. What Happy did also opened up the tech tree, which is technically better than making bio units which don't do anything later anyway.
Way too much explanation. What actually went wrong was that Protoss built an observer.
Also, the hellions would have done a lot more damage if he split them into two groups and sent one into the main.
Actually, it was a very helpful post, and I'd like to see more like it.
On July 11 2011 20:18 L3g3nd_ wrote: how do they leave that quick? the gg comes right as the game over screen pops up...
F10 + N
maybe one macro key does it all "GG"+F10+N. Keyboards capable of macros are awesome, they almost seem like hacks. I can clock 900+ APM on my Razer Marauder.
On July 11 2011 20:18 L3g3nd_ wrote: how do they leave that quick? the gg comes right as the game over screen pops up...
F10 + N
maybe one macro key does it all "GG"+F10+N. Keyboards capable of macros are awesome, they almost seem like hacks. I can clock 900+ APM on my Razer Marauder.
they are hacks.
And gg+f10+n its fast to do because when you click the enter to send the gg your close to both f10 and n so its not strange or anything...and theres no need for a macro key to leave a game fast =/
On July 11 2011 20:18 L3g3nd_ wrote: how do they leave that quick? the gg comes right as the game over screen pops up...
F10 + N
maybe one macro key does it all "GG"+F10+N. Keyboards capable of macros are awesome, they almost seem like hacks. I can clock 900+ APM on my Razer Marauder.
On July 11 2011 20:18 L3g3nd_ wrote: how do they leave that quick? the gg comes right as the game over screen pops up...
F10 + N
maybe one macro key does it all "GG"+F10+N. Keyboards capable of macros are awesome, they almost seem like hacks. I can clock 900+ APM on my Razer Marauder.
But macro keys aren't allowed ingame are they?
I dunno. Maybe Gomtv has regulations.
You're not allowed to use macros on the ladder either. It is a form of cheating.
On July 11 2011 20:18 L3g3nd_ wrote: how do they leave that quick? the gg comes right as the game over screen pops up...
F10 + N
maybe one macro key does it all "GG"+F10+N. Keyboards capable of macros are awesome, they almost seem like hacks. I can clock 900+ APM on my Razer Marauder.
But macro keys aren't allowed ingame are they?
I dunno. Maybe Gomtv has regulations.
You're not allowed to use macros on the ladder either. It is a form of cheating.
Wow really? lol what did i buy my gaming keyboard and gaming mouse for. Oh well... I'll bear that in mind. Damn, even my mouse is programmable. The thing I love most about that macro mouse is one mouse click (clicking on the wheel mouse) and the view will automatically center to my forward pylon, the warpgates are selected and im ready to warp! all in just one click! Why did Blizzard endorse the marauder keyboard and the spectre mouse from Razer if they were capable of doing things that are banned? are you sure?
On July 11 2011 20:18 L3g3nd_ wrote: how do they leave that quick? the gg comes right as the game over screen pops up...
F10 + N
maybe one macro key does it all "GG"+F10+N. Keyboards capable of macros are awesome, they almost seem like hacks. I can clock 900+ APM on my Razer Marauder.
But macro keys aren't allowed ingame are they?
I dunno. Maybe Gomtv has regulations.
You're not allowed to use macros on the ladder either. It is a form of cheating.
Wow really? lol what did i buy my gaming keyboard and gaming mouse for. Oh well... I'll bear that in mind. Damn, even my mouse is programmable. The thing I love most about that macro mouse is one mouse click (clicking on the wheel mouse) and the view will automatically center to my forward pylon, the warpgates are selected and im ready to warp! all in just one click! Why did Blizzard endorse the marauder keyboard and the spectre mouse from Razer if they were capable of doing things that are banned? are you sure?
Yeah you cant do it. Not like it really matters though I mean everything is bindable now.
All the stoner teenagers think its the best story ever.. just put the words, purple, monkey and dishwasher into any story and their eyes glaze over with joy
I just never get the .. its funny cos its "whacky".
Wolf is worse for just encouraging this crap. Stick to analysis and stop trying to be tastosis.
All the stoner teenagers think its the best story ever.. just put the words, purple, monkey and dishwasher into any story and their eyes glaze over with joy
I just never get the .. its funny cos its "whacky".
Wolf is worse for just encouraging this crap. Stick to analysis and stop trying to be tastosis.
I'm 30 and thought it was funny, maybe you should lighten up
All the stoner teenagers think its the best story ever.. just put the words, purple, monkey and dishwasher into any story and their eyes glaze over with joy
I just never get the .. its funny cos its "whacky".
Wolf is worse for just encouraging this crap. Stick to analysis and stop trying to be tastosis.
I doubt there are many stoner teenagers here. That you don't get that type of humour is your 'problem', others like it so don't go bitching about it.
Wolf and QXC are way different than Tastosis, you probably haven't watched enough of both. Why only stick to analysis? lots of people liked this, me included.
All the stoner teenagers think its the best story ever.. just put the words, purple, monkey and dishwasher into any story and their eyes glaze over with joy
I just never get the .. its funny cos its "whacky".
Wolf is worse for just encouraging this crap. Stick to analysis and stop trying to be tastosis.
what was there to analyze? the 2nd set of games were awful.
All the stoner teenagers think its the best story ever.. just put the words, purple, monkey and dishwasher into any story and their eyes glaze over with joy
I just never get the .. its funny cos its "whacky".
Wolf is worse for just encouraging this crap. Stick to analysis and stop trying to be tastosis.
I'm 30 and thought it was funny, maybe you should lighten up
It's funny because it's not funny though. It's that kind of lame humour and the casters laughing at themselves that makes it enjoyable. I guess some people don't get that, but the cast is good to watch because the casters are having fun. PirateWolf is an amazing combination but I guess it's not meant to be.
All the stoner teenagers think its the best story ever.. just put the words, purple, monkey and dishwasher into any story and their eyes glaze over with joy
I just never get the .. its funny cos its "whacky".
Wolf is worse for just encouraging this crap. Stick to analysis and stop trying to be tastosis.
yeah god forbid anyone else than tastosis tells wacky jokes and overall tries to add some humor to their casting, the fuck kind of logic is that
All the stoner teenagers think its the best story ever.. just put the words, purple, monkey and dishwasher into any story and their eyes glaze over with joy
I just never get the .. its funny cos its "whacky".
Wolf is worse for just encouraging this crap. Stick to analysis and stop trying to be tastosis.
On July 11 2011 20:18 L3g3nd_ wrote: how do they leave that quick? the gg comes right as the game over screen pops up...
F10 + N
maybe one macro key does it all "GG"+F10+N. Keyboards capable of macros are awesome, they almost seem like hacks. I can clock 900+ APM on my Razer Marauder.
But macro keys aren't allowed ingame are they?
I dunno. Maybe Gomtv has regulations.
You're not allowed to use macros on the ladder either. It is a form of cheating.
Wow really? lol what did i buy my gaming keyboard and gaming mouse for. Oh well... I'll bear that in mind. Damn, even my mouse is programmable. The thing I love most about that macro mouse is one mouse click (clicking on the wheel mouse) and the view will automatically center to my forward pylon, the warpgates are selected and im ready to warp! all in just one click! Why did Blizzard endorse the marauder keyboard and the spectre mouse from Razer if they were capable of doing things that are banned? are you sure?
Nope its totally against the Terms of Service set by blizzard which you agreed to upon installing the game. The keyboard can still work fine as it is, its just binding software is not allowed. As far as blizzard are concerned you need to physically push a button for each action.
I was initially hoping for Leenock to take Code A, but I'm actually pretty psyched for a PvP finals between up and coming stars. It's good that there was actually a decent race balance to Code A these season after so many previous seasons of terran domination...
On July 11 2011 21:07 Pipeline wrote: Im curious to what the race ratio will be next code S!
I really hope we see a lot of terrans dropping down (unlikely) to bring better balance and more matchups in GSL code S.
Terrans currently account for 43.75% of players in Code S. It's really not that bad; the illusion that the GSL is infested with T is only due to the players' skills.
The ladder is a different story, but let's not conflate the two.
A partnership between FXO and fOu seems plausible? They seem to have been in contact quite a bit, Boss and Choya obviously get on well, Oz came from fOu etc. Probably not for the current teamleague one would think, but going forwards perhaps?
On July 11 2011 20:18 L3g3nd_ wrote: how do they leave that quick? the gg comes right as the game over screen pops up...
F10 + N
maybe one macro key does it all "GG"+F10+N. Keyboards capable of macros are awesome, they almost seem like hacks. I can clock 900+ APM on my Razer Marauder.
But macro keys aren't allowed ingame are they?
I dunno. Maybe Gomtv has regulations.
You're not allowed to use macros on the ladder either. It is a form of cheating.
Wow really? lol what did i buy my gaming keyboard and gaming mouse for. Oh well... I'll bear that in mind. Damn, even my mouse is programmable. The thing I love most about that macro mouse is one mouse click (clicking on the wheel mouse) and the view will automatically center to my forward pylon
You can still do this without Macros. Make Ctrl+MB3 your keybind for setting a location hotkey and MB3 for the goto location. Thats just rebinding (legal) not macros (illegal.)
OMG, puzzle and happy stomped their opponents. This should be a great finals. Although to be honest I haven't been following GSL too closely, so I was surprised to see that it's already code A finals time @_@"
On July 11 2011 23:44 KimJongChill wrote: OMG, puzzle and happy stomped their opponents. This should be a great finals. Although to be honest I haven't been following GSL too closely, so I was surprised to see that it's already code A finals time @_@"
Little tgun and the mighty Leenock! :D Oh, that picture is just to much: every female Zergplayer in my age group will die because of an overdose of motherinstincts! Cutest Zergplayerpicture ever! :D
I know it wasn't your intention to talk about "the cute" with posting the twits, but thanks anyway. After crying many tears about Leenocks loss this really cheered me up a lot!
Little tgun and the mighty Leenock! :D Oh, that picture is just to much: every female Zergplayer in my age group will die because of an overdose of motherinstincts! Cutest Zergplayerpicture ever! :D
I know it wasn't your intention to talk about "the cute" with posting the twits, but thanks anyway. After crying many tears about Leenocks loss this really cheered me up a lot!
I'm not sure I should if I should be happy about being (inadvertantly?) called cute, or weird that I was called little, but this post was awesome.
does Ryung get a chance at upand down matches? i heard this somewhere because rain dropped out and apparently ryung won a chance from some side tournament?
On July 12 2011 00:51 SpecFire wrote: guys, quick question does Ryung get a chance at upand down matches? i heard this somewhere because rain dropped out and apparently ryung won a chance from some side tournament?
Happy dissapointed me today, he lucked unprepared. Although there is no denying Puzzle is an AMAZING player, Happy didnt play like a code a semi-finalist today.
On July 12 2011 00:51 SpecFire wrote: guys, quick question does Ryung get a chance at upand down matches? i heard this somewhere because rain dropped out and apparently ryung won a chance from some side tournament?
He takes rains spot in up and down matches yes.
Please clarify!
1. What tournament? 2. why him and not someone else? 3. Tassaddar looks fekkin solid!
On July 12 2011 00:51 SpecFire wrote: guys, quick question does Ryung get a chance at upand down matches? i heard this somewhere because rain dropped out and apparently ryung won a chance from some side tournament?
He takes rains spot in up and down matches yes.
Please clarify!
1. What tournament? 2. why him and not someone else? 3. Tassaddar looks fekkin solid!
There was a small single-elim playoff tournament between the 8 losers from the Ro16 (except for Sheth, who forfeited) for Rains spot in the up&down matches. It wasn't broadcast. Ryung won.
Leeeeeeeeeeeeeenock noooooooo! You were supposed to play Happy in the finals! But then Happy lost too! At least you guys still get into the up and down matches!
On July 12 2011 00:51 SpecFire wrote: guys, quick question does Ryung get a chance at upand down matches? i heard this somewhere because rain dropped out and apparently ryung won a chance from some side tournament?
He takes rains spot in up and down matches yes.
Please clarify!
1. What tournament? 2. why him and not someone else? 3. Tassaddar looks fekkin solid!
There was a small single-elim playoff tournament between the 8 losers from the Ro16 (except for Sheth, who forfeited) for Rains spot in the up&down matches. It wasn't broadcast. Ryung won.
tyvm mwahugs
that's a great solution by by gom!
now to find a way to surreptitiously sneak DRG and MMA into code a again...
Little tgun and the mighty Leenock! :D Oh, that picture is just to much: every female Zergplayer in my age group will die because of an overdose of motherinstincts! Cutest Zergplayerpicture ever! :D
I know it wasn't your intention to talk about "the cute" with posting the twits, but thanks anyway. After crying many tears about Leenocks loss this really cheered me up a lot!
I'm not sure I should if I should be happy about being (inadvertantly?) called cute, or weird that I was called little, but this post was awesome.
Haha, don't worry, I didn't mean it in an offensive way but in the nice and friendly big sisterly way.
I like your and Leenocks playstyle the most, so I'm glad my favourites seem to get along well.
Is anyone finding Wolf and QXC harder and harder to bear? When they stick to the game, they are serviceable casters; when they indulge in 13 year old jokes, I just can't handle. I have never realized how difficult it is to find two good, charismatic, intelligent casters. With the NASL and Code A debacles (casters only, not game quality), it has made me appreciate Tastosis, Day9, Wheat, etc, so much more.
On July 12 2011 05:20 IPA wrote: Is anyone finding Wolf and QXC harder and harder to bear? When they stick to the game, they are serviceable casters; when they indulge in 13 year old jokes, I just can't handle. I have never realized how difficult it is to find two good, charismatic, intelligent casters. With the NASL and Code A debacles (casters only, not game quality), it has made me appreciate Tastosis, Day9, Wheat, etc, so much more.
But why do you like Tastosis India Pale Ale? Tasteless always mocks angry whiners without a sense of humour. You might want to take offence to that forum guy. PirateWolf, more like PirateWrofl are awesome, please learn to laugh. NASL also was just great with casters.
On July 12 2011 05:20 IPA wrote: Is anyone finding Wolf and QXC harder and harder to bear? When they stick to the game, they are serviceable casters; when they indulge in 13 year old jokes, I just can't handle. I have never realized how difficult it is to find two good, charismatic, intelligent casters. With the NASL and Code A debacles (casters only, not game quality), it has made me appreciate Tastosis, Day9, Wheat, etc, so much more.
Yea don't know why Wolf has started throwing in stupid jokes. Wolf has been pretty good but dear god drop the jokes. It's bad enough when Tastosis throws around their "jokes" that are just painful to hear.
On July 12 2011 05:20 IPA wrote: Is anyone finding Wolf and QXC harder and harder to bear? When they stick to the game, they are serviceable casters; when they indulge in 13 year old jokes, I just can't handle. I have never realized how difficult it is to find two good, charismatic, intelligent casters. With the NASL and Code A debacles (casters only, not game quality), it has made me appreciate Tastosis, Day9, Wheat, etc, so much more.
But why do you like Tastosis India Pale Ale? Tasteless always mocks angry whiners without a sense of humour. You might want to take offence to that forum guy. PirateWolf, more like PirateWrofl are awesome, please learn to laugh. NASL also was just great with casters.
If you completely disagree with someone please don't approach it with conceited smugness. It's an opinion.
I didn't like the casting of NASL but honestly I don't think people get why I like Tastosis more than other casters. They provide intelligent AND funny commentary, not funny and intelligent commentary. Wolf/QXC or Gretorp/Incontrol provide neither. They are both funny enough though not as hilarious as Tastosis, but neither one of caster duos show only competent aptitude toward casting.
But it doesn't bother me. I don't listen to commentators more than I watch the games myself.
On July 12 2011 05:20 IPA wrote: Is anyone finding Wolf and QXC harder and harder to bear? When they stick to the game, they are serviceable casters; when they indulge in 13 year old jokes, I just can't handle. I have never realized how difficult it is to find two good, charismatic, intelligent casters. With the NASL and Code A debacles (casters only, not game quality), it has made me appreciate Tastosis, Day9, Wheat, etc, so much more.
But why do you like Tastosis India Pale Ale? Tasteless always mocks angry whiners without a sense of humour. You might want to take offence to that forum guy. PirateWolf, more like PirateWrofl are awesome, please learn to laugh. NASL also was just great with casters.
If you completely disagree with someone please don't approach it with conceited smugness. It's an opinion.
I didn't like the casting of NASL but honestly I don't think people get why I like Tastosis more than other casters. They provide intelligent AND funny commentary, not funny and intelligent commentary. Wolf/QXC or Gretorp/Incontrol provide neither. They are both funny enough though not as hilarious as Tastosis, but neither one of caster duos show only competent aptitude toward casting.
But it doesn't bother me. I don't listen to commentators more than I watch the games myself.
If you completely disagree with someone please don't approach it with conceited smugness. It's an opinion.
Wow, I guess since I watch a lot of sports since ever, my standards must be really low, I really like all of them , Tastosis, Gretorp/iNcontrol and Wolf/QXC, ofc my favorites being Tastosis
On July 12 2011 05:20 IPA wrote: Is anyone finding Wolf and QXC harder and harder to bear? When they stick to the game, they are serviceable casters; when they indulge in 13 year old jokes, I just can't handle. I have never realized how difficult it is to find two good, charismatic, intelligent casters. With the NASL and Code A debacles (casters only, not game quality), it has made me appreciate Tastosis, Day9, Wheat, etc, so much more.
But why do you like Tastosis India Pale Ale? Tasteless always mocks angry whiners without a sense of humour. You might want to take offence to that forum guy. PirateWolf, more like PirateWrofl are awesome, please learn to laugh. NASL also was just great with casters.
If you completely disagree with someone please don't approach it with conceited smugness. It's an opinion.
I didn't like the casting of NASL but honestly I don't think people get why I like Tastosis more than other casters. They provide intelligent AND funny commentary, not funny and intelligent commentary. Wolf/QXC or Gretorp/Incontrol provide neither. They are both funny enough though not as hilarious as Tastosis, but neither one of caster duos show only competent aptitude toward casting.
But it doesn't bother me. I don't listen to commentators more than I watch the games myself.
If you completely disagree with someone please don't approach it with conceited smugness. It's an opinion.
Tastosis are much more cerebral in their approach to both humor and analysis. Wolf/QXC tend to tell bad jokes and giggle like local village idiots. They are both smart people, I don't know why they act like they're in junior high. I don't need to "learn to laugh"; maybe you're a bit younger than me but I need a little more out of my casters' humor than meme jokes, bad puns, and giggling.
Long live the casting archon. I'm waiting for another duo to come close...
Perhaps you complainers should consider that without the humour that wolf/qxc provide watching would be much more boring. Thats what tastosis does. Wolf and QXC do provide good technical analysis skills as well. NASL casting was great. In fact one of the guys complaining about it listed every 3/5 casters there as ones that he likes....... yah........... way to invalidate yourself
On July 12 2011 07:30 mrtomjones wrote: Perhaps you complainers should consider that without the humour that wolf/qxc provide watching would be much more boring. Thats what tastosis does. Wolf and QXC do provide good technical analysis skills as well. NASL casting was great. In fact one of the guys complaining about it listed every 3/5 casters there as ones that he likes....... yah........... way to invalidate yourself
That was me; allow me to explain. I've been warned about criticizing Gretorp in the past so I was trying to be more general, saying NASL. I'll leave it at that. Also, I think we have different senses of humor because I don't find Wolf or QXC particularly funny. Lastly I'll add that eschewing juvenile humor doesn't make one boring. I actually like Wolf and QXC when they use their considerable SC knowledge rather than their junior high jokes.
:D I absolutely detest IMHappy's playstyle, its so boring to watch and his play in flawed in countless ways. To be honest, he reminds me of Inca mostly flawed with some good mixed in that somehow got farther than he deserved.
On July 12 2011 05:20 IPA wrote: Is anyone finding Wolf and QXC harder and harder to bear? When they stick to the game, they are serviceable casters; when they indulge in 13 year old jokes, I just can't handle. I have never realized how difficult it is to find two good, charismatic, intelligent casters. With the NASL and Code A debacles (casters only, not game quality), it has made me appreciate Tastosis, Day9, Wheat, etc, so much more.
The problem (imo) is that they had an overwhelming good response to their first casts, so I feel yesterday they overdid it. So their were not as natural and spontaneous and it wasn't as good as their first 2 appearance.
Oh, so small compared to code S, but I'm glad they get something.
I think the code S seed is much more important than the money.
Well if I could choose, I would take the money 1000x faster than the CodeS seed
Uhm why? Once you are in Code S it's quite hard to fall out and the prizes there are much, much higher. It's a much better long term investment. You also like all-inning in SC2 :D?
Oh, so small compared to code S, but I'm glad they get something.
It also gives something like a 1200$ "salary" when you get to code S.
The new up and down format is very competitive and a guaranteed code S spot is worth a lot now. Because in most 5 players groups, there will be at least 3 code S worthy players (and often 4), and only 2 will advance. MKP in code A ? No, please
On July 12 2011 05:20 IPA wrote: Is anyone finding Wolf and QXC harder and harder to bear? When they stick to the game, they are serviceable casters; when they indulge in 13 year old jokes, I just can't handle. I have never realized how difficult it is to find two good, charismatic, intelligent casters. With the NASL and Code A debacles (casters only, not game quality), it has made me appreciate Tastosis, Day9, Wheat, etc, so much more.
But why do you like Tastosis India Pale Ale? Tasteless always mocks angry whiners without a sense of humour. You might want to take offence to that forum guy. PirateWolf, more like PirateWrofl are awesome, please learn to laugh. NASL also was just great with casters.
If you completely disagree with someone please don't approach it with conceited smugness. It's an opinion.
I didn't like the casting of NASL but honestly I don't think people get why I like Tastosis more than other casters. They provide intelligent AND funny commentary, not funny and intelligent commentary. Wolf/QXC or Gretorp/Incontrol provide neither. They are both funny enough though not as hilarious as Tastosis, but neither one of caster duos show only competent aptitude toward casting.
But it doesn't bother me. I don't listen to commentators more than I watch the games myself.
If you completely disagree with someone please don't approach it with conceited smugness. It's an opinion.
Tastosis are much more cerebral in their approach to both humor and analysis. Wolf/QXC tend to tell bad jokes and giggle like local village idiots. They are both smart people, I don't know why they act like they're in junior high. I don't need to "learn to laugh"; maybe you're a bit younger than me but I need a little more out of my casters' humor than meme jokes, bad puns, and giggling.
Long live the casting archon. I'm waiting for another duo to come close...
Yes Wolf/Qxc should be ashamed for making such asinine jokes. When I watch 15 year olds play a video game I expect only the most cerebral jokes. Please bring back Tastosis' Colossus' having sex, stealing ladder points, and NNEERRRRRDDD jokes!
On July 12 2011 05:20 IPA wrote: Is anyone finding Wolf and QXC harder and harder to bear? When they stick to the game, they are serviceable casters; when they indulge in 13 year old jokes, I just can't handle. I have never realized how difficult it is to find two good, charismatic, intelligent casters. With the NASL and Code A debacles (casters only, not game quality), it has made me appreciate Tastosis, Day9, Wheat, etc, so much more.
But why do you like Tastosis India Pale Ale? Tasteless always mocks angry whiners without a sense of humour. You might want to take offence to that forum guy. PirateWolf, more like PirateWrofl are awesome, please learn to laugh. NASL also was just great with casters.
If you completely disagree with someone please don't approach it with conceited smugness. It's an opinion.
I didn't like the casting of NASL but honestly I don't think people get why I like Tastosis more than other casters. They provide intelligent AND funny commentary, not funny and intelligent commentary. Wolf/QXC or Gretorp/Incontrol provide neither. They are both funny enough though not as hilarious as Tastosis, but neither one of caster duos show only competent aptitude toward casting.
But it doesn't bother me. I don't listen to commentators more than I watch the games myself.
If you completely disagree with someone please don't approach it with conceited smugness. It's an opinion.
Tastosis are much more cerebral in their approach to both humor and analysis. Wolf/QXC tend to tell bad jokes and giggle like local village idiots. They are both smart people, I don't know why they act like they're in junior high. I don't need to "learn to laugh"; maybe you're a bit younger than me but I need a little more out of my casters' humor than meme jokes, bad puns, and giggling.
Long live the casting archon. I'm waiting for another duo to come close...
Yes Wolf/Qxc should be ashamed for making such asinine jokes. When I watch 15 year olds play a video game I expect only the most cerebral jokes. Please bring back Tastosis' Colossus' having sex, stealing ladder points, and NNEERRRRRDDD jokes!
On July 12 2011 05:20 IPA wrote: Is anyone finding Wolf and QXC harder and harder to bear? When they stick to the game, they are serviceable casters; when they indulge in 13 year old jokes, I just can't handle. I have never realized how difficult it is to find two good, charismatic, intelligent casters. With the NASL and Code A debacles (casters only, not game quality), it has made me appreciate Tastosis, Day9, Wheat, etc, so much more.
But why do you like Tastosis India Pale Ale? Tasteless always mocks angry whiners without a sense of humour. You might want to take offence to that forum guy. PirateWolf, more like PirateWrofl are awesome, please learn to laugh. NASL also was just great with casters.
If you completely disagree with someone please don't approach it with conceited smugness. It's an opinion.
I didn't like the casting of NASL but honestly I don't think people get why I like Tastosis more than other casters. They provide intelligent AND funny commentary, not funny and intelligent commentary. Wolf/QXC or Gretorp/Incontrol provide neither. They are both funny enough though not as hilarious as Tastosis, but neither one of caster duos show only competent aptitude toward casting.
But it doesn't bother me. I don't listen to commentators more than I watch the games myself.
If you completely disagree with someone please don't approach it with conceited smugness. It's an opinion.
Tastosis are much more cerebral in their approach to both humor and analysis. Wolf/QXC tend to tell bad jokes and giggle like local village idiots. They are both smart people, I don't know why they act like they're in junior high. I don't need to "learn to laugh"; maybe you're a bit younger than me but I need a little more out of my casters' humor than meme jokes, bad puns, and giggling.
Long live the casting archon. I'm waiting for another duo to come close...
Yes Wolf/Qxc should be ashamed for making such asinine jokes. When I watch 15 year olds play a video game I expect only the most cerebral jokes. Please bring back Tastosis' Colossus' having sex, stealing ladder points, and NNEERRRRRDDD jokes!
I realize you're mocking me (that's cool). I guess I would say Wolf/QXC lack certain intangibles in their casting. Sure Tastosis make silly jokes sometimes but their overall approach seems smarter, more informative and more entertaining. I don't think I am alone in thinking that.
If the word cerebral offended you, I hope I've cleared the air. Also, the fact that 15 year olds can be good at a game does not make it any less complex, beautiful and, yes, cerebral.