On June 04 2011 16:17 Nolot wrote: Not surprised zergs are owning, after all the insane buffs they got recently. I'm thinking a ZvZ final for this one, IdrA vs july
I wouldn't say its the insane buff. If you think about it they're last buff was like 2 patches ago. I just think they're finally figuring out how to play Zerg, just like Protoss players finally figured out how to play protoss despite the constant nerf ever since the beginning of the release of wings of liberty.
Pretty spot on imo.
If you look at the play style of zergs of early sc2 and zergs of now, theres a MASSIVE difference.
think thats what is leading to a huge 'rise' of zergs in major tourneys (of course players that were great even w/ the 'wrong' playstyle pretty much performed well.)
I would like to know about this 'insane' buff and where I can read up on it.
There's a big difference between Protoss figuring out how to exploit various ridiculousness versus particular races and Zerg figuring out how to adapt to all of those ridiculous exploitations, just saying.
I'd say Roach range and Fungal damage/time were some pretty huge buffs. You can read up on them in the patch notes. I'm not saying it's OP, but it definitely increased Zerg's chances of winning. Helions and Reapers can no longer kite Roaches and any type of bio play or drop play is much harder now due to the Fungal buff.
I start with 40-50 marines by the time I get to a zergs base Im down to like 20 marines. Fungal is the storm that just keeps giving.
No doubt fungal is a really good spell, but it's not like there are equally good things in the Terran arsenal. Blue flame hellions? Medivac drops? Too early to conclude that the fungal buffs made it imba, especially considering the investment that infestors are.
Its defintely weaker compared to storm in context since storm+colossus was just luls but yea it is a strong spell and if you compare it out of context it is definitely stronger than storm. I am just quite surprised why I haven't seen infestor drops in mineral line cause when zerg explores that I think the game is gonna be silly.
Because baneling drops are stronger/more cost efficient.
Dno about that. They're good at straight up trading armies and hence compounding an existing macro advantage but I dno about whether they're cost efficient in a equal economy game.
they are good against bad players who are a clicking into you
but if the protoss just forcefields the main army then walks away, stopping to focus down an overlord every now and again baneling drops arent so good. you either need infestors or a surrond for it to work
Watched MorroW's replays just now. Man, he chewed on DDE and spat him out, just to put him into his mouth again and repeat it. Poor DDE, such awesome mutalisk play. Hope MorroW beats Slog and Fenix/ViBe and gets into the pool, preferably pool A or B! :D
On June 04 2011 19:36 Designakrobat wrote: wow, i just watched the interview with mc after he beat ret and man, he is cocky as fuck....i just pray that he will be destroyed this mlg, even though i doubt it
where can I find this interview? Ty in advance!
if you watch the red vod it should be up after his game vs ret. i really like that people grow themselves some balls and start talking smack. makes the whole thing so much more entertaining. but its another story talking crap about someone who just shat on you :D
On June 04 2011 17:25 Lann555 wrote: I have been trying to watch TLO vs Losira for over 20 minuts now. First I got 5 minuts of Tastosis. Then 5 minuts black screen, then 10 minuts of Dr. Pepper commercials...now black screen again.
Is this normal?
I got 5 minutes of Tastosis, 10 minutes of black screen, 10 minutes of cell phone commercials...now black screen again. Hopefully there are games somewhere in here, but it's loading so slowwwwwww.....
Yep, you have to let it load all the way or you can't fast forward. It's so god damn annoying. It's really a joke, they have a solid 24/7 weeks worth of matches they could be showing but it's all talking and commercials. The talking is fine for the first couple of mlgs but really at this stage just show the freaking matches...
It finally starts at 24 minutes in. The quality is very nice and ofc tastosis are awesome!
A question: Anyone says how the 4 open bracket winners will be seeded into the Pools ? For example: If Morrow beats Slog and Fenix/ViBe in which Group he will be seeded ?
On June 04 2011 21:21 Coolwhip wrote: So did all the zergs suddenly become the best players?
It's not so sudden. Morrow, Idra, and Ret have all won major tournaments. Sheth is one of the best zergs in North America. And then there is July and Losira, 2 of Korea's top zerg players. If you think about it, all 6 can make it into the top 8 and it wouldn't really be that out of place. Individually, each of these players have top level skills regardless of the race they play.