On May 14 2011 15:01 caradoc wrote: streaming kpop now. then the obligatory pregame hype will start. after 25 minutes tastosis comes on and talks until the korean commentators start.
well we got the entrances then the interviews and then they go into the booth's while the kpop band sings a couple songs before the finals start.
I think its John for a while to start it off and tastetosis gets comparatively a small portion of the show,
On May 14 2011 15:00 Trebis wrote: Anyone else having problems loading the HQ Stream? I keep getting an error that says "Cannot connect to the streaming server."
LQ Free works fine, but neither of the paid streams work.
On May 14 2011 14:58 caradoc wrote: only 13 pages? wth. this is going to be the best code S finals since forever and the thread has 13 pages? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Meh, if you go simply by name value then MC - July and MKP - MVP rapes this. HOPEFULLY you will be correct and I may for the first time since S2 not regret getting up T.T