United Kingdom38149 Posts
Phoenix openers are nice to see, such a good harassment unit.
Hrm, thought Optik might have been in a bit of trouble with that push from Major but apparently not, just crushed it. Archon Zealot = scary, phoenixes didn't even have to lift the tanks xD
Heh, 4gate robo from Optik but he runs into another 1 base marine/tank/banshee build so backs off to expand instead.
Major goes as all in as you can possibly go and takes the game with his push. Optik needs to go check XiaOt handling MKP for some sexy unit control tips =p
lol, another game ending with seemingly infinite storms. Optik handling his colossus templar mix well. Major built more ghosts that game, landed quite a few emps but still got shredded to death. Watching chargelots tank all his bio across almost the whole map was fun =p Some nice drop harass from Major at the end to try buy himself some time, optik didn't seem able to deal with it particularly well, but he just went for the old "fuck it i'll go kill him since his army's split" routine xD
gj optik, way to beat juan :D
Best tier 1 unit in the game is Marine btw
Big grats to Optik, fantastic series tonight. :D
GGs to both and congrats to Optik!
hell yeah grats Optik! /newfan
so sad i had to walk away from the series in the middle of game 7. personally i thought optic was a little behind so would have loved to see how he took the lead!
On May 14 2011 10:08 NrG.NeverExpo wrote:gj optik, way to beat juan :D Best tier 1 unit in the game is Marine btw 
I would still say zealot until mid-late game ^^
On May 14 2011 12:06 KillerPlague wrote: so sad i had to walk away from the series in the middle of game 7. personally i thought optic was a little behind so would have loved to see how he took the lead!
The VODs will be up tomorrow at www.youtube.com/compLexityINSIDER
good, good, this is such a cool weekly event, only gripe i have really is if you could work on your observing Josh
rest is awesome, the whole thing has a very nice intimate family vibe to it with the low number of people following, the casting, the players being not so very well known/acknowledged/featured in events, and the chilled out interviews at the end