Put the new maps first imo. Otherwise SHETH FIGHTING!! :D
they don't play in that order.. starts on metal then loser picks
GOOO KawaiiRice! <3
First person here to be rooting for KR! Muahahahahahaha
KawaiiRice Fightiiiiing!
I like the idea of having a showmatch on the new maps but what is Desert Oasis doing in there? :S
Australia8532 Posts
Desert Oasis .. please please please pick Desert Oasis!
Go go kawaii!
Go Sheth, its impossible not to love that guy's personality.
Go Sheth!! Avenge my ears from listening to KawiiRice's stream!
I kid, but I'm rooting for Sheth, he seems to be the new personality in the community, and kawii hasn't done anything spectacular recently.
Gogo Kawaii! Original kiwi fighting~
I kid, but I'm rooting for Sheth, he seems to be the new personality in the community, and kawii hasn't done anything spectacular recently. I would say getting to semis of TL Open #15 is not a small feat. Gogo Kawaiirice!
Go Sheth! Would feel pretty weird to watch a game on Desert Oasis again. Infinite <3's to anyone who chooses that map. :D
lol Desert Oasis getting some love today... don't forget this will be happening on Wednesday not our normal Thursday showmatches!
United States2095 Posts
GL Kawaii! Thanks for hosting this you guys, I look forward to it! =)
Looking forward to this.
GL Sheth!
Gogo Kawaii! expecting great plays from both sides
This should be funt o watch :o
please use don't use retarded maps like backwater gulch and slag pits.....iCCup maps and GSL maps are so much better.