MarineKing 2:0 Leenock MC 2:1 July Polt 0:2 Jinro MVP 2:1 Choya
MarineKing vs Leenock i dont really care MC 0:2 July, July for Code S, July to win the whole Thing Polt vs Jinro nothing to care about MVP 0:2 ChoYa, for the Protoss Pride.
Hoping for 3 more ZvP in Julys way to the finals, and ofc July winning 3 times ;.-)
GorillaTerran fighting! Go keep IdrA company in S-Class!
MarineKingPrime.WE 2-1 LeenockfOu oGsMC 1-2 ST_July PoltPrime.WE 1-2 TLAF-Liquid`Jinro IMmvp 2-0 choyafOu
Great matchups today, jet I care only for the outcome of one of them. GL Jinro!
Keep the Jinroll Ball going ^^ so excited
so choya is more likely to lose then leenock? wrong world...
Some crazy games today. Everyone of them super interesting, most of all Jinro's game of course!
My predictions:
Foxer - Leenock 0-2 July - MC 0-2 Jinro - Polt 2-1 Choya - MVP 0-2
gambling on Leenock and Fou, gogo upsets
i hope at least one protoss will be able to make it through it would make my day
Foxer 2:0 Leenock  July 2-1 Flounder Jinro 2-0 Polt Choya 0-2 MVP
On December 03 2010 18:43 LoCaD wrote: Keep the Jinroll Ball going ^^ so excited
I think you meant to say: "Keep the ball Jinrolling"?
we gonna have a zvz finals
On December 03 2010 18:46 SmoKim wrote:gambling on Leenock and Fou, gogo upsets  Same No risk no gain
Foxer vs Leenock is a very hard one to predict. I feel it can go either ways depending on how well Leenock scouts Foxer's timing pushes. Both very young, unpredictable and talented players.
July should be able to take this series in the end.
I feel like Jinro should be able to beat Polt TvT but would not be suprised if the final score was 2-1.
MVP should roll Choya easily.
MarineKing/FoxeR/OptimusPrime/Fake Boxer/Boxer/EllenPage 2:1 Leenock MC 2:0 JulyZerg Jinro 2:1 Polt (Hope its 2:0) MVP 2:0 Choya
MarineKing 1:2 Leenock - Leenock is awesome and will see through Foxers mass marines. I hope MC 1:2 July - Don't really care, July is pretty sweet though. Polt 0:2 Jinro - JINRO FIGHTING. MVP 2:0 Choya - MVP so strong.
MKPrime > Leenock (but I wouldn't be surprised to see an 'upset' here, MK is kind of an one-build-wonder) MC > July (because Protoss. If July breaks him with his initial lings, revert that. But MC should've prepared for ling pressure) Polt > Jinro (beating BoxeR in a TvT. Nuff said) MVP > Choya (this, I belive, will be prue rape)
leenock is weak vs t record-wise
I think Foxer is very underrated actually ever since he collapsed in the finals last season which can be attributed a lot to the stage. Other than that I feel like he's shown hardly any weakness and puts together more full games.
Fully expecting him to beat Leenock.