On November 24 2010 18:57 bokchoi wrote: How is the stream already full. What the fuck :[
it's always like that for the second round of games, even if u hop in right when the button goes live again. just use the test sq button, works perfectly
I seem to always get an error when I use that. Any ideas?
Dear god guineapig is sick... such a well executed strategy he thought about everything - main entrance pressure - mass expanding - mutas - drops - nydus .. clearly something he's been practicing a lot... far from unbeatable but very impressive and interesting
On November 24 2010 18:57 bokchoi wrote: How is the stream already full. What the fuck :[
Yeah, seriously... I sign in 5 minutes before the show even starts, and the connection limit is already exceeded. Thanks in advance to all the "illegal" streamers. And way to drop the ball, Gom