On October 02 2010 19:50 Nokeboy wrote: It is sad to see ITR who did the same build every game against Ensnare and won, get completely demolished. I think Ensnare would have stood a MUCH better than against Fruitdealer.
Cool did say, he is more afraid of Ensare
I can't believe some people is not giving Fruitdealer credit for his amazing play and in top of that they approve the whining of some top players.....
On October 02 2010 19:53 Liquid`Ret wrote: hopetorture playing so bad lol
Thats what it feels like anyway
Cool should give ITR 1 game just so ITR doesnt have permanent mental scarring after this abuse
On October 02 2010 19:52 eksert wrote: hopetorture will win 4-3...
or loose 0-4 *roll eyes* I don't know where I would place my money
On October 02 2010 19:52 Coeus1 wrote:Remember sometime before this tournament idra was considered the best zerg in the world. 
People had not seen many koreans play than. Tester won vs Idra in the KotB. Not saying IdrA is a bad zergplayer, but dont think he ever was the best.
lol it looks like rainbow didn't even practice for these games.Cool is playing normal ( which is always good) but ITR I dunno wtf he's doing right now. Maybe he didnt practice on the T favored maps since he assumed auto win there.
Now to go on to the zerg favored maps...
Idra got nothing on cool. Cool is the master, he is the man.
The thing is that you cant practise to play against Cool , because there is no zerg as good as he is .
To ppl who say that ITR plays bad - maybe its because oponents doesnt let him play good and crontrolls the game ? meh ... i guess not because whenever zerg wins its because terran failed , right ?
On October 02 2010 19:49 NEgroidZerg wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2010 19:47 rushz0rz wrote:On October 02 2010 19:44 Kinky wrote: Cool makes it look easy, 3-0 already o___o On October 02 2010 19:44 arterian wrote:On October 02 2010 19:43 Sneddo wrote: GG Rainbow... This series is horrible... Can you blame him, really? Cool is putting on a clinic. Ok. Lets all get off Cool's dick and admit to ourselves what's really happening. This is more RainBOw losing than Cool winning. Are you serious? Cool just won with a nydus counter while his hidden ecpo was being killed by a cleverly placed tank on a cliff. Rainbow is playing well. Cool is playing amazing. Rainbow didnt see or react to a nydus RIGHT NEXT TO ONE OF HIS BUILDINGS. that is not playing well. Cool didnt even try to hide the nydus, that game is all on rainbow for massively failing.
On October 02 2010 19:48 Darklance wrote: Yeah seriously, that Nydus was cool and all but how did he not see it?
It was right next to his ebay :/
Now it looks like the finals are pretty much decided.
Maybe that's WHY he didn't see it. Building beside something on the minimap makes his different colour not stand out as much, plus he was hoping that ITR was doing some micro with his drop and not watching as closely.
9070 Posts
rainbow should stop listening to beyonce's power ballads on his headphones and get his shit together
ITR is playin ridiculously bad right now, whats wrong with that guy.
And he stated he's gonna win that tourney, what an idiot.
cmon show me some more cliff suckage :[
On October 02 2010 19:47 Voros wrote: Great tournament, but this is a terrible conclusion. I enjoy watching Cool play well, but ITR doesn't look like remotely the same player who stomped Tester.
I can't believe it's the same person who beat tester
On October 02 2010 19:52 abrasion wrote: What is fruitdealers APM at with all this micro? Mouse on fire yet - damn He do only what he have to do
as much as I want zerg to win... I don't want 1sideness
As a new player, being instructed to watch day9, and view high level replays, and watch tourny's such as this... all I can say is wow. I know it's high level play and for dozens if not hundreds if not thousands upon hundreds of thousands of games I might never get this intuitive.. It does give me thought and ideas on how just to be 'creative'.
I wish this wasn't on so late, otherwise might get many friends to check it out and they'd get hooked and buy SC2, wish the SC2 esports scene would ramp up in the us on a commercial level like overseas.
Cool, to think that I ever doubted you.
Gwa-il-jahng-soo HWAITING!
I really like how many people here would seemingly crush Cool, maybe ITR should listen to these folks, they seem to know what they're talking about and make it sound so easy.
If I had money I'd pay Cool and ITR both to play them and see what happened, and then put it on youtube.