Mission Statement: To have fun and provide entertainment at random times. Right now I have free time, and I thought I would take advantage of that.
When: Now, reply to this post with your name.identifier and I will go in order.
Where: NA Server
Standard King of the Hill, play until you lose.
Challenger picks the map.
First two players will play on Steppes of War
Vincere.335 is running the show and makes any and all decisions.
High Quality at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/Vincere-Live-Shoutcast
About me: I'm an aspiring shoutcaster and run the occasional tournament.
Keeping this post simple and short, this will go until interest is lost or I get too tired.
Complete > Paul Complete > Hoku Complete > BusDriver Complete < Merciless MerciLess > Vorg MerciLess > Control MerciLess > HellsAngel Merciless < Bosu Bosu DQ'd for bad manners Yokoblue > IBBnDJ Yokoblue > theshibk Yokoblue > Hotcarl Yokoblue > jobless
Yokoblue also won the bonus FFA at the end.
Thanks to everyone for watching!
everyone should play random imo!
Maybe next time :-) Let's see if I get interest with this right now.
Complete.388 has sent me a message and is ready to play, need another!
Paul.415 has accepted teh challenge
Off we go!
I'll join.
Paul fell to Complete, next on the list is Hoku.455
Also, signing up for BusDriver.350 since he had troubles on the forums
Complete over Hoku
Merciless is up to bat.
BusDriver on Deck
Merciless and Busdriver switched, so now Merciless is up to bat after Busdriver lost to Complete
I got wrecked.
Too greedy.
on my way home from school to play!!!
Nvm got called for a tourny ( Im such a popular kid)
Merciless over Complete, Complete won 3 times in a row. Next Up Vorg.856
hellsangel.260. good to go
teaCherWISH860 Terran gET me in Coach
Merciless 2 in a row after defeating Vorg
yokoblue.526 diamond 1200
too late ?
HellsAngel is up now after Merciless takes his 3rd game in a row and beats Control
You're not too late yokoblue, you'll be up when I get to you :-)
HOTcarl.857 Zerg msg meeeee
teaCherWISH860 is up next, Mercliess moves up to 4-0 after beating HellsAngel in an epic PvP game
Teacher wish was not on and has been skipped, next up is bosu.421
Bosu won against Merciless ending the streak, however I did not appreciate teh trash talking by Bosu, and he has been elimitated from my KotH.
Next matchup will be
HotCarl is up next after being skipped. Yokoblue beat IBBnDJ
i gotta say, i was missing this kind of thing. A community Koth style casted by some one. I used to watch a lot of FinalFight, if anyone remember him, where he would just cast 1v1's by people who wanted to play in his stream. Pretty good times all around.
Hotcarl disapeared for a minute, so I switched to Theshibk
hey vincere, really appreciate your high quality stream, looks quite amazing  also some really nice matches at your KotH and your casting is pretty good i think. looking forward to see more  gl hf
P.S.: you should get in the streaming-list here on TL
Hotcarl got replaced by theshibk because he crashed before being invited, he is now back and Yokoblue is up 2-0
Yokoblue is up to 3-0, we will be moving to Jobless
Looking forward to the next event.
I want in this FFA
Lol that introduction was the longest ever. Good casting haha.
Thanks to everyone for participating, will update the main page with results in a second.
Thanks to everyone for watching!
I went undefeated. I am a champion.