On August 21 2010 21:18 mF.jEIN wrote: UT2004 is the shit! if you dont like quake-like shield and weapon camping/timing, maybe TeamArenaDeathmatch is the way to go for you... i bet you find some cool TAM vids on the net.
both games have CA so that makes no difference.
in 2k4 weapon denial and map control is even more important so i dunno what you're trying to say. o_O
On August 21 2010 21:19 Jameser wrote: the avek guy looks like a total thug with little or no education and has spent his life thinking he's a boss because he can frag you on quake lol
not saying that's what he actually is like; he just looks that way
he could be the quake equivalent of our very own suncow. hes also polish lol.
On August 21 2010 21:19 Shatter wrote: Quake is pretty fun to watch but I prefer CS 1.6. Though I'm biased because I've played way more CS than quake. Both are great though. Hoping for Rapha to win.
I wish the map overview was always turned on in CS. And the names... they're so tiny It so hard to understand who's being followed. If not this two issues CS would be as enjoyable to watch, at least for me ;P
read again... TAM in UT2004 instead of DM 1on1 (like Q duel) -> 5 on 5 - all start with same 100health100shield - all weapons with limited ammo - 3 min per round - race to 10 - no items
edit: i should quote to what i am responding. sry 4 possibel confusion
On August 21 2010 21:33 Warrior Madness wrote: Did anyone else see that amazing analysis done by rapha and some tv host? Because of that, I'm cheering for him here.
The one with Carmac for ESL TV ? This was great. Cooller did one too but with his defficient english wasnt as enjoyable as rapha's one.
On August 21 2010 21:34 Beren wrote: who's the favorite in this game Rapha or Cooller?
pretty equal, Rapha never got outside top2 for 1.5years until quakecon last week. Cooller being a constant in top4 but hasnt won a tournament (I think)