^ Well, I don't get armor first because Toss usually races and chronos the fuck out of attack upgrades (and usually only attack upgrade off single forge), so there's no hope to try to catch up in Toss in upgrades. Zerg would also start +1 very late, since we get out evo, at the earliest, at 7:15, and usually we take it later to be greedier. By then, +1 is usually done for Toss and he's starting +2.
What's for sure, is that upgrades will never finish in time for a gateway all-in, so why bother. A 7:15 evo chamber, and 160 seconds for an upgrade, that means 35+160=185, 3 minutes essentially, so 10:20 is when +1 of anything would finish. That means at best, we might get it in time for an immortal/sentry all-in, but certainly not against anything else, and if Toss is playing a macro game, he'll have +2. And upgrades don't really make many critical hit numbers - like, zealots 2 shots lings instead of 3 shot, wow, that's amazing.
So for zerg to really change critical hit numbers, we have to be ahead of toss in upgrades in armor than their attack, which will just never happen. So +1 vs +0 immortal, roach takes one more shot to survive, true, that's nice, but that will be very near impossible to happen in a real game. Because check these numbers out:
+0 roach, +0 immortal, 3 shots. 1 roach, 0 immortal, 4 shots (yay right?) 2 roach, 1 immortal, 3 shots... ahh man wtf 3 roach, 1 immortal, 3 shots... fuck that shit, ill rather get a broodlord out than +3 armor
Also, against zealots... If zerg is even in upgrades, it'll take 3 shots, and if you have +3 armor vs +0 zealot, it takes 4 hits! But. +3 ling, +1 zealot, 3 hits (why bother?) +2 ling, +0 zealot, 3 hits (why bother)
roach vs stalker... 0 roach, 0 stalker, 12 hits to kill roach 1 roach, 0 stalker, 13 hits, not special ;/ 2 roach, 0 stalker, 14 hits, not special again
Now attack upgrades, for zerg, on the other hand... 0 ling, 0 stalker, 36 hits 1 ling, 0 stlkaer, 30 hits 1 ling, 1 stalker, 34 hits (hey an improvement, its balanced in favor of zerg)
ie you get the idea. tldr, not going to beat toss in the upgrade game, and since +3 weapons on toss doesnt mean much more than +1, dont worry about it. go for attack, which is always useful, and zerg is usually more worried about getting their tech on time rather than upgrades. For toss, yea, upgrades are important, same with marines. For zerg, it's not as important. Of course, in lategame, we are going to have double evo and all, but toss have chronoboost, and with ffe, you likely upgrade much earlier on. We aren't going to ever have an upgrade advantage on you, so we play the game with mass units or tech instead.