Server: NA B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: HyTex.198 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2381783/1/HyTex/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/2381783/HyTex Interest: Competitive League: Platinum Other: Looking for practice partners from all three races, but at the moment I would prefer Terrans. Platinum league or higher, please. Skype is optional but would be cool; message me in-game stating you wanna practice with me. I am only on during the summers on most weekdays from 4pm to 8pm EST and some weekends most of the day.
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Rooster.437 Race: Terran ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1783257/1/Rooster/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/1783257/Rooster Interest: Competitive League: Gold Other: I'm looking to get out of gold/plat level and advance as high as I can go, and hopefully one day get to masters league. I used to be somewhat talented during beta, but I haven't practiced in some time and an looking to get back into SC2. I have skype syntax._.error available to chat on as well.
Server: NA TL ID: IGoToSleep B.Net ID: IGoToSleep.890 Race: Zerg + Protoss League: Silver Other: Skype accessible. Just message me on sc2
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: ReacT‡xenon.779 Race: Protoss Interest: competetive League: Diamond
Server: NA B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Monsyphon.756 Race: Plat Zerg/Silver Protoss+Terran Interest: Practice+Discussion League: Platinum Other: I'm looking for any low-low level players interested in having some guidance as they get better PM if interested in that Otherwise I'm also looking for partners in mid-plat level
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: eXeprOxy. 930 Race: Protoss Interest: Competitive League: Master Other: Low-Mid master protoss, just switched from terran, looking to improve all matchups
Server: NA B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Zen. 832 Race: Protoss Interest: Competitive League: Platinum Other: every race welcome. I'm looking for more pvps though