Server: North America B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Crashburn.160 Race: Terran ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/272895/1/Crashburn/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/272895/Crashburn Interest: Competitive League: Master Other: My PvP is abysmal. Looking for someone who feels knowledgeable about the matchup to critique my play, offer pointers, etc. Preferably mid or high masters. I'm best reached here on on Twitter (@CrashburnAlley). You can also reach me on Skype (CrashburnAlley, mention TL or SC2 when you add me so I know you're not a spambot).
EDIT: Added Skype.
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: imba.305 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/pt/profile/21558/2/imba Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/la/21558/imba Interest: Competitive League: Diamond Other: Looking for practice partners/groups, any race, to get some pratice games at night(usually 6pm+). Pm me for some games (more then one please). No matter what rank are you. Lets try some games and get better
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Dreadski.124 Race: Zerg ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3298700/1/Dreadski/ Sc2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/3298700/Dreadski Interest: Competitive League: Diamond Other: Looking for practice partners or team that can sit down on Skype and burn through some practice with the intent of learning. High Diamond or low to mid Masters players would be preferred but I'm down to help out lower league players if they are in need. I'm on the East coast and can play most nights from 7 until whenever. Skype: dtrainizzle
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Balink.592 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1737939/1/Balink/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/1737939/Balink Interest: Casual League: Platinum Other: I was diamond in the summer; stopped playing for a couple months. Now trying to get back into the swing of things and eventually push past plat! I try to play a macro style toss, and I'm available most nights, EST. Looking to play against every race.
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Modulate.934 Race: Zerg ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1680134/1/Modulate/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/1680134/Modulate Interest: Casual League: Platinum Other: Looking for someone to play games regularly with. I watch a ton of starcraft and love this game a lot. I have skype and vent, i still have nerve issues when i play so looking to play more non-ladder games to build that confidence to hopefully be promoted. I am usually online from maybe 9-12 or 1 EST almost everyday.