Server: AM TL ID: cloudin B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: darkness.970 ProfileURL: /http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1331529/1/darkness Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/1331529/darkness League: platnium i am a very active player im currently in plat but moveing fast i main protoss but also play some zerg looking to practice aginst any race
Server: AM TL ID: heto B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: ToZo.872 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3069063/1/ToZo/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/3069063/ToZo League: Platinum Other: Updating since promotion. Platinum Zerg looking for mainly Zerg and Protoss practice partners. Looking to mainly work on mechanics (injects, expanding, worker count, spending) rather than actual build orders. ZvT is my strongest match-up, so don't really need help with that but don't mind practising it. Currently have 82% Win-rate vs Terran, 74% vs Protoss and 33% vs Zerg.
Server: EU TLID: LiQuit B.net ID: LiQuit . 649 Profile: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/217772/1/LiQuit/ League: Silver
Hi,im a silver player looking for bronze, silver or gold players to practice with. I am eager to learn and eager to play. I would love to discuss the games after we play them.
I play Protoss, looking for any race.
Server: EU TL ID: Goldensands B.Net ID. 405 ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: League: High Gold league. Other: We are actually a nice little bunch of med-gold 2 high gold players practicing together quite consistently. Looking for more dudes to join us in the struggle to get better, mostly for fun and personal-pride. (!) We are definately none-ragy and friendly. If that sounds like something your down with, then by all means give me a poke ingame! We got every race available for practice! what usualy ends up happening is we have 1v1 going on with the last guy spectating, learning, possibly giving minor tips. We always use skype for this and i recommend you join us in that Cheers!
Server: EU TL ID: arkedos B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: arkedos.712 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/de/profile/606644/1/arkedos/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/606644/arkedos League: Platinum Other: I am a mid-high platinum Terran looking for TvT practice partner because I am lacking quite a lot at this matchup. My TvT is so worse that even gold practice partners are welcome. So I am looking for gold / platinum Terrans ( or maybe low diamond) to practice this matchup because I think my TvT is all whats preventing me from getting promoted to diamond. I was in diamond but I got a hard loss streak that put me back to platinum so now I am tryin to get back to Platinum.
Server: AM TL ID: GrayStache B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: GrayStache.259 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2264713/1/GrayStache/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/2264713/GrayStache League: Platinum Other: I'm Protoss... looking for anyone in Plat, or any league above who wants to practice. I wouldn't mind playing with players who are leaps and bounds better then me (I'd actually prefer it) if they are willing to be kind / helpful. I'm kind of clueless at this point so I would listen to instructions / tips quite well.