Server: AM TL ID: oMgPonies B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: oMgPonies.506 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1166110/1/oMgPonies/ Sc2RanksURL:http://sc2ranks.com/us/1166110/oMgPonies League: Gold Other: Protoss looking for gold and plat partners to help nail down builds for plat league. I can offrace zerg and marine tank terran. I also drink scotch while i play...possibly hindering my plat aspirations
Server: AM TL ID: iSoAksys B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: iSoAksys.921 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2935548/1/iSoAksys/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/2935548/iSoAksys League: Diamond Other: Protoss player here that is just trying to improve! Hit me up anytime if I'm online, I won't bite. My strongest Matchup is PvP for some reason, and I really like PvT, but absolutely suck ball sacks in PvZ. I keep trying new builds, but I play mostly at night pacific time. I really can't tell if I have decent micro or micro. Hit me up, and lets play!
Server: AM TL ID: Mago515 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Mago.951 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/331528/1/Mago/ Sc2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/331528/Mago League latinum Other: Im a plat zerg, very macro based. Im fairly comfortable with my currezt ZvP, my ZvZ is a roach rush 100% of the time because I lose the baneling ling battle, and I lose 100% of my ZvT. Practice with any race and skill level is nice, but i'd like some direction with how to handle terran.
Server: EU TL ID: FlukyS B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: FlukyS.597 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1987821/1/FlukyS/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1987821/FlukyS League: Platinum Other: Im a mid level plat player looking to improve. My worst matchup is ZvZ but id say my ZvT needs a good bit of work too, id say ZvP is my best matchup at the moment. Im open to practice with any race I have a skype which you can pm me on battlenet and ill give it out. Im pretty good at analyzing games and giving advice so id say I can be pretty helpful. I more or less need to practice against specific builds like 6 gate, lings/blings/roach and weird stuff from terran that I get hit with sometimes.
Server: EU TL ID: Ellenpagee B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Ellenpage.331 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/fr/profile/2456912/1/Ellenpage/ League: Diamond Other: Just looking for some people to practice with ; all matchups ; you have to be at least 20 and well mannered ( not some kind of rage kid / ghost that after 3 games never show again ). Goal is to discuss about stuff after each game , watch replays , and of course improve overall to get to masters league