Make sure you read the OP before asking a question. Asking a question already addressed in the OP will result in moderation action. Also, please put some effort into your questions.
On September 25 2012 05:32 JuiceBoxHero wrote: Im not sure if this is the exact right spot to post this but I thought mods might get mad if I made a whole thread for this.
My question is about Taeja. Hes obviously been killing it recently and I really like his control group set up as Ive been trying to incorporate seperate groups for production recently. I noticed he hotkeys all his cc's on both 7 & 8, can anyone think of a reason for this? From what Ive seen most Terrans who use seperate production groups hotkey cc's on 8 or 0, Im assuming from broodwar or in order to put ups on 7. Also almost all Korean Terrans Ive seen keep the main cc on one of the first 3 control groups, despite having camera location binds, which is somewhat confusing to me also. I know that most people say do what is comfortable, and this is all that matters, and I agree with this to some degree. The reason I like studying pro hotkeys is that I learn particularly well through visuals, and direct copying of movement etc. Im not gonna force myself to use a hotkey setup I dont like, but using a pros setup allows me to study how they look at stuff (through fpvods/reps) and examine how they hit particular keys etc by watching vods that show the players hands. Its a bit weird but I really do learn this way, and I could use help making sense of some of this stuff, and also if this is a terrible way to replicate a hotkey setup (like if they rebind all keys or use grid or something). Ive looked at mostly korean terran setups because koreans generally have better mechanics, no offense to foreign players.
The problem is, each pro has their hotkeys set up in a different way from standard hotkeys. Blizzard shows the hotkeys as 1 through 0, but the fact is you have no idea what key is actually being pressed, it could be rebound to anything on the keyboard. And about Taeja binding both 7 and 8, I've noticed some players have their "free" hotkeys as CC for no real reason.
Yea thats what im afraid of. I know for a fact polt rebound his 0 key to either ` or q (he says it in a interview) because he has small hands but I feel like most koreans play with an almost entirely standard setup. I thought all of them would rebind 0 to ` or something like it but if you watch some players with literally nothing between 6 and 0 for cc's they actually hit 0 to build scvs, which is insane to me but i think its a bw thing. I personally hate 1a and 0 is kinda far even though I have giant hands, so ive been looking at players that use 2a3a and something like 7 for cc's. I just thought it was very strange that Taeja would intentionally have a redundancy in his groupings, since he actively adds all his cc's to both 7 and 8.
I think I do the same exact thing. I keep 1,2,3, for my army hotkeys, and use 456 for factory barracks starport 7 cc and 0 engi bays.
Ive given up lol, switching from tabbed to individual for production is too much work. A lot of korean terrans (pretty much everyone ive seen) doesnt use all 3 of the starting hotkeys for army, they seem to max out at 2 which is quite interesting, they seem to like to trade one of those spots to always have their main cc hotkeyed. I guess they prioritize that quick home jump over more army control.
On September 25 2012 08:35 Zephos wrote: I'm completely lost as to what happened this game (though I suspect game balance played a role). The only big mistakes I see myself having made are trapping 2 thors in my main, getting late 3/3, and splitting somewhat poor in the last engagement. However, I feel just these are not enough to justify my having been crushed so convincingly. What am I missing? Any critique, advice, or even general tips would be greatly appreciated.
Donno if your waiting for a response from ver or anything special but I figured I should help out and not just fill this thread with my random hotkey convos. Just watched the rep and here were the things that I saw, my highest career ranking was like top 50 masters so take my advice with a grain of salt. First your original attack was a bit odd. Hes turtling up pretty hard (building like 4 spines for whatever reason) but you attacked in anyway and lost quite a bit of army. He ended up giving you the supply back by attacking into you but Im not sure that attack was optimal, since he didnt have any real creep out there I suppose denying creep was semi redundant but maybe just push out scare him into making banes then pull back, and drop the main/do some light harass. On the rep you can see his drone count isnt to high so forcing units woulda been great had you saved your army. You played really well during that game and Ive had plently of games like this where you feel really ahead and then lose the final engagement really bad. The problem was in your last battle you engaged literally right before your 3-3 finished, like +3 attack probably finnished in the middle of the battle. You also didnt really have a reason to attack there since you were behind in upgrades, and even with good drop defense he wasnt gonna stop you from killing that 4th with just a handful of units, no need to risk your whole army walking onto creep. Oh and in the 2nd(I think) major attack you did you take out his army, but your first scan is so far on creep you dont take out he active tumors, which would have limited his creep spread on that side considerably. Overall you played well, you just have to be really careful with late game engagements as t these days. Inferior upgrades or the wrong unit comp is just death.
i just played a recent tvz mech style play and i was wondering if there was anything i could have done better?
my questions are the fallowing: 1) should i have made mass turrets around the side of my map to prevent doom droops to where he could avoid my p.f/tank line? 2) is tank viking a really good late game when used with P.F's as vikings can be mobile and go and attack expos and snipe overlords 3) is roach/festor/b.l becoming a really good late game unit comp vs t when they go mech? if so should i try to get more tanks/vikings/p.f to be able to deal with this kind of play? 4) should i have moved out earlier to secure the middle of the map to get my p.f up sooner?
so of the things i can point out from this game is that: A)i open sige expand due to the fact i saw one base roach play and thought he would try to all in B) i double expanded but i have to move my orbital due to lots of roaches C) should i have made more p.f's or did i have enough???? any feed back would be great thanks
Hello everyone! A big noob need your help. I've been playing Starcraft 2 for 3 months (about 1-2 hours per a day). Now im on the 1st place of my silver league. i play as zerg, and i can do it quite good (ofc for my league.) but for now, zerg became completely boring race for me, and i decided to switch to terran race. And now, i have some problems with BO and basic understanding of terran gameplay. I dont know how to start, how to react, i dont know nothing about terrans and i need help. Can you please give me a huge guide, where explains everything, from build orders to unit compositions and timings for all matchups. I understand that its all about game experience, but some base for me is a great chance to improve faster.
On September 25 2012 18:53 Duckydream wrote: Hello everyone! A big noob need your help. I've been playing Starcraft 2 for 3 months (about 1-2 hours per a day). Now im on the 1st place of my silver league. i play as zerg, and i can do it quite good (ofc for my league.) but for now, zerg became completely boring race for me, and i decided to switch to terran race. And now, i have some problems with BO and basic understanding of terran gameplay. I dont know how to start, how to react, i dont know nothing about terrans and i need help. Can you please give me a huge guide, where explains everything, from build orders to unit compositions and timings for all matchups. I understand that its all about game experience, but some base for me is a great chance to improve faster.
Еhanks in advance
Asking for basically a huge guide that explains everything about terran is maybe a bit much to ask for. There are some guides in the recommended thread section that you should read, other than that you should search on the forum/read this thread if you're looking for advice. The most important thing to do is to just try it out yourself. What made me improve the most when I was new was sticking to 1 buildorder(I used the 3rax, which was a 1base allin with bio and stim) and just using it every game. It's by no means a good BO for a pro to use, but you learn the fundamentals of terran macro and unit-control. This is the basics of the build: Basically you build an army of marines+marauders and attack when stim finishes.
As I said before, this is definitely not an advanced build. It's very old, but it does its job which is teaching you the fundamentals, such as building scvs, units, and not forgetting supply depots. My advice is to stick to this build for a few weeks(1-2, maybe 10-15 hours in playtime), and then move on to 1rax expand builds.
Sup, I'm a diamond terran, my understanding of the game is fair enough I suppose, and my mechanics are decent, but there's one big flaw in my play that I know sets me apart from people better than me, and that's timings/timing attacks. I tried to do some searching, but haven't really come across a post explaining timings that Terran needs to prepare for, or hit. Other than just basic game sense/map awareness and scouting, I don't really know terran timings other than standard play like the 10:30 MMM/Stim/+1 timing attack, or 9:30 Marine/Marauder/Hellion pressure, and 6-7:30 / 14 / 16 minute scans. Due to playing against people who don't stick to the current metagame, or do it badly, or just all-in every game on ladder, I've always just relied on map awareness to try to prepare for whatever was about to hit me, or when I could attack rather than studying and figuring out when these timings were supposed to hit to prepare properly.
Is there any high level players who have a generic guide on proper timings for all matchups, for both attacking and defending? Thanks.
On September 25 2012 18:53 Duckydream wrote: Hello everyone! A big noob need your help. I've been playing Starcraft 2 for 3 months (about 1-2 hours per a day). Now im on the 1st place of my silver league. i play as zerg, and i can do it quite good (ofc for my league.) but for now, zerg became completely boring race for me, and i decided to switch to terran race. And now, i have some problems with BO and basic understanding of terran gameplay. I dont know how to start, how to react, i dont know nothing about terrans and i need help. Can you please give me a huge guide, where explains everything, from build orders to unit compositions and timings for all matchups. I understand that its all about game experience, but some base for me is a great chance to improve faster.
Еhanks in advance
Hei nice to have a former Swarm follower joining the terran Army!
I would recomend you the Videos from the great and awesome Apollo:
Also really good the videos from Filterstarcraft:
Playing Terran can be verry frustrating. But overwhelm your opponent with pure agression, multitasking, and micro is so effing appealing that it´s worth every loos u will face.
I'll put this in here because the tyrants closed my thread.
Recently I've been dropping blue flame hellions vs protoss. After 3 hellions I go immediately into siege mode and a tank + a viking.
- I find I'm mostly up against fast expands. - I find that if I don't do enough damage (I'd say 10 probes at least) I feel like I'm behind. - If I don't do sufficient damage should I really be doing an all in here? It feels like quite a battle trying to get back into the game after failing to do enough damage and expo'ing.
Remember I usually save the medivac and can use it in an attack w/ marines + tank + viking.
Should I be going for additional barracks straight off instead maybe of the tank? I feel this is less safe because I already have the factory set up and can go immediately into siege tank. I usually add in 2 rax and get stim after siege as well while the blue flame hellions are dropping.
Should I just do the blue flame drop & expand immediately instead of an all in assuming he did expand?
Another option I thought I could do is expand first then try a blue flame hellion drop.
I'm not asking for another build. I do want to use blue flame hellions because it's a way to keep me interested by using units I enjoy playing with. (not late game obv)
Thanks for the help, I'm a little unsure what the best transition here would be and would be interested in how you guys view the game at the moment and what you think is necessary.
Does anyone have an ETA for the OP to be updated? The one on protoss help me thread is amazing, I need something like that for T too :p (Not to whine/rush, I just would like to know)
Oh, and also, if going mech, when should I be getting my armory/ies? I like to double armory (I play mech every matchup). And does anyone have a general timings guide for TvZ mech? I feel that's my scariest matchup atm, and just need something like, when do I get 3rd etc. Thanks <3
On September 25 2012 20:41 Tactical wrote: Sup, I'm a diamond terran, my understanding of the game is fair enough I suppose, and my mechanics are decent, but there's one big flaw in my play that I know sets me apart from people better than me, and that's timings/timing attacks. I tried to do some searching, but haven't really come across a post explaining timings that Terran needs to prepare for, or hit. Other than just basic game sense/map awareness and scouting, I don't really know terran timings other than standard play like the 10:30 MMM/Stim/+1 timing attack, or 9:30 Marine/Marauder/Hellion pressure, and 6-7:30 / 14 / 16 minute scans. Due to playing against people who don't stick to the current metagame, or do it badly, or just all-in every game on ladder, I've always just relied on map awareness to try to prepare for whatever was about to hit me, or when I could attack rather than studying and figuring out when these timings were supposed to hit to prepare properly.
Is there any high level players who have a generic guide on proper timings for all matchups, for both attacking and defending? Thanks.
There is actually a thread on common timings for all races, it does not have all the timings but still contains lots of valuable info.
Ok, I've got a new one: I really want to improve my play, and my problem is the mid-late game macro. Do you think that exercises like the ones in dayj's videos are helpfull (and maybe you'll have some others :p), or is there another way around to improve? Are there also any exercises to improve micromanagement?
TvZ, if I see that Zerg is double expanding before pool is there a build I can switch into that will win the game outright or do I just have to take a fast 3rd myself?
On September 26 2012 05:22 Kastlo wrote: Ok, I've got a new one: I really want to improve my play, and my problem is the mid-late game macro. Do you think that exercises like the ones in dayj's videos are helpfull (and maybe you'll have some others :p), or is there another way around to improve? Are there also any exercises to improve micromanagement?
I think yes, they do help. The main thing in mid/late-game macro is not focusing a lot on the units that you have already made and instead focusing on knowing your control groups/hotkeys and always tapping. A lot of my friends that are ranked lower always seem to over-emphasize micro instead of just building more stuff. What really helped me was just constantly tapping 1(barracks) 3(facts/starports) and 4 (all CCs) while watching GSL or a youtube video (not an original idea, just one I leeched off of another TL thread somewhere..) and making sure I could through my cycles of key combinations easily.
On September 26 2012 11:33 MysteryHours wrote: TvZ, if I see that Zerg is double expanding before pool is there a build I can switch into that will win the game outright or do I just have to take a fast 3rd myself?
With a 14/15 CC, no. But with a 1rax FE (not to mention a 2rax), hell yes. Bunker rush the natural or the third (the third's the safer bet obviously due to it being an almost guaranteed kill barring an epic drone pull).
On September 26 2012 11:33 MysteryHours wrote: TvZ, if I see that Zerg is double expanding before pool is there a build I can switch into that will win the game outright or do I just have to take a fast 3rd myself?
If you opened CC first then no. Hell, you don't even need a third. 3 hatch before pool isn't much better than hatch -> pool -> hatch just because of how good for one's economy queens are.
Anyway, assuming you opened rax:
If you get a bunker up in range of one of his hatcheries, that's game. In theory you could marine/scv all in him, I'd recommend proxying 1-2 rax then attacking with your first 6 or so marines.
Really there's no need to. Your bunker rush will either kill the hatch or cause a ton of damage by lost mining time/forcing a lot of lings. 1rax FE soft counters 3 hatch before pool.
On September 26 2012 00:50 kollin wrote: Can someone give me a build order for the standard single base 1/1/1 in TvP and TvT? I can't remember it T_T
There are many 1-1-1 builds, which one do you want? One with Cloaked Banshees? Hellions drop?
For TvP the cloaked banshee one, and TvT the standard marine tank banshee.
This is just the 1/1/1 I most prefer for TvP, there's a lot of different variations + Show Spoiler +
10 depot 12 rax 13 gas 15 OC 16 Depot - Constant Marines 18 Factory - Hellion - Next refinery as soon as you can afford it ~24 Starport - TL on Factory - Swap Cloak should line up a few seconds after the first banshee is started.
For the TvT build, I actually like the hellion-drop into 1/1/1 the most, but for a regular marine tank banshee, this is the build i like + Show Spoiler +
10 depot 12 rax 13 gas 15 OC 16 depot 18 Factory -Reactor on rax at 50 gas -Next refinery -Tech lab on factory -Tanks + siege -Starport as soon as you can afford it, add on TL, build banshees etc..
1/1/1 depends a lot on your own opinion, A lot of high level terran players prefer getting a banshee first and delayed siege tanks, some don't build a reactor on their rax, others go gas-first, etc. 1/1/1 is really flexible, I just prefer a heavier emphasis on tanks early on, and I feel like gas-first tips your hand too much, with 13 gas there's a chance of a 2rax push, proxy marauders or reaper expand.
Does anyone do the MMM-Thor TvZ style that MKP displayed a while back?
I've been playing around with it a little (aka 2 games) and I won both games I used it in, but I don't know if it's really considered a viable strategy anymore.