I specifically am interested in getting better at kiting and mixing in Ghosts verse Protoss.
The Terran Help Me Thread - Page 211
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United States5 Posts
I specifically am interested in getting better at kiting and mixing in Ghosts verse Protoss. | ||
United States5 Posts
On April 24 2012 20:23 monkybone wrote: Drops doing damage is a bonus. The use of drops is to force Zerg out of position and hinder his multitasking. If a zerg is busy somewhere else the chances are higher for a drop to do damage. A Zerg who only has to focus on your main army is much more dangerous. Use drops in combination with attacks. Drops can do damage, but then only if the Zerg expansions are wide spread. But this doesn't mean you shouldn't drop his main. When there are mutalisks you should mainly drop while attacking at the same time, or doing double drops. On April 24 2012 23:45 TAAF wrote: What helps is getting a lot of medivacs. You can save so much of your army with them, especially early game. I like to stay aggressive and don't let the zerg breath. Scout for hive and tech choice on hive. Drop a lot! Really important, especially late game (All hive units are not really good against drops). And remember: A zerg with many units early game does not have a lot of drones, so you technically did damage already. Thanks for the help guys. Scouting for tech, focusing on creep and how important it is for Zerg, and dropping/using drops to catch my opponent out of position while improving my own position. Going to take these ideas and hit the ladder hard. | ||
United States539 Posts
On April 25 2012 01:08 wayoutwest wrote: does anyone know where I can find some maps to train for micro against various units/builds? The ones I have found on this forum are hosted on megaupload, which, you haven't visited recently, has a nice new splash screen courtesy of the US DOJ. I specifically am interested in getting better at kiting and mixing in Ghosts verse Protoss. Darleign's micro trainer. Deathball "challenge" does MMMGV vs. protoss deathball. | ||
United States539 Posts
On April 24 2012 14:24 TerranHimself wrote: Anyone have any tips on approaching TvZ. I have 0 confidence facing Zerg. I always feel too "afraid" to move out because my army usually gets steamrolled by ling/b-ling. Are there ways to tell if I can either move out to do some damage or sit back and "play it safe." Are there any Terran players who feel that can do anything against Zerg, because that is how I feel against Protoss and I am at a loss at how to approach TvZ with confidence and the ability to dictate how the game will go. Thanks for any help. Green Tea AI 1.18 has some suprisingly decent zerg AI for ling/bling/muta. Pick the 3-base muta AI (araq or something like that is his name). It will teach you some care with microing your army vs. blings, such as target firing banes with tanks, splitting, and using caution while moving, and dealing with backstabs while you're forward. Once you can beat that AI consistently, banes on ladder wont seem nearly as scary. This all assumes you aren't diamond/masters. ![]() | ||
United States897 Posts
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Sweden2766 Posts
On April 24 2012 06:22 stichtom wrote: It's very hard to find replay of these 2... ![]() http://drop.sc/players/EU/172010/ESCGoOdy http://drop.sc/players/EU/2374146/VPBenQlTuruk not that hard at all ^^ | ||
Canada620 Posts
On April 25 2012 08:11 PinheadXXXXXX wrote: Has anyone started to encounter a new type of protoss allin on ladder? It seems to hit at roughly the same time as a 3gate robo, and it could be described as a 3gate void ray allin, I guess. It tends to have a large number of zealots, and a void ray or two with the push. The difficult think with dealing with this is that Toss can use the void ray to destroy lots of buildings with it charged up, and it can be used to do a high ground warp in. It also makes you split up your units a lot. Also, sometimes the stargate is proxied, so you can't scout it. Does anyone have advice on how to deal with this allin, especially from a 1rax expand? Thank you in advance. Use your first couple of marines to scout around looking for it, I do that in pretty much every TvP and usually catch it going up. If the toss has double gas really early (1base) then be exact sure to scout if he expands or not at around 6 minutes. Your marines only ever need to get back to your bunker by the time he gets a stalker out (and your scout will see it, or see the cyber+gateway, then leave). If you lose to it, just see where he proxied it and scout there next time if you happen to miss it initially. | ||
226 Posts
http://drop.sc/166365 http://drop.sc/166364 http://drop.sc/166363 | ||
United States16 Posts
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Taiwan1571 Posts
On April 25 2012 14:25 sinisterrtheory wrote: I can't win and TvP games, how the hell do you stop 4 gate, 3 gate robo after expand and such, it seems bunkers arent even good anymore and i waste so much mining time trying not to die but getting behhind anyway cause protoss can warp into my natural choke and sit in their base and get collussus and such, idk how to hold early presssure and get medivacs fast. the so called safe builds arent so safe. Replays..other than that 1 rax gasless FE into 4 rax before gas usually holds off any pressure without pressure...dont be afraid to pull all the scvs at your nat - you have 2 bases, thats 2 mules. Hes still on one base. | ||
United States16 Posts
http://drop.sc/166424 http://drop.sc/166425 http://drop.sc/166426 http://drop.sc/166427 my only success, against a random player http://drop.sc/166428 any criticism on my macro or comment would be appreciated and to help me hold off early pressure which is most of my problems on NA ladder against toss these days | ||
Sweden88 Posts
Long story short. Me and my friend played a bunch of games togheter, all of which I lost. This game in particular caught my interest because of the fact that I for my level (plat) played good (atleast to myself) and managed to both drop sucessfully, split my army and snipe his third, and have ok:ish macro. What I tried to do here was the Lastshadow 6 rax opener, which I think was somewhat sucessfull. Can you help me point out some of the biggest flaws Im making with this build? What first comes to mind is that the attack came to late, which resulted in him being able to tech up sucessfully, which is what this build relies on. My primary problem in this particular match (but also my play as a whole) was my lack of upgrades. This is something I very often tend to forget, and Im working on it as well as I can. I usually don't tend to delay CS and other basic upgrades as long as I did though. That was completley dumb from my part in this game. Too few medivacs. I only made a couple of them, and I know that you really need them to survive versus Zelot heavy compositions. I didn't scout his third untill it was too late, and I think I need to be way more active on the map to spot this. Now he had the time to mine there for quite a bit, and that I sniped it didnt help as much as It would've if I had better scouting and I had seen it earlier. Now it brought him enough income to get the units he needed before I sniped it. Replay: http://drop.sc/166509 No need to watch beyond 25 min. Thats just me "discussing" things in swedish. | ||
United Kingdom774 Posts
You could have done a lot better with your reinforcements, your barracks were often not producing. Don't worry about queuing units up, it's not like you were going to spend the money on anything else while you were microing your army. Just make sure all 6 rax are producing. Lower your depot so the reinforcement route is faster. Bring the last 2 marines also. I think the bunkers were a bad choice, if you use them be more aggressive, this isn't a slow push, it's a quick attack to catch your opponent off guard. The first bunker was way too far out. When you finally get 1 bunker up your units all die trying to get to it. I think you were pretty unfortunate that your scan missed the extra 5 gateways he put down very soon after, if you had seen those you might not have attacked at all, although I suspect you could have got a fair trade if you kept the attack to a very quick poke. But you do really well with mutli-pronged attacks and set yourself up for a big advantage. But for some inexplicable reason you completely ignore upgrades, even though he is very kind and doesn't attack you, giving you plenty of time to get your own 3/3. Get an armoury and double ebay and you would have been in an unstoppable position. You EMP his whole army, but for no gain, you aren't going to engage, so he just gets all his sheilds back so your EMPs are mostly a waste. Then you let him kill your army while it is split in two parts. Run away and meet up with the rest of your army before you engage. | ||
Sweden6 Posts
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Germany7 Posts
I have a big Problem in my TvZ. Im playing Diamond Terran. I am always loosing against Zerg if I'm going standard marine tank medivac. I'm really struggling against everything. I dont know really when i should attack the zerg or something like that. Shall i post i a Replay of mine? When are the timings for Terran to attack? | ||
United States4262 Posts
On April 26 2012 04:59 NoN.Alrac wrote: Hey TL Community. I never wrote something here, so i hope i dont break a rule or so. I have a big Problem in my TvZ. Im playing Diamond Terran. I am always loosing against Zerg if I'm going standard marine tank medivac. I'm really struggling against everything. I dont know really when i should attack the zerg or something like that. Shall i post i a Replay of mine? When are the timings for Terran to attack? There are no specific timings. You are looking for something that doesn't exist. The timings themselves revolve around what build you are running, and what the zerg is doing. You all seem so afraid of attacking zergs, when they aren't that strong in straight up engagements early, beyond roach baneing. Yes, you need to post replays. Marine tank medic loses to zerg when you 1) don't siege hop. 2) get caught unsieged. 3) dont split marines. 4)try to play a 'macro game' and never attack until 15+ minutes. 5)'constant dropping' that does nothing but put you behind if you don't do it right. 6) don't stay on even upgrades and get at least +1 for tanks. There are a plethora of reasons why MMT loses to zergs. | ||
Australia334 Posts
What is the standard TvZ build against ling infestor these days? | ||
5 Posts
I have recently changed from the Protoss(diamond) to Terran and need a lite bit help With Build orders. i have Search on the forum on Guides and Found Drewbie's Terran guide and i wonder if it's outdated or if you still can Do does builds, or if you guys got any better builds for me to do in all match ups. i really like going Bio-army and Banshe. but i found that's it is hard to do against Zerg and terran. Sry for my bad English EDIT# sry for got to post Drewbie guide : http://www.complexitygaming.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4456 i hope it's ok to link if not plz remove | ||
United States25550 Posts
On April 26 2012 19:07 thepeonwhocould wrote: I am a bit lost in TvZ at the moment (Diamond). I am having trouble with players who go mass ling into infestor. Any early push seems to get crushed by pure mass zergling. What is the standard TvZ build against ling infestor these days? If you're feeling like going all in, the zerg is a little vulnerable before infestors are out if you stick to bio + hellions. Personally, I have the most success against ling/infestor when I go for marines with quick upgrades and medivacs (delaying tanks). I have trouble determining when this is the right move, however, because doing this makes you vulnerable to early hatch tech aggression. Typically if I see 2 Evo chambers, I feel comfortable doing this. On April 26 2012 19:28 FaRMor wrote: Hey Memberes of Teamliquid I have recently changed from the Protoss(diamond) to Terran and need a lite bit help With Build orders. i have Search on the forum on Guides and Found Drewbie's Terran guide and i wonder if it's outdated or if you still can Do does builds, or if you guys got any better builds for me to do in all match ups. i really like going Bio-army. but i found that's it is hard to do against Zerg and terran. Sry for my bad English I haven't read Drewbie's guide, but the basics of each match up build order wise are: TvP: 1 rax gasless fast expand, add on 2 more rax, take a double gas in your main, get stimpack and addons for your rax, then get a starport (and an engineering bay for upgrades), taking third gas, then fourth base. Against a 1 gate FE you're typically able to move out once you have your medivacs. A large bio core is important, supplement with ghosts and vikings to counter HTs and Colossi. TvT: Expand (1 rax reaper, 1 rax gasless are common) then get up to 3 rax, go for combat shields first, then stim, and quickly get medivacs and tanks. Secure many bases. If your opponent goes hellion/tank, you'll need to mix in marauders. A large bio core is important, supplement with tanks to deal with tanks. TvZ: reactor hellion expand is considered standard here, but you'll see people open with 1 rax FEs and reaper FEs, which will be stronger on maps where hellions can't get all up in a zerg's business easily. A large bio core is important, and supplement with tanks to fight against banelings and infestors, vikings to fight broodlords. | ||
Sweden23 Posts
But it's not working at all in TvT. TvT used to be my best matchup but if I 1 rax FE in TvT I just get steamrolled. I have to revert back to the 111 and win the tank/viking war to be successful in TvT. And tank/viking battles take SO LONG! I can't be bothered to play a 30 minute game every time I run into another terran. So what should I do in TvT? Sometimes I just 2 or 3 proxy rax cheese rush (one base all in) to get it over with but that's no fun. I'm generally a macro player with not very high APM. I like MMM. I almost never get ghosts. I'm in silver. My SC2 time is 95% watching games and 5% actually playing so I think I'm quite knowledgeable but not very skilled if you know what I mean. | ||
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