Server: NA Server TL ID: densha B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: TomServo.671 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/265613/1/TomServo/ Other: I play high diamond and VERY low master level players on ladder. I can play between 1am and 5am EST wed through sunday, and from 5pm to 5am on monday and tuesday. My race is Zerg.
What I'm looking for: Practice partners of all races willing to play a wide variety of games. From fun practice matches to playing specific builds over and over (i.e. you bunker rush me 100 times in a row then I'll high econ baneling you 100 times in a row, etc). Criticism and ideas and discussion welcome. I also would like to practice with people who don't mind giving room to breathe - sometimes you just want to focus on ladder and not "practice", etc. Most of the time, though, I can't see myself declining an invite for practice.
Message me any time in game, add me as a friend, etc.
Server: Europe TL ID: Cfour B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Ctwo.200 ProfileURL: url not working right now Other: Silver Zerg player looking for a practice buddy.
Server: NA Server TL ID: proxY_ B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Xinfinite.346 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/409816/1/Xinfinite/ Other: I'm mid to high diamond trying to crack that last hurdle into masters. I play zerg and I'm up for practicing any race or strat. Feel free to message me whenever.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Seaz B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: LiYon.637 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/fr/profile/1580194/1/LiYon/ Other: I'm a low-mid diamond zerg on the server Europe. I'm looking for training partners of any race, who are at least high platinum. I'm a nice guy , so feel free to message me ingame or send me a pm.
Server: US TL ID: BigJ B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: BigJ.488 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2353384/1/BigJ/
rank 3 bronze protoss player looking to move up to silver an beyond and also thinking of dabbling in Terran a little bit. im on most weekdays after 4pm EST until 10-11pm EST and on weekends im on all hours of the day an night so just add me in game im always down to practice
Server: US TL ID: Tosog B.Net ID: Tosog.385 Profile URL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1992915/1/Tosog/ Other: Terran player. I'm Low-Mid Diamond(I can beat high diamond players with ease though). I'm down to practice against any race any strat/build. I have not played enough games yet to accommodate against each and every build so...yeah I want to I expect my partner to tell me each and everything I did wrong(well, from what you noticed). I feel criticism coming from a 3rd party will be more significant than analyzing it by myself. I can do the same to you if you want.
Server: US Server TL ID:Chinesewonder B.Net ID : IeatChicken.289 Profile URL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2338279/1/IeatChicken/ Other: Looking for platinum for Diamond Zerg or terran players to practice. I really need to work on my ZvZ and maybe some ZvT. also my name is not Leatchicken its ieatchicken.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Panasea B.Net ID. IDENTIFYER: Panasea .290 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/en/maintenance/ (Dont work) Other: I am a rank 2, silver player looking to get a practicepartner to help my 1v1 game, and to just have fun trying out stuff and strategies. I am 26 years old, and dont have that much experience in SCII, but I try to stay updated on news from gsl. My main race is terran BTW.
I cant see any of the practice partners in this thread, when i click show spoiler, theres nothing there.
Server: EU TL ID: Shinsoku B.Net ID: Shinsoku.344 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/420763/1/Shinsoku/ (not working right now, nothing new :D ) Other: I am a RTS starter (more or less) with SC2, in bronze league and playing Zerg with a little tendency to Protoss and maybe even playing Random. I am looking for people, who will help me with getting better and having fun, doesn't matter which league.
On March 28 2011 21:19 mousez wrote: I cant see any of the practice partners in this thread, when i click show spoiler, theres nothing there. Neither am I.
Server: US TL ID: Shekhinah B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Shekhinah.810 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2718606/1/Shekhinah/ Other: I also have a European account under the same b.net name above. I'm looking for practice in all matchups (esp with economic builds going into mid-game). I will happily offer practice against various zerg openings. I prefer very aggressive openings like 7 Roach Rush, 3 Roach + mass speedlings rush and Speedling/Baneling Busts. So if you need practice against those, I'm your guy.
Server: EU TL ID: Shekhinah B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Shekhinah.810 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/351112/1/Shekhinah/ Other: I also have a North American account under the same b.net name above. I'm looking for practice in all matchups (esp with economic builds going into mid-game). I will happily offer practice against various zerg openings. I prefer very aggressive openings like 7 Roach Rush, 3 Roach + mass speedlings rush and Speedling/Baneling Busts. So if you need practice against those, I'm your guy.
Total noob. No pratice really, just against AI. Any real noobs out there who want to practise together? Maybe a couple of nights a week? Need to improve sooooooo much. Love the game. Hope to hear from you