Server: EU server TL ID: syD B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: syD.154 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/822170/1/syD/ Other: Gold Protoss player thinking of switching to Random, looking for long-term practice partners who play fairly regularly, both for 1v1 practice and team games. Skype available.
Server: NA Server TL ID: hindrichs BNet ID: hindrichs.793 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2702215/1/Hindrichs/ Other: Placement player more than likely will be startig in bronze. I am looking for a practice partner, as I have just bought the game about a week ago. I need to work on basic mechanics/hot keys/plus starting build. I am thinking on playing Protoss or Teran. I will be purchasing a mic and webcam. You can msg me ingame or yahoo msgr: jeezaderon (make sure you put that you are from SC2 when you add me as friend)
Server: EU Server TL ID: brottarbralla B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: MrCheese.608 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1890482/1/MrCheese/ Other: Bronzeplayer looking for practisepartner. I try to play as much as I can, but got a irregular work schedule. Open for 2on2. Got a mic, speaks english. Oh, and I hate cheese..
Edit: Plays as protoss.
United States5 Posts
Server: US TL ID: zukka B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: zukka.578 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1278283/1/Zukka/ Other: Terran player with decent fundamentals, but I feel like I still have a lot to work on. Compounding that problem is that I absolutely detest 1v1, which is the best way to get better (it gets so damn stressful!). All in all, I just want to improve my mechanics to get to platinum 1s at least. Am on very often.
Also, would always be down for 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 partners.
Server: US Server TL ID: purpledrank B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: PurpleDrank.801 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2446650/1/PurpleDrank/ Other: Rank 8 bronze, with success against most silvers, and some golds. Looking to practice against any race. I have a pretty decent knowledge of game mechanics, and am looking for someone around the same pace. Will practice endlessly if I can. On Pacific Standard time, available from 3pm to 11pm, Mon - Fri. And available on weekends whenever. I have mic.
Server: US server TL ID: Trepanation B.net ID: WhiteWolf.355 Profile URL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/608080/1/WhiteWolf/ Race: Protoss League: Diamond Other: I need a mid to high diamond or low to mid masters of any race to get practice in. Try to have skype also so we can go over builds and replays check how to improve our play.
Server: US server TL ID: Axel5Lopez B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: AxelAxis.764 ProfileURL:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1519834/1/AxelAxis/ Other: Gold Protoss on the verge of being promoted to Platinum. Need zerg and terran platinum practice partners so i can refine my builds. Especially terran because my pvt is bad.
Server: US server TL ID: JohnGalt B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: JohnGalt.767 ProfileURL:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1519834/1/AxelAxis/http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2396360/1/JohnGalt/ League: Plat Im protoss plat looking for terran or zerg practice partners. Message me on BNet, I play every day for close to three hours.
Server: US TL ID: EZSkull B.Net ID: EZskull.696 Profile: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2570565/1/EZskull/ Other: Diamond Zerg player willing to help whomever or practice with whomever. Also would be down for team games as well. Have skype as well to communicate. On most of the time after 1800 EST almost every day.
Server: US TL ID: daGGothMU B.Net ID: daGGothMU.127 Profile: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/722628/1/daGGothMU/ Other: I will coach any Bronze-Platinum Zerg player on my stream. All i ask, is you have a microphone and can either conatct me via TeamSpeak 3 (I own my own TS3 server) or Skype. I Prefer TS3. Just message me in game, or PM me here. Thanks!!! GLHF
Server: US TL ID: Belial88 B.Net ID: Belial.869 Profile: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1584798/1/Belial/ Other: Platinum Random who is trying to pick a race. I think Protoss is too easy and just isn't fun (i'd easily be diamond+ but I don't enjoy playing them, although I do like winning) I like Terran, and might pick them. I like Zerg, and I think I'm going to pick them but my win rate against protoss is literally 0%. You think I'm kidding but I'm not. I really need help vs Protoss. I can't ever win against them. Ever. Except against 4 gate, when I know it's coming.
Server: US server TL ID: midright B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: midright.215 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2655602/1/midright/ Other: Silver Terran looking to improve mechanics in general (constant production, not being supply blocked, etc). I have a mic, but my laptop is pretty terrible, so sc2 pretty hogs all the cpu. I'm mainly looking for 1v1s, but am down for team games as well.