Server: US Server TL ID: Rawr.Zeta B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: zEtA.293 Rating: 180 League: Silver Rank: 7 Race: Terran Other: I played Protoss in the beta and I wanted to switch because I like the feel more (I was platinum in the beta). Just trying to work on steaming out some build orders! Feel free to PM me on TL!
Server: US Server TL ID: Winks B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER:: Wink.632 League: low Diamond Race: Terran Other: Looking for anyone to play some 1v1's with to warm back up to my old skills that I feel I've forgotten in the down time since phase 2. I like to have consistent people to play against to discuss games/strategies and learn with. Don't hesitate to add me!
Server: EU TL ID: Daimai B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Daimai.551 Rating: 300~ League: High Gold/Low Platinum Rank: 7 (Gold atm) Race: Protoss Other: Looking for any kind of practice partner, preferably someone a bit better than me, so I could get advice on how to improve my gameplay.
Server: US TL ID: shawster Rating: 0 , just finished placement League: Platinum Rank: 30 Race: Zerg Other: was diamond last phase and in phase1. looking for p and t partners, add me and we can play some games
Server: US TL ID: Attris B.net ID.Identifier: lsRslAttris.310 League: Diamond Race: Zerg Other: Played P during phase 1 & 2. Just look for regular practice partners. ZvT seems to be my weakest right now.
Server:NA (US/CAN lol) TL ID:Stretsful B.net ID.Identifier: Tera 630 League: Bronze Race: Need help deciding so random for now. Other: Was a D+/D in iccup but my skills have left me
Server: US Server TL ID: SaLT B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: SaLT.117 Rating: 143 League: gold Rank: 30 Race: Protoss Other: I play, a lot. Lets play.
Server: US Server TL ID: Corhellion B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER:: Corhellion.490 League: Bronze Race: Random Other: Utter and complete noob. I *was* good back in the days of pre-Broodwar Starcraft and before the S.Korean scene invaded the US servers. Now I do next to nothing except watch the various livecasts, VoDs and play against the Comps. But with SC2 out now, I WANT to play multiplayer again, I don't care how low of a rank I am, I'm here to play a game and have fun.
Server: US TL ID: TheLorax B Net Email: huberleet@gmail.com Rating: ? League: Diamond Rank: 5 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for any and all races to seriously mass game with. top 10 diamond rank or at that skill level only.
Server:US TL ID:Rakasha B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER:Rakasha.856 League: Gold Rank: 20 Race: Zerg Other: Looking to play a lot of game and talk about strat how to beat them. Hit me up anytime.
Server:US TL ID: Terrifyer Bnet ID: Terrifyer Identifier 224 Bnet email: Setra002@umn.edu League: Platinum rank 80 (just placement) Race: Terran/Zerg Other: Looking for practice partner, Just started playing terran. My zerg is mid/high diamond level, so if someone would like to practice against z or t message me!
Server: US Server TL ID: miyaviteddy B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: MyvTeddy.245 Rating: none League: none Rank: none Race: Zerg Other: I haven't played SC2 for a while and I just need some practise with a few good buddies and whatnot
my id is still CeliOus.865, if anyone wants to do some customs hit me up Terran, Diamond
On July 28 2010 08:56 acceL.sik wrote: reset this shit for retail imo.
Hell, its about time!
Server: US Server TL ID: badugi B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: badugi.998 Rating None Leaague non Rank none Race: protoss Other: I'm really new need to know timing and BO. Just some practice buddies have fun and mature thanks!
Server: US Server TL ID: RealChemist B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: RealChemist, 702 Rating: none League: none Rank: none Race: Zerg Other: Played a little RTS in the past but no starcraft. Just trying to get my zerg micro down
Server: US Server TL ID: RealChemist B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: RealChemist, 702 Rating: none League: none Rank: none Race: Protoss Other: Protoss seems the easiest for me so far. Just looking for some friendly matches
Server: eu server TL ID: armouredcore B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: squiddygamer 727 Rating: League: Rank: Race: Terran Other: new to the game, looking for some fun matches so i can get better
Server: US Server TL ID: EscapingJail B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: EscapingJail.860 Rating: Just out of placement League: Platnum (Was Diamond in the Beta) Rank: 66 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for any race practice partners, I'm very friendly and want help from people of similar or higher skill so we can level up and get better. Feel free to contact me. Someone with vent/skype preferred.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Polarn B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Polarn.945 Rating: 0, haven't done any matches yet League: Gold Rank: 0 Race: Protoss Other: I've been plat tru all phases, switching from T to P. Looking for a trainer partner, friendly matches or serious practicing. If you're silver that's fine.