Disclaimer: This build has been tested from the early alpha stages on throughout up until the Blizzcon 2009 build. So far the build has been found valid for every SC2 version, with minor adaptations of course.
This build was not tested too much in the current beta though, so it might be not at all viable (Flame me then in this thread).
Update: The new macro mechanics and changes to units greatly reduce the effectiveness of this build. In needs a new follow-up to repel the now stronger Protoss counter attack.
Update 2: The reactor nerf pretty much killed this build. RiP.
This build originated when there was no Orbital command yet in SC2. As the OC seems to be critical for Terran now I encourage you to make suggestions on how to incorporate it into the build most effectively.
Purpose of the Zatic opening
The opening can be roughly compared to the FD in BW. The main goal of this build is to get an expansion up by pushing the Protoss back, not to kill the opponent. The build is still strong enough to punish greedy Protoss and can cause damage and set the Protoss back if they are caught off guard.
Basic BO
9 Supply at Choke
10/11 Raxx at Choke, place carefully (addon needs to fit)
11 Gas
1 Marine, kill Scout
~14 Raxx
Supply either completing wall, or:
@50 Gas, build tech lab addon completing Wall
Take 1 SCV off gas
Reactor addon as soon as 2nd raxx finishes
Take 1 SCV off gas
Constant Marauders from 1st Raxx, constant Marines from 2nd. With 3 Marauders, 5-7 Marines and 2 SCV, go.
You will have 400 minerals about half way into the map, make sure to put that CC down quickly.
Engaging the Protoss
1. There are a number of differences considering micro that you will need to get used to in SC2. First, take care of your SCV! Unlike in BW, SCV in front will get autotargetted by the AI very quickly and they will in fact die first. You want to keep them though to make a bunker if the opportunity is there.
2. Beware of probes! You ranged units, especially the marauders, get murdered surprisingly easy by pulled probes. Don't get yourself trapped in a corner in the opponents base, the worker auto surround AI is very good and you won't be able to move in seconds when surrounded by probes.
3. Targetting: Pretty comparable to BW. If you face zealots / stalker, dodge the zealots and target the stalkers. There is a lot you can do additionally with your marauders, like individually target zealots to slow them down, then resume fire on stalkers. This just needs practice.
Pulling back
Again, this build is supposed to get your expansion up. Do not over commit! If you see a 2 or even 3 gate opening, pull back once you reached the P base. Against 3 gate get a bunker at your new natural as well. You only have to survive and you will have the game.
Against a hard teching protoss this opening is the most effective. You should be able to break the ramp easily against 1 gate openings and the attack will hit before any of the tech of protoss is available. Try to do as much damage as possible, but pull back again once they pull probes.
Use an SCV to build a bunker at their natural and put your remaining units in there.
Against a fast nexus, try to get that bunker up! Again, priority number 1 is not to lose your SCV, so keep them in the back when engaging.
The main goal of this build is to get your expansion up and to get ahead in economy. Once you have your expansion, the build can transition into almost any tech path you want to chose. Just make sure you get your detection up quickly after you expansion against a teching protoss and get the orbital command as soon as possible after.
My personal favorite is the mass marauder with ghost and EMP followup, since you have the 2 barracks already. Obviously this depends on the opponents choice but against a pure ground army in the early midgame this is a deadly combination.
This build has been reported to be deadly against top foreign BW players as well as Korean progamers. Most recently FrozenArbiter beat our own Liquid`Nazgul in the SC2 Beta using this build.
Watch Artosis rape Savior at Blizzcon using the Zatic build: