Umberby Fatam 144x144 Published on All Servers Version 1.3 old: + Show Spoiler +Overview:+ Show Spoiler +Analyzer:+ Show Spoiler +Aesthetics:+ Show Spoiler +Hey all. First published map in ~2 years woo The map has some very open areas but also plenty of chokes. There's very little airspace and deadspace, but lots of "horizontal" lines and cliffs should make airplay still viable. The large ramps leading to the backdoor base have 2 normal rocks, killing either of them opens a 1FF opening in the ramp. Once you've killed both you have a 3FF ramp. I wanted to have a backdoor base / backdoor to the main that was less cheese-prone than what we have seen thus far in SC2, and rocks that actually benefit the defender to break later in the game. Hope you guys like it, cheers
Very interesting. Curious to see how it might play out. I do like the way you did the back door base. Lots of 1x ramps.
I like this map quite a bit. Think it's a bit deceptive in how it will play out. The number of potential expansion patterns is intriguing.
your Country52796 Posts
This is actually really cool. I want to see 4 base vs 4 base in particular.
I think there are 4 or 5 realistic patterns you could expect to see in different matchups when you go up to 4 bases. Probably a few more if it went to 5.
Wish I had more time to make the aesthetics even remotely as good as some people's aesthetics but have to move on and finish my other maps.
See now this more looks like a map that should be called "Mossfire" :D
I initially rated the map 9/10. But then I discovered the backdoor and that one really makes the map quite a bit worse. Please consider removing it.
Probably not the most annoying backdoor rocks, but why have them in the first place ? What do they bring to the map ? I don't understand why every map nowadays seems to need a backdoor to be "original" and "bring map specific strategies".
IMO those middle bases should be gold, they just look way 2 vulnerable
Russian Federation421 Posts
On June 24 2015 23:28 [PkF] Wire wrote: Probably not the most annoying backdoor rocks, but why have them in the first place ? What do they bring to the map ? I don't understand why every map nowadays seems to need a backdoor to be "original" and "bring map specific strategies".
This map actually has backdoor rocks to give options for third base and it doesn't allow rushes as you need to break 2 piles of rocks. I don't see any reasons to hate maps just because of some features disregarding what purpose they serve.
Backdoor doesn't have to be bad, if you make it so early cheeses aren't stupidly strong (and also it's nice when there is some incentive for the defender to kill the rocks, not just the attacker). There is a rather blind hatred for them these days so the last few maps I've made haven't had them. People are basically like "oh there's a backdoor ok map is trash, next".
Aotearoa39261 Posts
This is actually a really cool map. Well done!
How many creep tumors from natural to third?
Why did I know this would be taken the wrong way. I'm not blindly hating on some feature just because. I don't mind backdoors.. hell I don't even mind cliffs over the natural if done right. It's simply that I think the map would have a much nicer pathing if the option didn't exist to move through the back of the main. The map could be much tighter if it didn't have all these extra options for expanding / attacking / defending with the backdoor thing going on.
I think this would be the first Odd-Eye esque 2p mirror map that I really like, better than Odd-Eye itself. Seriously without backdoor 9/10, with backdoor it's down to 6/10 for me.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
I like the backdoor. I think its necessary to encourage people to take the isolated base. If you cut that there's so little incentive to take that base (vs other bases on the map) that it really upsets the expansion flow.
your Country52796 Posts
On June 25 2015 10:04 Plexa wrote: I like the backdoor. I think its necessary to encourage people to take the isolated base. If you cut that there's so little incentive to take that base (vs other bases on the map) that it really upsets the expansion flow. Looks to me like that defending that base will be pretty awkward with or without the backdoor due to how it's set up. I can't really see anyone sending a group of units through the main base (being partially blocked by buildings, since there isn't a lot of room elsewhere), moving down the 1x ramp and sharply turning to engage whatever's attacking the base. The backdoor looks like it might be a bit more useful in attacking if that base is otherwise ignored.
Looks to me like that defending that base will be pretty awkward with or without the backdoor due to how it's set up. I can't really see anyone sending a group of units through the main base (being partially blocked by buildings, since there isn't a lot of room elsewhere), moving down the 1x ramp and sharply turning to engage whatever's attacking the base. The backdoor looks like it might be a bit more useful in attacking if that base is otherwise ignored.
Well one such map is about to get plenty of play (moonlight madness) so I guess we'll see if becomes annoying or something that is manageable. I think the main is not quite so cramped that you can't have buildings to the sides and have a reasonably open path through the middle. But maybe it could be improved some.. pushing the nat towards the normal 3rd a little and increasing the main size in its wake could help alleviate that a bit without messing anything else up too badly. Also addresses plexa's tumor concern.
@ ragoo that's cool if you don't like a backdoor for legit reasons. The "blind hatred" comment was mainly @ the majority of players out there (or at least, the vocal ones ). I'm sure you all saw reddit when TLMC was going on, all the posts were "oh that map has a backdoor, I'm insta-vetoing that!" ..it's unreasonable but probably PTSD from blistering sands and expedition lost. They've never seen a backdoor that isn't abuseable so they think it can't be done. (Of course, I am somewhat on their side in that it was ridiculous that most of the maps chosen had backdoors. Variety is good.)
On June 25 2015 10:04 Plexa wrote: I like the backdoor. I think its necessary to encourage people to take the isolated base. If you cut that there's so little incentive to take that base (vs other bases on the map) that it really upsets the expansion flow.
I don't see it. I mean obviously the backdoor base would never be a third, but I don't care. As a fourth option I think it's totally viable. The fourth on top and bot would be rather different. The top one quite open, on lowground and closer to the third and where the armies could be. The bottom one on highground behind smaller chokes and farther away. And also if you want to avoid direct confrontation you would try to expand away from your opponent anyway so someone will inevitably take the bottom base, whether it's as good without the backdoor or not. It's a very similar concept to Odd-Eye as I said. Both players have standard three base and then asymmetrical options for the fourth from there. The bottom base could be gold for extra incentive if you like~
Meant to update this a couple weeks ago but forgot about it.
Nat was shoved towards the 3rd and the main gained a good bit of room behind it. Distance from nat town hall to 3rd town hall is now ~33, compare that to a standard-ish map Echo which is sitting at ~37, so it is definitely not too far now.
A couple other tiny tweaks but that was the main thing.
can't edit OP anymore but new version of this that I'm submitting to TLMC7 (standard macro category). Published as 2.0.
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This might be my only map ever with no XNTs or rocks :-O