![[image loading]](http://abload.de/img/crus600m7pnq.png)
160 x 160
16 regular bases
4 gold bases
1v1, FFA
EU | NA | KR
Inspired by Whirlwind, Antiga Shipyard and Entombed Valley.
Obligatory disclaimer in case you haven't read the W-sym thread: This map is an axially symmetric four player map, except that one spawn is inverted, so each of the 6 spawning pattern plays out slightly different, yadda yadda yadda. Seriously, read the linked thread if this concept is new to you. Also, if you have any comments/opinions about W-sym in general rather than its execution on this particular map, or suggestions for major design changes that are unrealistic to be made at this stage, e.g. anything that would alter the overall layout, please post them in the W-sym thread.
So what has changed since the last WIP version I posted a few weeks ago? Not a whole lot really. I've added LOS blockers at the bottom of the natural ramps and at the central unpathable area from which I have also carved out a little space for proxy buildings (a pylon plus two 3x3 buildings fit in each pocket) and maybe some small unit tactics (ghosts/HT). I hope to encourage double worker scouting with this but the area may get filled again in a future version since it may just be an annoyance. Also, the ramp to the backdoor third has been widened and some of the unpathable areas have been enlarged.
![[image loading]](http://abload.de/img/cruswanawpy5s.png)
Nat-to-nat distances are 39, 44, 44, 48, 54 and 57 seconds. The 39 seconds (NE vs SE) are somewhat short and the respective main-to-main distance is only 51 seconds, which also means that the main-to-nat distance is 45 seconds if you know maths. I have gone to considerable lengths to make this less of an issue (watchtower placement, choke close to natural base plus forward ramp, backdoor third away from opponent, and now also an overlord spot right in front of the natural ramp) but if this map turns out to be unplayable in close spawns anyway (which I really, really don't expect) then the backup plan is to move the backdoor rocks to the ramp of the third instead which would then become an alternative natural, Prometheus-style. I hope this won't be necessary since the Prometheus main/nat/third setup isn't really suited for this map.
Here's an angled view of the main/nat/third area on Crusader:
![[image loading]](http://abload.de/img/terrain032flyrt.png)
As you can see, there hasn't been done much aesthetic work beyond basic texturing and a few rocks and trees, and the texturing of the main is rather lacklustre. Also, apparently my shadows disappear when zooming out past a certain point. I had planned to sprinkle some small irregular islets with trees and critters into the ocean and maybe add some unpathable terrain near the mains to make the cliff lines there look a little more organic, but quite honestly I don't have any more time to spend on this map if I want my other map to have any aesthetics at all in time for the TLMC. Also, this may be considered "excessive" use of water, and if that turns out to be the case then I'll simply replace the water with sandstorm-like fog, which of course would require a different approach. So while this is not a WIP map in terms of gameplay design, the aesthetics are very much Work In Progress and will be finalized sometime after the TLMC is over.
For shits and giggles, here are some pictures of previous iterations in chronologic order: + Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://abload.de/img/logcrus0okqiq.png)
![[image loading]](http://abload.de/img/logcrus1ltrr6.png)
![[image loading]](http://abload.de/img/logcrus2f7rj3.png)
![[image loading]](http://abload.de/img/logcrus3rgphl.png)
(Edit: Fixed the lighting and updated the overview picture.)