Published; NA, KR
Angled Overview:
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Basically a remix of one of my TLMC2 submissions. I wanted to further explore having an in-base 6m1hyg natural along with a double-wide main ramp. I attempted to solve some of the issues with the last map; the main bases have been made smaller to be more in line with a standard sized main. The middle of the map has been broken up a bit, and the 3rd and 4th bases have been brought slightly closer to the natural to facilitate an easier transition to 3 and 4 bases.
Suggested Wall-offs:
Please take note that the necessary wall off to the main ramp on this map is non-standard. Below I list two wall-offs that can be planted about 5 seconds before a 6-pool hits the top of the main ramp. Also note that the corners of Town Hall structures allow for unit pathing. This means you must build a structure flush along one edge of the town hall to prevent small units from slipping through (see below)
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