I tried to use the search function but it didn't bring any results.
Okay, I'm just trying to collect as many maps as I can which are symmetrically circular.
Here is a map I particularly like: + Show Spoiler +
Are there any similar stunning SC2 maps in circulation? Most of the SC2 maps I've come across aren't nearly as creative as the old Brood War maps. I'm looking for SC2 maps in particular.
Unfortunately you can't merge ramps like this anymore, and you can only use cardinal and diagonal directions. Among other things, the limits balance-wise on what you can do in an SC2 map (without severely departing from accepted standards) and a map culture so far that doesn't care for crazy maps means you won't see much of anything mind-blowing.
So, there are no SC2 maps available that are circularly symmetric? Really? This is a huge disappointment.
How circular symmetry different from rotational symmetry,
Well, most SC2 maps have an odd shape, they're not perfect rectangle, nor squares nor circular like BW maps.
I must admit that no BW map is perfectly circular, but I was hoping to find maps that contain, depict, hint, or are based within a circle. The picture I've given as a reference is a spiral, which hints towards a circular shape.
Pardon me if I coined a term incorrectly.
Is it possible to make an SC2 version of this particular map? I understand that the ramps will have to removed, so I assume that is the only feature SC2 map software is incapable of replicating?
If you're looking for circles, this map by Semmo has some circular-esque design with the mains and other areas: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=381144. It's really more of a trick, though, with creative use of doodads. Basically anything terrain-wise in SC2 is on a cardinal or 45-degree angle. Ramps for certain cannot be done like shown in that brood war map.
Why not ask Blizzard about the possible introduction of ramp merging? I know it's a long shot but it's always worth a try.
Looks quite good, wow that is really one of the better SC2 maps I've seen. I don't know why but I have a circle fetish.
There's also this map, Titanic Arena, that is based on a circular shape but isn't quite so "radial". Can't think of any other strongly "circular" maps I've seen in the forums, although there are lots of rotational maps that are vaguely circular.
I think OP just means rotationally symmetrical maps, of which there are quite a lot:
Nezarim crypt:
Calm before the storm:
Darkness Falls:
On November 22 2012 23:33 SiskosGoatee wrote: I think OP just means rotationally symmetrical maps, of which there are quite a lot:
Basically, most of the maps in this forum with the (4) tag are rotational.